This is why you don't trust what people write. I said I was biased when talking about my writing--that is, I think I am a good writer, so I am going to defend my work. It had nothing to do with games or game systems. Lordy lordy how you guys take one word and turn in into complete falsehoods! Tinfoil hats and made up conspiracies FTW ;)
I deliberately avoided direct comparisons as often as I could, because I don't do anyone any favors when I do that. The Wii version gets reviewed on its own merits. They are different games, on different systems. The story follows the same path, and 3/4 of the dialogue if not more is the same. However, this is not even close to a port. Some of the environments are the same, but they are designed completely differently, with some similarities like the Stay Puft fights, which look sort of the same but play differently.
If you ARE looking for things to directly compare, here is my take on why the Wii version is better:
1: The bosses are better. They are just as easy, but they are more creative and use the different weapons in more clever ways. The bosses on the 360/PS3 are cool, but they really don't vary much in terms of how you defeat them. The Wii version requires you to use more clever tactics.
2: The puzzles are much better. Almost every puzzle on 360/Wii require you to use the slime tether, and none of them require the stasis stream, which is a missed opportunity. On the Wii, the puzzles are better, and require you to make use of every proton pack mode.
3: The pace is better. There is less down time while you wait for dialog to trigger, and you don't spend nearly as much time reviving teammates or waiting for them to revive you. The downside is that the game is easier. The upside is that you get to spend more time playing, and less time waiting.
3: The controls add to the experience. The game isn't no No More Heroes, but the secret of the controls' success is similar: the game mixes regular old buttons with motion controls in a really pleasant and appealing way. You get to slam the ghosts around, but it isn't a wagglefest.
The other side:
1. No online multiplayer on the Wii. The co-op is cool, but the online play on PS3 and 360 is really really good.
2. It's shorter. But some of this has to do with the fact that there is less padding. Because it keeps you moving, it makes for a fresher experience, but it ends sooner, which sucks.
3. The art style isn't for everyone. I am not a big fan of the character models (especially Dan Aykroyd, who doesn't really look right), but the package comes together well visually, so it's easy to overlook it.
So if you needed something more comparative, those are a few thoughts to mull over. I can't wait to see the version that appears in another thread tomorrow. It's like that old game from grade school, where the original statement you whipser to the next person is something completely different by the time it reaches the last person.
I never actually said that you were biased with a specific system. I just wrote what I saw. Which in this case was you saying that you were bias and that we needed tinfoil hats.. lol Back on topic though, from what I gathered from your reply is that the Wii has lower standards when compared to the other current gen consoles. Which is fine by me, and actually would explain a whole lot.
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