Sorry if old.
there was a letter sent in concerning the left for dead situation. ill post the question and response.....
Concerned reader: "After the release of Left 4 Dead, Valve promised a steady release of new downloadable content for the game, much like they did for Team Fortress 2. However it hasnt even been a year since the release of Left 4 Dead and theyre already announcing a sequel? Weve hardly seen any of this promised DLC, so whats with the new full-priced game? Left 4 Dead 2 could easily be released as an expansin=on pack to the original. Its just a few changes to the director and some now weapons and zombies, so theres really no other reason that the new Left 4 Dead should even be a separate game. Im not the only one who thinks this- there is an entire community that has instigated a boycott of Left 4 Dead 2. I hope Valve does the right thing and downgrades to plans for a full retail release."
G.I.: "The "controversy" surrounding the announcement of Left 4 Dead 2is pathetic. Have you played the full game yet? Do you know exactly how the team is improving the mechanics? Do you know all about the weapons and enemies being added? No, you dont. Furthermore, without that information, you are wholly unqualified to make any judgments relating to the games scope quality and appropriate pricing. Heres a little tip: COmplaining about these things with no firsthand experience doesnt make you a gaming activist. It makes you a whiny entitled brat."
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