Let me start by adimtting up front, I have no idea what is going to happen, only thoughts, and some fears.
My problem with the Wii is based on Fear, not a logical deduction, I admit that.
I am concerned, because as the Wii gains popularity, game devlopers are shifting rescources to the Wii. This makes sense, it is an easier system to devlop for, and has a large market to sell your games to, thus increaeing profits. When you add in the fact that you can probably port your Wii game to the PS2, that is 100 million more potential customers, and no need for high def graphics or super involved stories. The problem is, those are exactly the kind of games I like to play.
I want games like Resistance, Lair, GeOW, GOW2, Kameo, MGS4, and Mass EEffect. I enjoyed LOZ:TP, but soon after, I sold my Wii. Why? Because I was able to sell LOZ and the Wii for a profit, and if and when more of the games that I like to play come out, I will get another one, because that will be in the distant future. (as an aside, I would like a crack at Paper Mario...)
I truly believe that Nintendo will bring the goods when it comes to games. My fear is that the third party games will be crap and because they (third party developers) will go in with the attitude than it must be simple for the casuals. This will be a double loss, because it will also prevent those same rescources from being spent on the devlopment of games that I like and want to play.
I am not convinced that this will happen. Perhaps the low attach rate for Wii sales is a predictor of things to come. Perhaps all these "casuals" bying Wii systems won't buy more games nd the disenchanted developers will go back to the hardcores. Or perhaps, even better, the casuals will begin to become more sophisticated in thier tastes, and new and inovative games will continue to come out. I just don't know.
I think of my DS as an example, though. The 1st party games are excellent, but otherwise...
Of course, I could be wrong. This is just my fear.
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