@farrell2k said:
@ConanTheStoner said:
@farrell2k said:
@b4x said:
@farrell2k: Tell me what 10-350 million civilians with guns could do?
You're just ONE horrible experience from being totally wrong in your opinion. Just one. That's all. One.
You're a statistic.
What 300,000,000 mostly untrained people with guns do? Sure, they could stand on the ground with their guns and be nice targets from the air...or sea. You are delusional and very mistaken if you think your guns would be and effective deterrent to a military as powerful and equipped as the U.S.
We're all statistics, genius...
...wow man. What would a nation gain by destroying infrastructure and murdering its citizens in bulk? I'm sorry, but this is a childish view on the situation.
A tyrannical government would seek to control and enslave, not mass murder millions of citizens with heavy artillery lol.
Before I even continue this ridiculous discussion, A couple things needs to be said. First, there are nowhere near 300,000,000 people with guns. Current ownership rates about 35% of homes. That other moron, b4x was the one who brought up the nonsensical idea of being able to defeat the government, if needed, with guns, which is clearly a stupid argument, not only because it would never happen, but also because it could never happen. Gun owners are outgunned 1000 to 1.. Now, if that ridiculous scenario that gun nuts constantly fear really were to happen, mortar rounds and missile strikes are what we use to neutralize insurgents. See: Every war we have been in since the late 1930s...
Protect against and try to defeat are two different beasts? I never said DEFEATE the US military. SMH
Americans lost in Wars since the beginning of Americas Birth as a nation. These men died so we can sit in here and have this discussion. Not all were killed by missile and mortar strikes. With most American deaths resulting from the American Civil War. To protect the rights of enslaved citizens, being enslaved by their own Government.
It's actually estimated between 30%-%50 of all house holds have guns. We can low ball it if you want?
There are enough guns in America for every living single person in America to own one, that can be tracked. The FBI alone estimates there are 200 million privately owned fire arms in the US.
The Romans at one point became content in their past victories as a Massive Super Power. Cutting back on military. Bringing into to much Government and liberal ideals. How did that work out for them?
I have a different stance on things. I know what was sacrificed and lost to allow me to type this today on this forum. I also know what force was used to get every freedom we have, and how easily it can be lost.
Bad guys will ALWAYS have guns. Good guys should have a fighting chance. The average response time of any police officer is 5-10 min. You're a dead man in that amount of time. They make it in time to clean up the aftermath.
You have your views I have mine.
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