@The_Stand_In said:
@tgob89 said:
I'm not, Im a gamer looking out for other gamers who might be mislead by dishonest users trying to promote a brand with misleading information.
Why are you so emotionally invested into defending bottom feeding liars?
Your objection is PATHETIC. You're no better than the dishonest scum who are trying to deceive people who are spreading this tripe.
I never said anything about hating xbox buddy get over yourself. This is a FALSE NARRATIVE that you're upset about me debunking GTFOH!
Where did I defend the game, not to mention these bottom feeding liars, as you call them? Quote me, I dare you. Oh wait, you can't because I did no such thing. What "pathetic" objection did I make?
You clearly put a lot of effort into a thread telling people people about bugs in a game that has been critically panned for.... bugs, among other things. Then you proceed to tell people what they should and shouldn't buy based on YOUR personal preferences.
Then you lash out like a rabid dog over a simple question with multiple paragraphs, across several posts, trying to prove to YOURSELF that you are right. THAT is what emotionally invested means.
As you you hating Xbox, well...your post history and other threads speak for themselves.
You yourself are just a liar.
I see why my post triggered you now....
@The_Stand_In said:
Where did I defend the game, not to mention these bottom feeding liars, as you call them? Quote me, I dare you. Oh wait, you can't because I did no such thing. What "pathetic" objection did I make?
you came into this thread and your first post was...
@The_Stand_In said:
The real question is..... why are you so emotionally invested in an Xbox game if you hate Xbox so much?
A complete deflection on the actual state of the game!
You went right in trying to attack me with accusations you've made up about some "hate" for xbox where there was NOTHING related to anything about the xbox itself in my post. All I did was shed light on the users trying to confuse others on the actual state of this game and you were enraged and came at at me swinging!
THAT is what was pathetic!
If your purpose was not to defend the state of the game or the dishonest people trying to promote this false experience...what was the purpose of you post, to put me on "hush" mode????
@The_Stand_In said:
You clearly put a lot of effort into a thread telling people people about bugs in a game that has been critically panned for.... bugs, among other things. Then you proceed to tell people what they should and shouldn't buy based on YOUR personal preferences.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand HERE we come to the part where you expose yourself as just another pathetic lying fanboy.
No wonder you came in here raging at me for debunking the accounts of people claiming to have no bugs, you took it as a personal attack because you yourself are the type.
So...I proceeded to tell people what they should and shouldn't buy based on my personal preferences huh??????????????????????????
let's see....
@tgob89 said:
DO NOT buy this title because you heard users say there are no bug/glitches in this game. Buy at your own per-warned discression.
Above is from my OP^
a few posts down..
@tgob89 said:...as long as the people who buy the game aren't doing so because they were mislead I'm cool...
The post I made JUST before you posted this pitiful attempt...
@tgob89 said:....If someone goes in on the game knowing the buggy state and still want to jump in I wish them nothing but the best..
PLEASE show me where I told anyone NOT to buy the game based on my tastes?
You can't!
I didn't even tell anyone NOT to buy the game. I said don't buy the game based on false exceptions set up by others. I never even said anything about MY preferences in the thread.
The more you post the more you prove I was right for thinking you're pathetic.
Any more lies you want to try to spread fanboy???????????
@The_Stand_In said:
Then you lash out like a rabid dog over a simple question with multiple paragraphs, across several posts, trying to prove to YOURSELF that you are right. THAT is what emotionally invested means.
No, the emotionally invested one here is you because you came out of nowhere talking about me "hating" xbox when my post had NOTHING to do with hate or bashing the xbox platform.
YOU took it as an attack on xbox because I was warning people about lying fanboys who were misleading people about the expectations of a GAME that happened to be on xbox because of your emotional investment to defend anything xbox related.
I lashed out at you for trying to to derail this thread with your emotional fanboy argument of "xbox hate" that had nothing to do with this thread.
You're more interested in white knighting lying fanboys and "defending" xbox then the honest gamers who may waste money on a game they purchased based false information. I don't have any sympathy for people like you.
@The_Stand_In said:
As you you hating Xbox, well...your post history and other threads speak for themselves.
My preference/history/or how you personally feel about me has NOTHING to do with the FACTUAL INFORMATION I have presented in this thread.
if only you could also say the video proof shown is also a lie huh? Nothing but dat xbox "hate" huh?
You were triggered by my post and started making false accusations about me because you support the spreading of lies by your fellow fanboys. NOTHING MORE!
Come back again when you have more desperate lies you want to spread in defense of other lying fanboys like yourself.
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