Its not officially out for 2 days it might be fixed by then which is why I think you shouldn't really rate a game till the release date.
played for 5 hrs no bugs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They are there in co op. And they are a bitch when you get one. Usually the guests not the host.
But SP, you know what this board wets its pants over, has been 18 hours now and nothing to bother with bugs wise. And there are plenty of gamers on twitter stating the same experience. Co Op is a mess and SP is fine.
haven't played online pro won't I got it for the story
I hate to beat a dead horse, but Xbox gamers, you don't have to settle for this. Stuff like Sea of Thieves being low content is one thing, but games like this are another. This is broken and unfinished. And MS is in too comfortable of a habit thinking it's okay to release these types of games as major titles to their customers. If the game functioned well, then any critiques could be subjective. But this is unacceptable as it is. Have some willpower and resist this game. Especially since knowing the first one went much better than this.
@npiet1: Lately GS has been reviewing online games a week or more after the release. Weird seeing this one being reviewed before release. Maybe new editorial policy?
played for 5 hrs no bugs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They are there in co op. And they are a bitch when you get one. Usually the guests not the host.
But SP, you know what this board wets its pants over, has been 18 hours now and nothing to bother with bugs wise. And there are plenty of gamers on twitter stating the same experience. Co Op is a mess and SP is fine.
haven't played online pro won't I got it for the story
Ive had two separate two hour co op sessions with no issues. But Ive had another session that was LOL funny with all the bugs encountered. Single Player has been fine and more fun than the original game.
I hate to beat a dead horse, but Xbox gamers, you don't have to settle for this. Stuff like Sea of Thieves being low content is one thing, but games like this are another. This is broken and unfinished. And MS is in too comfortable of a habit thinking it's okay to release these types of games as major titles to their customers. If the game functioned well, then any critiques could be subjective. But this is unacceptable as it is. Have some willpower and resist this game. Especially since knowing the first one went much better than this.
And I have tweeted to Spencer @XboxP3, and Mike Ybarra @XboxQwik multiple times to tell them this isn't acceptable. The Xbox community is very vocal. But the game in SP has not been this bomb of destruction some make it out to be for a lot of us. Co op is a fvckin mess nobody denies it. But I cant sit here and lie about what I am experiencing first hand. In sp the game has been fine and a lot of fun for me. It isn't my fault that people on SW that do not have X1 or this game wont believe me.
TC, are you sure you want to create that precedent?
Using a compilation of glitches to determine the quality or value of a game?
You realize that EVERY game has glitches and can be used to make a compilation?
I agree that State of Decay is a janky and buggy game, but using a glitch video to bash the game is setting a standard that im sure you will get upset with if done to your favorite game/system.
Think about that. Even Uncharted 4 and Horizon ZD has a ton of bugs and glitches.
SoD just has MORE
TC, are you sure you want to create that precedent?
Using a compilation of glitches to determine the quality or value of a game?
You realize that EVERY game has glitches and can be used to make a compilation?
I agree that State of Decay is a janky and buggy game, but using a glitch video to bash the game is setting a standard that im sure you will get upset with if done to your favorite game/system.
Think about that. Even Uncharted 4 and Horizon ZD has a ton of bugs and glitches.
SoD just has MORE
Dude he isn't credible at all. Really look at this situation: A known PS fanboy is telling a forum named SW not to believe the few of us that are not experiencing game breaking bugs (in my case in SP, in co op I have and clearly stated so, I will not speak for others) but I'm supposed take him seriously because he posted a YouTube video?
He has ZERO first hand experience with the game and he calls me dishonest? Look at this video.
Now I am in no way comparing the two games. But as you can see there are in fact videos of Uncharted 4 having bugs and glitches. Nobody used this to tell this board not to believe others having a good time when the game came out. Intelligent people simply understand that everyone's experience is not the same.
And I understand and believe others are experiencing bugs with SoD2. I have repeatedly tweeted Xbox leadership because of this. The co op is fvcked. My SP has not been. What am I supposed to do? NOT SHARE MY EXPERIENCE? Just lie and say I am having a terrible time in SP?
There is no way I can make others believe me. But, at the very least I have first hand experience that the TC doesn't. He's just dick riding some YouTube video and telling people that he doesn't want other gamers to be fooled. If those other gamers already have an Xbox One, TC has probably already argued and dislikes them because he's a massive COW. Can you believe this bullshit he's spewing? He doesn't care about anyone else.
Pretending to care about other people is one of the worst character traits imo.
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