Unless the game is fun, I couldn't care less about graphics. What will you people do when everything is photo realistic, and the discussions about polys are gone?
Unless the game is fun, I couldn't care less about graphics. What will you people do when everything is photo realistic, and the discussions about polys are gone?
@DragonfireXZ95: You just asked what GPU was in the console? Bahahaha. Jesus hermits are delusional.
You think they just popped it took it directly off the shelf. And no that build wouldn't necessarily outperform it.
So what you're saying is, we don't know the specs. Thanks for trying to play, I guess? You didn't try very hard, though.
This is why gaming is stuck. Instead of destructible, interactive environments, the developers pull all their resources into the eye candy you first judge in the trailers. Environments feel so stiff.
@ezekiel43: well until now, destructible, interactive environments were HIGHLY limited by 2012 weak ass console hardware. Especially Jaguar CPUs. Im happy we are getting huge generational leap with Zen 2 16 thread CPU and RDNA graphics.
At last games will look dynamic and world will be more destructible than now.
And yes, Godfall looked painfully generic and current-gen-ish. While Hellblade 2 was freaking CGI level stuff. Ninja Theory is just mastering their skills more and more.
@ezekiel43: well until now, destructible, interactive environments were HIGHLY limited by 2012 weak ass console hardware. Especially Jaguar CPUs. Im happy we are getting huge generational leap with Zen 2 16 thread CPU and RDNA graphics.
At last games will look dynamic and world will be more destructible than now.
I doubt it. There will barely be any difference, because idiots will want rigid eye candy again, and developers will pull all their resources to attempt to make that possible at 4K 60 fps.
@DragonfireXZ95: Their leaks have been dead on so far. But nothing suggest its weaker then a 5700. What are you talking about trying hard? Your just spouting random bullshit specs trying to lowball it.
Nope, I'm just taking the speculated specs with a grain of salt, and you're claiming it will be all powerful without any concrete specs. That was my entire point.
It doesn't look particularly impressive at all but I don't know what people were expecting from a Gearbox published game I mean have you lot not seen Borderlands?
Let's wait for Horizon 2 and Halo Infinite before assessing the graphics power of next gen consoles. And anyway, it's really the least of their problems. They need to be guaranteeing 60fps across the board day one or who cares how good the graphics are.
@ezekiel43: Ofc. What I said was implying that devs wont be lazy or wont prioritize other technical fidelities.
But I guess Guerilla Games will again make absolutely static and non interactive world in Horizon 2 like they did in the first one. I guess they will now create a dinosaur robot with 5,000,000 polligons instead of 500K but forget to implement any kind of ragdoll physics whatsoever
But I hope that not all studios will do that.
Very underwhelming for the first PS5 footage that we've ever seen. You would think that Sony would keep something exclusive and mind blowing visually to show off their new console to the public for the first time. What a wasted opportunity, they went with this, Gearbox man don't get me started.
Hellblade 2 was far more impressive for a first look at next gen.
As is always the case, the start of the gen is no way reflective of the end. This is a starting point. It's flicky on mega drive.
The biggest leap next generation won't be in the graphics solely, it will be more about the loading times which people don't seem to understand the importance of it seems... it's not about how quickly a game loads initially as much as the fact we will get larger and more diverse worlds with a lot more going on since everything loads a lot faster and it won't bog down the systems. We should get games with nearly seamless travelling in large worlds with much more happening on the screen at one time. One of the biggest complaints I have seen is about large open world games with not a lot happening in most areas. They did those things out of necessity more than anything. Games should see the largest jump in fluidity, draw distance, pop in/out, reduced frame drops and less freezing in congested areas. I love survival games, but anyone who has played a game like Ark or Atlas in areas where there are a lot of buildings and a lot going on know that it can be a nightmare trying to traverse those areas on console. I am more excited about next gen than I have been since the end of the PS era heading into the PS2 days. The largest leaps should be in stability and speed which are things I care about more than shine. Game play is really all that matters to me.. I mean don't get me wrong, graphics are nice, but I would rather play something optimized. If you get both you get the best of both worlds.. which seems to be rare this gen due to slowdown and hanging. Lag free menus, and minimal frame drops mean more precision and less frustration.
At this point I think its just stupid to piss and moan about graphics. Shit is taken way too seriously
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