Wowza. This looks phenomenal. Kratos vs Hades in all of its 1080p 60fps glory. I can imagine if you don't own a PS4 right now, you'd be pretty jelly. Surely you are getting this - right, SW?
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Wowza. This looks phenomenal. Kratos vs Hades in all of its 1080p 60fps glory. I can imagine if you don't own a PS4 right now, you'd be pretty jelly. Surely you are getting this - right, SW?
Still a shitty 'remaster' that I have no interest in getting.
God of War 3 was always an exceptional looking game, and never needed a remaster. This is a pointless product- if it had included at least the full trilogy, I would have been willing to accept its existence.
getting this day one
this DIFFERENTIATES ps4 from pc
PC has no access to this an it makes me feel good when i buy games like this cuz they 'll never get it EVER on there platform an just makes me feel so damn good
thats why i buy games like this
and plus i only played some of this at my friends so now i finally get my own copy on ps4 didn't have ps3 till late
Does it bother anyone else how the characters have no weight to them when moving? they almost glide when moving....the animations need some serious work IMO...shame, would have gone well with the nice graphics.
Won't be redoing this again, anyways.
I can't blame Sony for putting out remasters, as some people will inevitably buy them (especially Xbox converts) and I'm sure they don't cost as much as creating a new game from the ground up. Still, I would prefer to see more new games (and new IP) announcements to go along with all the remasters to say the least.
Still a shitty 'remaster' that I have no interest in getting.
God of War 3 was always an exceptional looking game, and never needed a remaster. This is a pointless product- if it had included at least the full trilogy, I would have been willing to accept its existence.
Well people don't realize is remasters are usually done with a small team. The team that is working on the remaster of God of War is probably no where near the size of the team that is working on the next God of War game. So the resources they're loosing is probably minimal at best. Just saying.
I hated GOW3 so freaking much. I deeply regretted the purchase of that game, I should have stopped after 2 but the story made such a stupid turn I was hoping the third would remedy the nonsense. It was the worst in the series and the remaster is just a reminder of the atrocity.
getting this day one
this DIFFERENTIATES ps4 from pc
PC has no access to this an it makes me feel good when i buy games like this cuz they 'll never get it EVER on there platform an just makes me feel so damn good
thats why i buy games like this
and plus i only played some of this at my friends so now i finally get my own copy on ps4 didn't have ps3 till late
GOW is a mindless button masher with a cliche vengeance storyline, poor combat mechanics, horrible fixed camera angles and no freedom of exploration. Just another brain-dead action game like The Order, Uncharted or many other Sony exclusives.
getting this day one
this DIFFERENTIATES ps4 from pc
PC has no access to this an it makes me feel good when i buy games like this cuz they 'll never get it EVER on there platform an just makes me feel so damn good
thats why i buy games like this
and plus i only played some of this at my friends so now i finally get my own copy on ps4 didn't have ps3 till late
GOW is a mindless button masher with a cliche vengeance storyline, poor combat mechanics, horrible fixed camera angles and no freedom of exploration. Just another brain-dead action game like The Order, Uncharted or many other Sony exclusives.
no THESE BOSSES Look better than world of warcraft bosses
they look very complex encounters look at all that stuff the boss is doing to kratos not even world of warcraft with 40 ppl raid has all that stuff going on
this is game PC dream PC users wish they had stuff like this with bosses like this
its not brain dead as a PC gamer this game looks like something i wish i had imo just look at all that stuff hades and poseidon is doing most pc games don't have even half of this stuff
Still a shitty 'remaster' that I have no interest in getting.
God of War 3 was always an exceptional looking game, and never needed a remaster. This is a pointless product- if it had included at least the full trilogy, I would have been willing to accept its existence.
sony said they will let ppl play God of War 1-2 for free on PS Now if you pre order it so you do sorta get the full experience if you want to start at 1 an go to 2 you can and i will def try it out i hope ps now is good
Not my favorite GoW. And a res and framerate bump isn't gonna change that.
it also includes a code for the bayonetta 3 beta
They literally only changed the resolution and upped the framerate cap, pathetic...
ppl don't care if its that much better tho ppl just wanna play the game lots of ppl didn't have ps3 and get to play this game but they played the first god of war on ps2
getting this day one
this DIFFERENTIATES ps4 from pc
PC has no access to this an it makes me feel good when i buy games like this cuz they 'll never get it EVER on there platform an just makes me feel so damn good
thats why i buy games like this
and plus i only played some of this at my friends so now i finally get my own copy on ps4 didn't have ps3 till late
Doesn't bother me one bit. I have a PS4 and XB1 to go with my beastly PC. I play everything on PC unless it is a console exclusive. At least in this case, it will be 1080p/60 fps. So, I don't mind playing it on console. Bloodborne on the other hand was a disgrace with it's 1080p/30 fps and frame pacing issues. Also, the chromatic aberration with no option to disable it pissed me off. That game just sits on my shelf in hopes of a frame pacing patch. That game would have been so good on PC. What a waste.
@charizard1605: Pretty much. This to me just shows how much of an excellent job SM did in 2010 with the PS3 hardware. Would only buy if I had never touched it before in anyway (and honestly it seems to be targeted at those people).
Hopefully we'll get some juicy E3 info on GoW4/GoW Next! :D
Not really interested in paying $40 for a slight graphics upgrade. I'll just play the complete saga on my PS3 if I get the urge, but thanks for the offer Sony.
They literally only changed the resolution and upped the framerate cap, pathetic...
That proves GOW 3 allready was next gen when it released.
They literally only changed the resolution and upped the framerate cap, pathetic...
That proves GOW 3 allready was next gen when it released.
What does this even mean... It's a good looking game for when it came out, but not that good...
This is only worth it if they bundle in the Trilogy. Pointless otherwise.
The only people who would want this are the ones that already played it. It makes no sense to remaster this for the ones who haven't played it. That will mean they probably didn't play 1 or 2.
getting this day one
this DIFFERENTIATES ps4 from pc
PC has no access to this an it makes me feel good when i buy games like this cuz they 'll never get it EVER on there platform an just makes me feel so damn good
thats why i buy games like this
and plus i only played some of this at my friends so now i finally get my own copy on ps4 didn't have ps3 till late
GOW is a mindless button masher with a cliche vengeance storyline, poor combat mechanics, horrible fixed camera angles and no freedom of exploration. Just another brain-dead action game like The Order, Uncharted or many other Sony exclusives.
Funny to see people on here getting annoyed by a remaster, if you don't like it don't buy it.
There is a difference between a remaster and simply increasing the resolution and framerate cap, that of which Sony did the latter...
This is lazy cash grab bullshit.
Was it @60fps before on PS3? It looks terrible at that framerate. It makes the combat look so fluffy.
(Just coming off a few rounds of Bayonetta and it makes this look pretty dull)
Was it @60fps before on PS3? It looks terrible at that framerate. It makes the combat look so fluffy.
(Just coming off a few rounds of Bayonetta and it makes this look pretty dull)
Regardless of what some people say certain games do translate better at 30 FPS and the motion looks more natural for the application than at 60. The Resident Evil remaster for example comes to mind in this regard, the extreme fluidity of motion at 60 FPS does adversely impact the atmosphere of the game, I am not saying it's bad or anything, but it just doesn't translate properly for the type of game it is and how it functions, it looks off. For certain games there is a cinematic appeal to a 30 FPS cap, the motion has a dramatic visual and atmospheric difference, and I realize some developers try to use this reality as spin because they can't get their game to run at 60 FPS on these consoles, but it is something that exists.
I was able to play the Youtube video even with bandwith issues. The footage looks nice but it would be nicer if there is more to the remaster than resolution and frame rate, just say a part of the game that did not make the cut.
Talk about a game that didn't need a remaster. It doesn't need 60fps, it's not DMC, and it didn't need 1080p, at the time of release it was one of the cleanest games on Ps3 with its MLAA.
Was it @60fps before on PS3? It looks terrible at that framerate. It makes the combat look so fluffy.
(Just coming off a few rounds of Bayonetta and it makes this look pretty dull)
Regardless of what some people say certain games do translate better at 30 FPS and the motion looks more natural for the application than at 60. The Resident Evil remaster for example comes to mind in this regard, the extreme fluidity of motion at 60 FPS does adversely impact the atmosphere of the game, I am not saying it's bad or anything, but it just doesn't translate properly for the type of game it is and how it functions, it looks off. For certain games there is a cinematic appeal to a 30 FPS cap, the motion has a dramatic visual and atmospheric difference, and I realize some developers try to use this reality as spin because they can't get their game to run at 60 FPS on these consoles, but it is something that exists.
I said this one day in a pro PC thread - certain animations do not translate well to 60fps and the games that absolutely need 60fps will be so on console anyway. Games not locked at 30fps and screen tear are more of an issue.
If a game doesn't have enough frames, or the animation is not the greatest, 60fps will only highlight that.
More of an enhanced edition than a remaster. A remaster implies they made major changes to the game... You know, like Homeworld Remastered which completely overhauled the graphics from games released in 1999 and 2003 (so they actually needed it), made a new damage system, added new high-res cinematics from the original devs, cast voice actors that were unavailable the first time around for HW2, etc.
This is just a lazy upres and framerate boost and little else as far as I can tell. This is the equivalent of adding a 2K vanilla texture mod to Skyrim and getting a decent GPU (PS3-PS4) upgrade.
That's just enhanced, not remastered. You actually have to put work into a remaster. Might as well be another last-gen port.
wow, die already!
Didn't know GoW boss battles were this epic. Good video!
Hades is the first one you fight after the Epic intro.
When you fight Hades some where around the first 3 hours of the game when you have lost most of your powers and are limited in combos, attack, and abilities.
GOW3 has about 10-12 boss battles, all uniquely Epic.
I always really liked the Hades fight. That or Hercules are the best fights in that game, too bad everything post Hercules is fucking wack.
Bro. Posiedon was the best fight.
I always really liked the Hades fight. That or Hercules are the best fights in that game, too bad everything post Hercules is fucking wack.
Yeah, Hercules was the highlight for me. Smug bastard got his shit wrecked.
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