Wait...do you mean it wasn't 1080p 60FPS in the first place?
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Too bad that won't make it a good game. The only things I like we're the hades, Poseidon, Hercules and chronos fight. The rest was really lackluster compare to gow2.
wow, die already!
Didn't know GoW boss battles were this epic. Good video!
Hades is the first one you fight after the Epic intro.
When you fight Hades some where around the first 3 hours of the game when you have lost most of your powers and are limited in combos, attack, and abilities.
GOW3 has about 10-12 boss battles, all uniquely Epic.
That was the first one?! haha, that series is insane!
I liked the first game, I might pickup this remastered version.
Man they really are milking this whole remaster thing on consoles. Sure PC gets some too, but jesus not at this extent.
Metacritic padding.
There would be nothing wrong with these remasters imo if they fell under one (or both) of two categories.. Either the game that is being remastered is extremely old and there is a very large improvement with it (Zelda OoT, Resident Evil 1) or it is a compilation of multiple games remastered (like the Master chief pack).. This would be a great product if they gave you the God of War trilogy remastered..
Nope. The jump from 720p to 1080p for this one single player game isn't enough to get me to buy again.
Can someone explain what the incentive is to buy this other than a resolution bump? Like it seems to literally be the same game with no new features at all. At least other remasters have the decency to update gameplay and include DLC.
if you did not play it when it cam out.this has little dlc but it will have all of it
Already have the God of War Saga on PS3. I could not fathom why this would be worth it for me.
Regardless of what some people say certain games do translate better at 30 FPS and the motion looks more natural for the application than at 60. The Resident Evil remaster for example comes to mind in this regard, the extreme fluidity of motion at 60 FPS does adversely impact the atmosphere of the game, I am not saying it's bad or anything, but it just doesn't translate properly for the type of game it is and how it functions, it looks off. For certain games there is a cinematic appeal to a 30 FPS cap, the motion has a dramatic visual and atmospheric difference, and I realize some developers try to use this reality as spin because they can't get their game to run at 60 FPS on these consoles, but it is something that exists.
Lol **** off.
“30 was our goal, it feels more cinematic. 60 is really good for a shooter, action adventure not so much. It actually feels better for people when it’s at that 30fps. It also lets us push the limits of everything to the maximum.
You better like 30fps. Your boxes are too weak to get 60fps and decent visuals.
I already played this on the PS3 so going to pass in this but I can understand why Sony are remastering this. It's for those that made the jump from Xbox or another platform to allow them to enjoy the game where they wouldn't have played it on the PS3. I just hope that another new one comes out. Love the God of war franchise.
I always really liked the Hades fight. That or Hercules are the best fights in that game, too bad everything post Hercules is fucking wack.
Bro. Posiedon was the best fight.
Poseidon is a glorified set piece that looks interesting visually, but is entirely simplistic and frankly dull to fight.
Hercules and Hades are an actual fight, and they are far more legit. They offer genuine substance as gameplay segments, Poseidon is like the non shitty alternative to Chronos (who fucking sucks).
getting this day one
this DIFFERENTIATES ps4 from pc
PC has no access to this an it makes me feel good when i buy games like this cuz they 'll never get it EVER on there platform an just makes me feel so damn good
thats why i buy games like this
and plus i only played some of this at my friends so now i finally get my own copy on ps4 didn't have ps3 till late
there are a TON of games PC has no access to. red dead redemption I feel is sorely missed on PC. Best game last gen.
@jg4xchamp: See, I actually found Hercules worse. Mostly because the damn battle kept glitching out for me so I'm sort of soured on it.
@jg4xchamp: At least we can agree that Chronos sucks. Most overrated boss battle ever.
Ya'll are crazy. HADES better than Chronos? The ****?
Hades was the worst god battle, sans Hermes.
can i skip the zeus fight in this version?
Did you also keep pressing circle endlessly in that one?
@jg4xchamp: At least we can agree that Chronos sucks. Most overrated boss battle ever.
Ya'll are crazy. HADES better than Chronos? The ****?
Hades was the worst god battle, sans Hermes.
Chronos isn't a fight, he's a level where you fight dudes, and then quick time events happen for when you kill Chronos.
Again one is an actual boss fight, the other is a shallow spectacle for anyone that enjoys watching their game instead of playing it.
@jg4xchamp: At least we can agree that Chronos sucks. Most overrated boss battle ever.
Ya'll are crazy. HADES better than Chronos? The ****?
Hades was the worst god battle, sans Hermes.
Chronos isn't a fight, he's a level where you fight dudes, and then quick time events happen for when you kill Chronos.
Again one is an actual boss fight, the other is a shallow spectacle for anyone that enjoys watching their game instead of playing it.
Please, you know the whole game is shallow, so the more spectacle bits are best.
Hades was just meh, felt more like I was cutting a steak than having a fight.
Hercules I agree was a good boss though.
Chronos isn't a fight, he's a level where you fight dudes, and then quick time events happen for when you kill Chronos.
Again one is an actual boss fight, the other is a shallow spectacle for anyone that enjoys watching their game instead of playing it.
Please, you know the whole game is shallow, so the more spectacle bits are best.
Hades was just meh, felt more like I was cutting a steak than having a fight.
Hercules I agree was a good boss though.
I disagree, Hades actually has great rhythm with the mechanics of God of War and makes for a strong fight on hard. He isn't as formulaic and pattern oriented as Poseidon's sequence, and I'm actually playing a beat em up when I'm fighting hades. And a game being mechanically shallow doesn't stop the game from actually having strong gameplay sequences, hence the Hercules fight being the big arguing point, and all of God of War 2 where all of its best fights didn't rely on spectacle.
If I want to climb a giant thing and actually fight it: Shadow of the Colossus does that way better, ditto for the games Platinum makes with stuff like Bayonetta and The Wonderful 101. God of War to me is only interesting when it delivers on pacing and rhythm, which it had in God of War 2, and had in the first half of God of War 3 (Poseidon's a good opening, but the praise thrown at that fight is undeserving) , everything post Hercules? The hedge maze, the guitar hero thing, that fucking crap with pandora, the on rail flying segments, the scorpion fight, the part where the Zeus fight is inferior to the one in God of War 2, the giant box room puzzle thing, and yeah Chronos is a celebration of tedium over fun.
Was it @60fps before on PS3? It looks terrible at that framerate. It makes the combat look so fluffy.
(Just coming off a few rounds of Bayonetta and it makes this look pretty dull)
Regardless of what some people say certain games do translate better at 30 FPS and the motion looks more natural for the application than at 60. The Resident Evil remaster for example comes to mind in this regard, the extreme fluidity of motion at 60 FPS does adversely impact the atmosphere of the game, I am not saying it's bad or anything, but it just doesn't translate properly for the type of game it is and how it functions, it looks off. For certain games there is a cinematic appeal to a 30 FPS cap, the motion has a dramatic visual and atmospheric difference, and I realize some developers try to use this reality as spin because they can't get their game to run at 60 FPS on these consoles, but it is something that exists.
No, every game looks better at 60FPS except games that were made with 30FPS in mind, like your examples. This has to do with the physics and animations.
Plus God of War's combat has always been fluffy. The Blades of Chaos have barely any umph to them, them shits are limp dick as hell. Visually they were able to capture Kratos's rage with the combat, but pure game feel it was always feathery in comparison to other beat-em ups.
@jg4xchamp:I just remember the second half of Hades fight being ridiculously easy, and the first half was just not that memorable to me.
I definitely wouldn't say it was good as number 2's bosses.
Hey, if chronos was slapped in Ninja gaiden somehow, i'd be right there with you but it's GOW. The only reason I got GOW 3 was for the spectacle and mindless violence - Chronos delivered that. I agree with you that from a gameplay standpoint it was lame.
I hope that somehow GOW 4 meets in the middle ground between typical GOW and bayonetta, even if it's false hope haha. Let's hope it's at least as good as number 2. Hell it fucking better be, them cancelling new IP's for moar god of war and all.
@jg4xchamp:I just remember the second half of Hades fight being ridiculously easy, and the first half was just not that memorable to me.
I definitely wouldn't say it was good as number 2's bosses.
Hey, if chronos was slapped in Ninja gaiden somehow, i'd be right there with you but it's GOW. The only reason I got GOW 3 was for the spectacle and mindless violence - Chronos delivered that. I agree with you that from a gameplay standpoint it was lame.
I hope that somehow GOW 4 meets in the middle ground between typical GOW and bayonetta, even if it's false hope haha. Let's hope it's at least as good as number 2. Hell it fucking better be, them cancelling new IP's for moar god of war and all.
Eh, I don't really need it to be as good as God of War 2 (that game got pretty far with some less than stellar mechanics, that level of execution is usually rare); I just want a better group of scenarios and encounters. Realistically I just don't want them to make God of War from Santa Monica. They are clearly legit, let them do shit other than God of War, and not be forced to finish other people's shit (like them finishing The Order).
lol and sheens will buy it.
*goes to his local gamestop, and see's the ps3 version on the shelf for 2 bucks.*
@SolidGame_basic: Already have the game, but my god does this get me hyped.. I am even considring getting this just because how fluid that looked. Its not a full price game anyway so there is that.
can i skip the zeus fight in this version?
Did you also keep pressing circle endlessly in that one?
no, that zeus fight in gaia on titan difficulty took me nearly an hour of retrying.
think it might have been the last plat I ever got.
can i skip the zeus fight in this version?
Did you also keep pressing circle endlessly in that one?
no, that zeus fight in gaia on titan difficulty took me nearly an hour of retrying.
think it might have been the last plat I ever got.
Jesus Christ, I'd have given up.
GoW1/2 are the pinnacle of what an action/adventure game should be. GoW3 was more like a tech demo because they didn't want to scare away the casuals.
I hope the inevitable GoW reboot goes back to its roots and is in the Norse pantheon.
GOW 3 was awesome dude.
If your opinion is just based off the prior games then so be it, but GOW3 itself was pretty epic.
Also for people saying "lol remaster" and "why would anyone by those games again" where where your comments in the GeOW remake threads?
Not only did the same shit heads who are in here making these comments NOT make the same comments in the GeOW remake thread, they also didn't shit on it's ass-tastic graphics only being 60fps? at 1080p.
Get the f outta hear jealous lems your hypocrasy kills me. At least this remaster is somewhat impressive to look compared to the crap that your goofs defend tooth and nail because it's belongs to MS.
The lem idiot hypocrites in here doing a 180 in the remaster BS need to take a roll call.
Basic port, absolutely no difference. Sony are a bunch of lazy fuckers.
Wow dumbass, you made the thread I just linked to hype this...
lol damn lems the biggest 180 idiot hypocrites on this site. You clowns don't have an ounce of constancy or credibility to your arguments.
If you weren't outraged about the Gears remasterer then you need to STFU.
GoW1/2 are the pinnacle of what an action/adventure game should be. GoW3 was more like a tech demo because they didn't want to scare away the casuals.
I hope the inevitable GoW reboot goes back to its roots and is in the Norse pantheon.
GOW 3 was awesome dude.
If your opinion is just based off the prior games then so be it, but GOW3 itself was pretty epic.
Also for people saying "lol remaster" and "why would anyone by those games again" where where your comments in the GeOW remake threads?
Not only did the same shit heads who are in here making these comments NOT make the same comments in the GeOW remake thread, they also didn't shit on it's ass-tastic graphics only being 60fps? at 1080p.
Get the f outta hear jealous lems your hypocrasy kills me. At least this remaster is somewhat impressive to look compared to the crap that your goofs defend tooth and nail because it's belongs to MS.
The lem idiot hypocrites in here doing a 180 in the remaster BS need to take a roll call.
Basic port, absolutely no difference. Sony are a bunch of lazy fuckers.
Wow dumbass, you made the thread I just linked to hype this...
lol damn lems the biggest 180 idiot hypocrites on this site. You clowns don't have an ounce of constancy or credibility to your arguments.
If you weren't outraged about the Gears remasterer then you need to STFU.
lol, the butthurt is strong with this one
can i skip the zeus fight in this version?
Did you also keep pressing circle endlessly in that one?
no, that zeus fight in gaia on titan difficulty took me nearly an hour of retrying.
think it might have been the last plat I ever got.
Took me longer then that. I was struggling for days on that fight.
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