[QUOTE="Episode_Eve"][QUOTE="daveg1"]so you think they would show some downgraded video instead of this jaw dropping demo?daveg1I don't know the motives behind showing what they did. The only thing bad about that trailer was the editing and design. The actual gameplay looked great. I just don't think Jaffe would confuse CGI with gameplay (remember he saw more than we did).thats funny the whole world was fooled by killzone cgi passed as gameplay well the fanchilds did anyway plus sony ececs said it was actual gameplay so i see no difference there..
i thought the gow3 trailer is what we can expect to see when the final games comes out no over hyped cgi and bull render crap..it looks like what the ps3 is capable and thats what the trailer showed..would sony fans rather have cgi trailers only to be let down time after time when the game comes out hope not..
I don't think GoW3 will look the same as it does now when it does release late next year or beyond. Regarding KZ2, no one at Sony/GG said or intended to imply that the E3 05 demo was in-game. I know when I saw it I was like "wow, that can't be real time". A few days later I learned that it was made by an Irish tech studio. Too bad some fanboys ran wild with it lol. I don't think PS3 owners (or even 360 owners) are much disappointed with games not reaching target renders. GRAW didn't, Motorstorm didn't, Halo 3 didn't (not saying it was CG but it was a render), KZ2 is probably the one game this gen to nearly match, match, and exceed aspects of its render. These games look amazing/up to par either way.
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