[QUOTE="Wiimotefan"] Its a nice one off for sure, but lacks re-playability because of *ahem*.. poor gameplay. Some of the set pieces are incredible though! senses_fail_06Stop backtracking "Its gameplay is sh*t" "If people paid good money for your turds would you quit crapping them out?" ^Direct quotes, but now its a good rental? Nice trolling.
Funny part is I never said "good rental".
And the irony that makes it even more amusing on my end right now is that I didn't buy, or rent GoW3! Borrowed it from a friend! :lol:
Useless info I know, but I find it funny at least. :P
Anyways. You got me! :o
I said it was a nice one off, meaning its at least worth a single play. I never said the games are the worst games ever made and they're so abysmal they aren't even worth checking out. I havent thrown my money at it since the first game, but people buy much worse games than GoW. Just because I find no worth in the series doesnt mean everyone agrees obviously.
The games have great production values. I said that from the get-go. But what I said that got under your skin is that GoW gameplay is bottom of the barrel in this genre. Yes there are worse games that involve hacking and slashing, but when compared to other games of similar type (you know what they are) GoW just doesn't add up. And as I said before, the first game was already behind the curve at launch, but was excusable for its time. They should have stepped up the standards by now though.
I'm sure you've heard that a million times, but you get to hear it again. Its a mindless button masher. Its a simple and sluggish battle system paired up with bare bones enemy ai. And its all wrapped up in a beautiful coat of paint.
Oh and..."If people paid good money for your turds would you quit crapping them out?" ... Of course I was trolling!
But I still say the gameplay is sh*t.
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