I've recently stopped playing World of Warcraft, and decided to go back to console gaming.
I have been doing some research ... and at least I know that Wii is NOT for me.
So it's either PS3 or X360.
So far I am leaning towards PS3 due to the folllowing reasons:
- HD playback out of the box. It is a blu ray player!
- Wireless network connection out of the box.
- Cheaper to upgrade Hard Drive.
- Free online play. (Not really asking for too much, just to be able to connect and play online, probably download a demo or two)
- I heard some rumors about XBOX hardware problems (I'm assuming though that this has been addressed already by MS).
- Looking around craigslist I seem to see a lot more people selling their 360's compared to PS3's (which is making me worried).
So now ...
I want to get inputs from X360 owners to make sure I did not overlook its +'s ...
BTW, I like playing games from different genres
and I believe that a diverse library is a plus for a console
- Action (Adventure)
- Action (Stealth)
- Action (Fighting)
- Platforming
- RPG's
- Racing ... serious OR 'Kart' type does not matter ... as long as its fun
EXCEPT FPS's ... I'm not sure why i feel dizzy playing them (any tips?)
I know that this would remove HALO from the equation ... but I'm hopeful that X360 is better than just having 'HALO'.
Thank you all in advance.
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