Depends on what the bad A.I is causing an NPC to do & how sober I am at the time of playing.
It's stuff like this that makes gaming that little bit sweeter. NSFW (language)
Stalkers AI is incredible, but can be stupid at times. :lol: I've seen a pack of dogs drag a dead body away and started eating it which was awesome. :)
From Wikipedia:
The X-ray engine uses GSC Game World's proprietary ALife artificial intelligence engine. ALife supports more than one thousand characters inhabiting the Zone. These characters are non-scripted, meaning that AI life can be developed even when not in contact with the player.
The NPCs have a full life cycle (task accomplishment, combat, rest, feeding and sleep) and the same applies to the many monsters living in the Zone (hunting, attacking stalkers and other monsters, resting, eating, sleeping). These monsters migrate in large groups. The non-scripted nature of the characters means that there are an unlimited number of random quests. For instance, rescuing stalkers from danger, destroying stalker renegades, protecting or attacking stalker camps or searching for treasure. The AI characters travel around the entire zone as they see fit.
Numerous tactics can be employed to complete the game, such as rushing or using stealth and sniping. The NPCs will react in a different way to each of them. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.'s NPCs plan ahead by "Goal-Oriented Action Planning" to achieve this.
The Crysis human AI can be impressive too, if you haven't screwed up the game with mods.
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