To all those arguing that I can simply get any PC/360 game for my PC. How well will Bioshock play on my computer?
AMD Barton 2600+, 512MB Ram, ATI 9600 Pro....
Will it look any near as good as on my 360? Or if it was a PS3/PC exclusive would the PC version look as good as the PS3 version?
Problem with exclusive console lists(because consoles are quite in a different category than pcs) is that you leave off so many great titles that only one console will see and none of it's competitors. This helps that console perform better and offer more to it's consumers. No console competes with the PC. Infact, if it wasn't for WOW the PC world would be in very bad shape right now.
The PC is fine, even without WOW. If anything, WOW is consuming people's time and money for other games, probably hurting the chances for other games on the platform. If the PC was in trouble, there wouldn't be hundreds and hundreds of games coming out every year. Also, there is certainly no decline in quality titles.
As far as your PC is concerned, that's up to you if you want to upgrade, otherwise, if you have a 360 or PS3, you'll have plenty of PC shooters being ported this year. Personally, I like shooters for my rig, so it's a priority for me personally.
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