I used to be atrocious at finishing games. It actually used to semi-upset me, as it would feel like I'd wasted time if I hadn't actually finished the dang thing. I make an effort these days to either finish the game or make a firm decision that I'm leaving it. No more loose ends!
@locopatho: This is exactly what I started doing a number of years back. I have still ended up with a sizable backlog despite all that, but I feel like I actually want to finish what I have rather than just get through the game since it's there.
I guess Bioshock 1&2. I have tried to finish these games but I find them a chore. Maybe it's because I got quite far on xbox 360 and then started again on PC as the 360 died. I started a new game recently as wanted to seee what Bioshock looked like running at 4k (amazing btw), but doubt I will finish it.. The funny thing is I finished Infinite just fine, I liked that one.. But yeah, they are ok games I guess but cant handle replaying them.
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