Whilst playing KZ 2 and initially being impressed, I could not help but noticing it hardly looks high def even tho it allegedly renders in 720p....hmm.
Why is this? Well, has no one else noticed that anything more than a couple of feet in front of your face is reduced to a low poly count model with the textures being nothing more than a blob of colour (if you want to call grey a colour that is). Im sure this may look ok on an old school standard def TV however, playing it on a 46"Bravia is not a pleasing experience. It was hyped up to be the graphics champion of this generation and was the one reason my ps3 did not find a new home in bin months ago. Im disappointed that it has turned out to be horrible looking grey mess with a bunch of cheap motion blur and explosion tricks thrown in.
This seems to be a recurring theme with PS3 exclusives.
Uncharted and Heavenly Sword are also guilty of using these techniques. Motorstorm is a pretty terrible looking game, again covered up with tonnes of motion blur. Resistance 2......well it does not even try to hide it's poor graphics, but at least it is consistant.
I know a lot of other games use these kind of visual tricks but normally to a far less noticable extent. Anyway, the point is Killzone is not the best looking game around by a long shot and should not even be compared to the likes of Gears 2 or Crysis. I have lost all faith in ps3 and have no doubt in my mind that it will never exceed x360 in terms of graphics, anyone who believes otherwise is living in dreamland.
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