Are Nintendo, Sony and MS already doomed!?
Is the big 3 are doomed? Depends on what exclusive games "Titanium" is offering that is.
Xbox seems to survive just fine without exclusives... But I guess console gamer's don't care about PC much so it doesn't matter much.
That said I don't think this will disrupt the big 3 much they pretty much have their following, google on the other hand aside from the browser not many people know or care about them... Most people don't even know Android is owned by Google.
Google drop support for products quicker than you can blink, with that in mind who would buy it? Do not believe this, it will be a streaming box at best.
Well we’ll see I guess but I’m not expecting anything that makes me want to rush out and buy one plus that controller looks kind of bad. Who knows though. I was pretty disinterested in Microsoft entering the console space but now I’m really happy that they are around.
Im not expecting anything huge. They offer a streaming service for it and I don't know how many Devs are going to support it. They need multiple aaae games straight away. Which I doubt they have. Also the controller looks like they smashed a wii, Xbox and PS controller together.
No it is real. It is being posted all over right now.
That controller makes me think this will just be an Android smart device for mobile games... Which... Should have a market if we're being honest. Not a serious home console contender unless they come out of nowhere with developer support. I do not believe the rumor about the specs.
This all sounds pretty stupid. Launching a new console one year before next gen really starts. Le't say it is a bit more powerful than XboxX. So what? In 2020 it will be surpassed anyway. And it's not like the big third parties will kick off the new gen early for the google-console. They will wait for MS/Sony to be ready of course. And so the google console will be in limbo.
And that
So many consoles getting announced the intellivision making a comeback. Atari box now google almost expect apple to jump onboard.
For local gaming machine, there's very little substance on beating Xbox One X.
Xbox One X is already below $400 (USD).
Chip size
X1X's GPU area size ~280 mm2 at 16 nm process tech
GTX 1070 has 314 mm2 at 16 nm process tech
GTX 1160 Ti has 284 mm2 at 12 nm process tech
Google nor any other company will not compete in the console market i.e.a traditional console as a closed system model that Nintendo popularized and currently what the big 3 follows. No company will enter in a declining market that also requires significant investment. If proven wrong I'll gladly eat a crow.
If anything it will be more like Nvidia Shield or something similar to that effect.
Google nor any other company will not compete in the console market i.e.a traditional console as a closed system model that Nintendo popularized and currently what the big 3 follows. No company will enter in a declining market that also requires significant investment. If proven wrong I'll gladly eat a crow.
If anything it will be more like Nvidia Shield or something similar to that effect.
Yeah their main focus is probably a streaming service that is integrated with the rest of googles stuff (like youtube etc). The physical box is probably just to have an option like that. But you'll be fine with most devices with a screen.
I doubt it will be close to the power of XBX or even the original Xbone. Unless they plan to make it like the Steam boxes or whatever that failed project was called, such power would be a complete waste for streaming and android games.
This all sounds pretty stupid. Launching a new console one year before next gen really starts. Le't say it is a bit more powerful than XboxX. So what? In 2020 it will be surpassed anyway. And it's not like the big third parties will kick off the new gen early for the google-console. They will wait for MS/Sony to be ready of course. And so the google console will be in limbo.
And that
It could actually be a perfect time. If you are a competitor with the huge amount of capital of a Google or an Apple, why not be a 1st mover? Deliver a "next gen" console a year ahead of the others?
That being said, looking at the controller suggests that maybe Google isnt' serious about this. It LOOKS like a low quality knock off. Plus it is the games that drive these things. If it just plays android games then it's pretty worthless regardless of hardware power. You don't need a console more powerful than Xbox One X to play android games. They could be competitive if they get AAA games ported and perhaps build some exclusive content.
On a quasi-related note: has anyone here tried the cloud-based version of “AC: Odyssey” that Ubi and Google we’re testing?
Its guaranteed to be catered to the streaming market. All that software required to do that sort of thing will be built in.
@pc_rocks: declining market? All three companies have a profitable gaming division. That's never really happened.
Although I agree nobody else could really succeed outside of the big three unless they invested billions.
Interesting to see what studios back google. No point having the most powerful system when you aren't getting the best versions of 3rd party games.
@pc_rocks: Declining market lol, you might want to take basic math over.
Already said the exact same thing in another thread and backed up with data after which you never showed up. Basic math tells all of us that this gen is lagging behind gen 6 numbers let alone gen 7. Consoles are declining, in fact dying. Keep trying to fight the facts.
But but but the Wii shouldn't count, neither should X1, WiiU, Vita. The most funny thing is Sony- the most successful console owner's revenue also declined in the last quarter.
This doesn't add up. They've been working on cloud based services for a long time, why would they release a console that's more powerful than the Xbox One X? It would make more sense to release a cheap, ergonomic console then rely on your cloud services.
Unless that's their ultimate plan in the near future and they just want to establish themselves in gaming for now? But even then, it doesn't seem like a worthwhile investment.
Do they even have any exclusively deals? What are they going to offer that next gen won't have?
rhetorical questions
Ignoring everything else about this what exactly is the hardware going to be? ARM or x86. If it’s arm that means no AAA games and if it’s x86 that means no android games. I can’t see how this is going to do anything but lock segments of their own customers out of some of their own ecosystem.
I think it's interesting that Google wants to get in on gaming, but so far I'm taking it with a grain of salt. Steam is meh, Steam Box was DOA, and this is kinda sounding like more of the same.
Ignoring everything else about this what exactly is the hardware going to be? ARM or x86. If it’s arm that means no AAA games and if it’s x86 that means no android games. I can’t see how this is going to do anything but lock segments of their own customers out of some of their own ecosystem.
If its x86 they could emulate ARM if it's as powerful as the X.
Ignoring everything else about this what exactly is the hardware going to be? ARM or x86. If it’s arm that means no AAA games and if it’s x86 that means no android games. I can’t see how this is going to do anything but lock segments of their own customers out of some of their own ecosystem.
If its x86 they could emulate ARM if it's as powerful as the X.
They could, but just my experience with running Bluestacks leaves me skeptical that they will be able to get good performance on current and future high-end games. I'm sure they have SDKs for this but I can't say I'm convinced. Further they will likely be running some flavor of Linux which automatically excludes a large number of PC titles unless they secure Linux ports. I'm sure they can technically produce the hardware and even for a reasonable price. It's the where's and how's of how they will technically get game content worthy of a console more powerful than X on it. I'm not interested in purchasing a powerful console solely for the being able to run an android emulator at 60fps.
Already said the exact same thing in another thread and backed up with data after which you never showed up. Basic math tells all of us that this gen is lagging behind gen 6 numbers let alone gen 7. Consoles are declining, in fact dying. Keep trying to fight the facts.
But but but the Wii shouldn't count, neither should X1, WiiU, Vita. The most funny thing is Sony- the most successful console owner's revenue also declined in the last quarter.
Did that data took into consideration that consoles were cheaper last gen specially the wii and the millions of re buy xbox 360 which also inflated last gen totals?
Hell Consoles are in a better position now compare to 10 years ago than PC were.
Last gen some 273 million consoles were sold, but this gen isn't over so we can't compare, the switch sales are on fire and the PS4 still selling great.
Already we are at 162 million now, considering the switch has a great chance of hitting 100 millions and just has sold 32 millions I say the window for this gen selling more than last one is quite open.
Also last gen was particularly long compare to other gens.
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