Google's console 'Titanium' to be more powerful than an XBX. Revealed in 10 days.

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#51 pdogg93
Member since 2015 • 1849 Posts

Lol another google side project that will fail.

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#52 PC_Rocks
Member since 2018 • 8611 Posts

@tormentos said:
@pc_rocks said:

Already said the exact same thing in another thread and backed up with data after which you never showed up. Basic math tells all of us that this gen is lagging behind gen 6 numbers let alone gen 7. Consoles are declining, in fact dying. Keep trying to fight the facts.


But but but the Wii shouldn't count, neither should X1, WiiU, Vita. The most funny thing is Sony- the most successful console owner's revenue also declined in the last quarter.

Did that data took into consideration that consoles were cheaper last gen specially the wii and the millions of re buy xbox 360 which also inflated last gen totals?

Hell Consoles are in a better position now compare to 10 years ago than PC were.

Last gen some 273 million consoles were sold, but this gen isn't over so we can't compare, the switch sales are on fire and the PS4 still selling great.

Already we are at 162 million now, considering the switch has a great chance of hitting 100 millions and just has sold 32 millions I say the window for this gen selling more than last one is quite open.

Also last gen was particularly long compare to other gens.

And did you consider last gen people have the same or more purchasing power when we bring inflation into account? Even apart from that consoles weren't cheaper last gen. PS3 was 500-600USD. 360 was again 300-400USD.

You can't compare consoles with PCs. PC gaming is increasing compared to consoles. Many people and countries that used to pirate only are now legitimate customers thanks to Steam. Nevertheless that was besides the point. PC and consoles aren't apples to apples. PC never declined in sales it was just that for a moment in time consoles were selling way way faster than PC gaming, I already mentioned it in the other thread.

Yup, ONLY PS4 is selling great not others.

Switch? Thanks for agreeing with my point. The gen is lagging behind even after 2 console revisions by each console manufacturer compared to last. Is Switch 8th gen on 9th? If it's 8th gen then why are we including WiiU? No matter how you look at it, no matter how much cherry picking you do, consoles are declining.

But I also said specifically that this gen is lagging behind gen 6 numbers not just gen 7. Have fun trying to convince the executives of Sony, MS etc that consoles aren't declining because they clearly are investing in other avenues.

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#53 npiet1
Member since 2018 • 3576 Posts

@michaelmikado said:
@npiet1 said:
@michaelmikado said:

Ignoring everything else about this what exactly is the hardware going to be? ARM or x86. If it’s arm that means no AAA games and if it’s x86 that means no android games. I can’t see how this is going to do anything but lock segments of their own customers out of some of their own ecosystem.

If its x86 they could emulate ARM if it's as powerful as the X.

They could, but just my experience with running Bluestacks leaves me skeptical that they will be able to get good performance on current and future high-end games. I'm sure they have SDKs for this but I can't say I'm convinced. Further they will likely be running some flavor of Linux which automatically excludes a large number of PC titles unless they secure Linux ports. I'm sure they can technically produce the hardware and even for a reasonable price. It's the where's and how's of how they will technically get game content worthy of a console more powerful than X on it. I'm not interested in purchasing a powerful console solely for the being able to run an android emulator at 60fps.

No it would be easy for google to make an app to perfectly run android apps. Its a lot easier to emulate on a multiproduced hardware. The PS4 is based on Linux to the point its possible to install Linux on it. So that really doesn't matter. I do agree its all about content though.

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#54 Heil68
Member since 2004 • 60833 Posts

PC has no exclusives now...

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#55 VFighter
Member since 2016 • 11031 Posts

@pc_rocks: Its impressive that the more you type the dumber you come across. That's no easy feat.

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#56 jeezers
Member since 2007 • 5341 Posts

i dont want a good console, but i am curious to see what games sega brings to this thing, like a new crazy taxi or jet set radio would be cool

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#57 tormentos
Member since 2003 • 33798 Posts

@pc_rocks said:

And did you consider last gen people have the same or more purchasing power when we bring inflation into account? Even apart from that consoles weren't cheaper last gen. PS3 was 500-600USD. 360 was again 300-400USD.

You can't compare consoles with PCs. PC gaming is increasing compared to consoles. Many people and countries that used to pirate only are now legitimate customers thanks to Steam. Nevertheless that was besides the point. PC and consoles aren't apples to apples. PC never declined in sales it was just that for a moment in time consoles were selling way way faster than PC gaming, I already mentioned it in the other thread.

Yup, ONLY PS4 is selling great not others.

Switch? Thanks for agreeing with my point. The gen is lagging behind even after 2 console revisions by each console manufacturer compared to last. Is Switch 8th gen on 9th? If it's 8th gen then why are we including WiiU? No matter how you look at it, no matter how much cherry picking you do, consoles are declining.

But I also said specifically that this gen is lagging behind gen 6 numbers not just gen 7. Have fun trying to convince the executives of Sony, MS etc that consoles aren't declining because they clearly are investing in other avenues.

Inflation as shit to do with my argument and this gen consoles will, be even more expensive in 10 years what is your point.

Consoles were cheaper and the generation lasted 8 years compare that to the PS2 generation were consoles for all 3 came 6 years the most latter.

No dude is selling well in fact sony and Nintendo alone sold 17 million units from October to December.

The PS4 which is 5 years old now running on its 6th year sold 8.1 million units on its last quarter the switch sold 9 millions and is a hot new system so yeah the PS4 is fast approaching 100 millions and while my self don't think it will sell like the PS2 I am sure 130 millions or more is not out of the question when all is say and done.

Lagging vs gen 6? Are you on drugs or are you comparing total sales on gen 6 vs partial sales of this gen?

The PS2 took 5 years and 8 months to reach 100 millions the PS4 is 5 years and 4 months and already is at 94 millions the xbox one alone has like 40 millions which is what the xbox and GC basically had combined six years into the generation and I am not even counting the switch.

Please if you are going to compare gen also look at time lines the PS2 sold 156 millions but didn't reach that number in 6 years in fact it was on sale for 12 years.

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#58 PC_Rocks
Member since 2018 • 8611 Posts

@tormentos said:
@pc_rocks said:

And did you consider last gen people have the same or more purchasing power when we bring inflation into account? Even apart from that consoles weren't cheaper last gen. PS3 was 500-600USD. 360 was again 300-400USD.

You can't compare consoles with PCs. PC gaming is increasing compared to consoles. Many people and countries that used to pirate only are now legitimate customers thanks to Steam. Nevertheless that was besides the point. PC and consoles aren't apples to apples. PC never declined in sales it was just that for a moment in time consoles were selling way way faster than PC gaming, I already mentioned it in the other thread.

Yup, ONLY PS4 is selling great not others.

Switch? Thanks for agreeing with my point. The gen is lagging behind even after 2 console revisions by each console manufacturer compared to last. Is Switch 8th gen on 9th? If it's 8th gen then why are we including WiiU? No matter how you look at it, no matter how much cherry picking you do, consoles are declining.

But I also said specifically that this gen is lagging behind gen 6 numbers not just gen 7. Have fun trying to convince the executives of Sony, MS etc that consoles aren't declining because they clearly are investing in other avenues.

Inflation as shit to do with my argument and this gen consoles will, be even more expensive in 10 years what is your point.

Consoles were cheaper and the generation lasted 8 years compare that to the PS2 generation were consoles for all 3 came 6 years the most latter.

No dude is selling well in fact sony and Nintendo alone sold 17 million units from October to December.

The PS4 which is 5 years old now running on its 6th year sold 8.1 million units on its last quarter the switch sold 9 millions and is a hot new system so yeah the PS4 is fast approaching 100 millions and while my self don't think it will sell like the PS2 I am sure 130 millions or more is not out of the question when all is say and done.

Lagging vs gen 6? Are you on drugs or are you comparing total sales on gen 6 vs partial sales of this gen?

The PS2 took 5 years and 8 months to reach 100 millions the PS4 is 5 years and 4 months and already is at 94 millions the xbox one alone has like 40 millions which is what the xbox and GC basically had combined six years into the generation and I am not even counting the switch.

Please if you are going to compare gen also look at time lines the PS2 sold 156 millions but didn't reach that number in 6 years in fact it was on sale for 12 years.

Inflation has everything to do with your non-existing argument. Consoles were cheaper at the time of Gen 5 yet on the subsequent gens more consoles were sold if we ignore inflation. You had no argument to begin with just flip flopping and mental gymnastics to put a curtain over real situation.

Selling well =/= increasing sales. Gamestop may still be profitable, doesn't mean it will be opening new shops or someone else will enter into this market as it's declining. It's astounding how insecure a fanbase must be to unable to understand this simple concept.

Sorry, I don't care about your expectations. The real numbers are there and even Sony's PS revenue declined last quarter.

Yes, I'm listing Gen 6 and don't give me crap about partial or it isn't over. No amount of but but or mental gymnastics will change that.

I'm sorry I don't take your XBox numbers here or any of your posts seriously because of your constant flip flopping. I can put up literally dozens of your posts and threads where you're shouting how Xbox didn't even sold 30M and in fact trailing way behind 360. Don't think you can pull your lie with me. Even if this gen sold 200M by 2021 that will still be 60-70ish consoles behind last gen even though each manufacturer has put out at least two consoles this gen but then again the numbers are lagging behind gen 6 not just gen 7.

As for your last point with PS2 selling so much that actually goes against your agenda because no matter what happens no console is going to have the lasting power PS2 had because of libraray, extremely cheap price in the later life cycle for 3rd world countries. None of that will hold true for any gen 8 console, meaning it will cap at much lower numbers.

That's my last post on the topic. You don't want to accept the facts be my guest. The numbers have already proven my stand and will continue to do so in the coming years.

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#59 k--m--k
Member since 2007 • 2799 Posts

Probably an expensive Ouya.

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#60  Edited By xantufrog  Moderator
Member since 2013 • 17898 Posts

That.... Doesn't sound right. But I'm intrigued. Especially with the rumors surrounding Sega.

Whatever they have in store, I'll have my eye on it for curiosity if nothing else

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#61 PurpleMan5000
Member since 2011 • 10531 Posts

@Xabiss said:

This controller looks terrible. Hopefully it feels better then it looks, but damn it is just sad looking.

It looks like an amateur 3D printing project.

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#62 michaelmikado
Member since 2019 • 406 Posts

Google Teaser for GDC 2019

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Gather around as we unveil Google’s vision for the future of gaming at #GDC19. Live 3/19 at 10AM PDT. Sign up to receive the latest updates at

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#63  Edited By PSP107
Member since 2007 • 18984 Posts

@BassMan said:

Another console....

lol, for a moment there, I thought it's nose was the eyes.

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#64  Edited By deactivated-5d78760d7d740
Member since 2009 • 16386 Posts

@michaelmikado: I'm intrigued! I hope they really are jumping into this and not pulling some android related bs that they'll support half assedly.

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#65  Edited By True_Link
Member since 2019 • 243 Posts

I laugh everytime a PC fanatic wishes console gaming to end, the insecurity of those select PC fannies reeks and is pathetic.

It's not going to happen, give up, you'll feel better this way.

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#66 schu
Member since 2003 • 10202 Posts

I appreciate the increased competition, but that controller tho...uh...seems doomed out the gate..

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#67 DaVillain  Moderator
Member since 2014 • 58762 Posts

@true_link said:

I laugh everytime a PC fanatic wishes console gaming to end, the insecurity of those select PC fannies reeks and is pathetic.

It's not going to happen, give up, you'll feel better this way.

Who the hell told you this?

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#68 Sushiglutton
Member since 2009 • 10481 Posts

Interesting to see what it is and especially if they have an games to go with it. Will probably watch the keynote if I don't have anything better to do (who am I kidding lol?)

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#69 True_Link
Member since 2019 • 243 Posts

@davillain- said:
@true_link said:

I laugh everytime a PC fanatic wishes console gaming to end, the insecurity of those select PC fannies reeks and is pathetic.

It's not going to happen, give up, you'll feel better this way.

Who the hell told you this?

Look at @pc_rocks drivel, he clearly wishes console gaming to end.

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#70 BenjaminBanklin
Member since 2004 • 11568 Posts
@michaelmikado said:

Google Teaser for GDC 2019

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Gather around as we unveil Google’s vision for the future of gaming at #GDC19. Live 3/19 at 10AM PDT. Sign up to receive the latest updates at

Ooooh, it looks like Google is going all in. We're gonna have us a console war! 4 players in the market at once.

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#71 deactivated-642321fb121ca
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@BenjaminBanklin said:
@michaelmikado said:

Google Teaser for GDC 2019

Loading Video...
Loading Video...

Gather around as we unveil Google’s vision for the future of gaming at #GDC19. Live 3/19 at 10AM PDT. Sign up to receive the latest updates at

Ooooh, it looks like Google is going all in. We're gonna have us a console war! 4 players in the market at once.

Don't forget mad studios, if that was what they were called.

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#72  Edited By Son-Goku7523
Member since 2019 • 955 Posts

Watch it get announced and have Ouya specs XD.

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#73 Pedro
Member since 2002 • 74022 Posts

It would be funny if all of this is for a new game engine/online platform.

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#75  Edited By WitIsWisdom
Member since 2007 • 10459 Posts

You have to be a special kind of stupid to truly believe console gaming is dying. There is a difference in declining and tapering off. Declining means that sales are worse than previous generations (and yes you have to take the lifetime of consoles into consideration). Tapering off means new sales are slowing down a bit, but there is still growth. Quite the difference. From that point anything can happen, there can be a huge new group of sales, or then it could start to decline. Seeing as though neither has happened, and at least two consoles are killing it though, that is a foolish assumption. At some point in time all sales taper off, it's just the way things go. Especially near the end of generations (stating SONY quarterly profits were down.. lol.. really? Near the end of the console gen? NAH.. lol), and right before new products are announced. In which case, there will be a lot of new growth all over again. Kind of like the changing of seasons.. What better day to announce a new console than the 1st day of Spring?

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#76 demon-returns
Member since 2007 • 1451 Posts

If this wasn't so close to April 1st............................. I would've believed it

but at the moment color me a skeptic

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Member since 2004 • 9625 Posts

I hope MS and Sony unite to take google down. They are the last company I want to have data on when I play games and my communications with friends.

Maybe the PS5 could be the MSX 3? I can dream.

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#78 robert_sparkes
Member since 2018 • 7837 Posts

MS know all to well you need games not the most powerful console.

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#79  Edited By KungfuKitten
Member since 2006 • 27389 Posts

If they can keep load times shorter than it takes me to play a round of Tetris 99, I can see it sell.

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#80 qx0d
Member since 2018 • 333 Posts

Nice to see more companies making consoles. This will only spur more competition among the companies, and thus, even better consoles will be released.

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#81 ChrisChronos
Member since 2017 • 184 Posts

Well I do want a company to enter the console race but not Google.. Google is a trash company that loves censorship.

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#82 Raining51
Member since 2016 • 1164 Posts

Is this really true? Hm... that could be something..

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#83  Edited By ronvalencia
Member since 2008 • 29612 Posts

@michaelmikado said:

Google Teaser for GDC 2019

Loading Video...

Gather around as we unveil Google’s vision for the future of gaming at #GDC19. Live 3/19 at 10AM PDT. Sign up to receive the latest updates at

The video is in 1920x1080p resolution instead of 4K

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#84  Edited By tormentos
Member since 2003 • 33798 Posts

@pc_rocks said:

Inflation has everything to do with your non-existing argument. Consoles were cheaper at the time of Gen 5 yet on the subsequent gens more consoles were sold if we ignore inflation. You had no argument to begin with just flip flopping and mental gymnastics to put a curtain over real situation.

Selling well =/= increasing sales. Gamestop may still be profitable, doesn't mean it will be opening new shops or someone else will enter into this market as it's declining. It's astounding how insecure a fanbase must be to unable to understand this simple concept.

Sorry, I don't care about your expectations. The real numbers are there and even Sony's PS revenue declined last quarter.

Yes, I'm listing Gen 6 and don't give me crap about partial or it isn't over. No amount of but but or mental gymnastics will change that.

I'm sorry I don't take your XBox numbers here or any of your posts seriously because of your constant flip flopping. I can put up literally dozens of your posts and threads where you're shouting how Xbox didn't even sold 30M and in fact trailing way behind 360. Don't think you can pull your lie with me. Even if this gen sold 200M by 2021 that will still be 60-70ish consoles behind last gen even though each manufacturer has put out at least two consoles this gen but then again the numbers are lagging behind gen 6 not just gen 7.

As for your last point with PS2 selling so much that actually goes against your agenda because no matter what happens no console is going to have the lasting power PS2 had because of libraray, extremely cheap price in the later life cycle for 3rd world countries. None of that will hold true for any gen 8 console, meaning it will cap at much lower numbers.

That's my last post on the topic. You don't want to accept the facts be my guest. The numbers have already proven my stand and will continue to do so in the coming years.

You are the only moron in the world who think lower revenues 1 year = a product is dying.

Fact > Opinion.

By November 2005 the generation was at 140 millions TOP that includes 100 million PS2 and 20/20 between xbox and GC.

5 years and 8 months after the PS2 launch.

In time frame into the 360 gen that would put us in July 2011.

The 360 was 50 millions the wii was at 86 millions i think and the PS3 like 48 millions.

Which bring the total in the same time frame as the PS2 to 184 million 44 million more than the gen before it in the same time frame.

We are 5 years and 4 months since the PS4 launched.

The switch has sell 32 millions as of December 31 last year,the PS4 94 millions and the xbox one like 40 millions.

So with 4 months to be on the same time frame this gen has sold 166 millions 18 less millions than last gen and 26 millions more than the PS2 gen,even that non of the machines had a catastrophic fail rate that sparked millions of re buy units like the 360 did.

So even if consoles end selling 10 million less in the same time frame that hardly mean they are dying not to mention the switch enter late into the race and doesn't have the same years of sales than the wii had in 2011.

Console are in way better position now than PC were 10 years ago and stats don't lie.

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#85 Black96Z
Member since 2007 • 985 Posts

@tormentos: You forgot to include the 13 million Wii U sales.

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#86 tormentos
Member since 2003 • 33798 Posts

@Black96Z said:

@tormentos: You forgot to include the 13 million Wii U sales.

I forgot about that one as well.

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#87  Edited By lamprey263
Member since 2006 • 45496 Posts

If they announce too early with plans set in stone on hardware then MS and Sony could easily leapfrog them in terms of power and pricing by waiting another year or two. Unless they aggressively sought exclusive deals and launch with a killer app then I am not sure what they are attempting.

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#88 True_Link
Member since 2019 • 243 Posts

@tormentos said:
@pc_rocks said:

Inflation has everything to do with your non-existing argument. Consoles were cheaper at the time of Gen 5 yet on the subsequent gens more consoles were sold if we ignore inflation. You had no argument to begin with just flip flopping and mental gymnastics to put a curtain over real situation.

Selling well =/= increasing sales. Gamestop may still be profitable, doesn't mean it will be opening new shops or someone else will enter into this market as it's declining. It's astounding how insecure a fanbase must be to unable to understand this simple concept.

Sorry, I don't care about your expectations. The real numbers are there and even Sony's PS revenue declined last quarter.

Yes, I'm listing Gen 6 and don't give me crap about partial or it isn't over. No amount of but but or mental gymnastics will change that.

I'm sorry I don't take your XBox numbers here or any of your posts seriously because of your constant flip flopping. I can put up literally dozens of your posts and threads where you're shouting how Xbox didn't even sold 30M and in fact trailing way behind 360. Don't think you can pull your lie with me. Even if this gen sold 200M by 2021 that will still be 60-70ish consoles behind last gen even though each manufacturer has put out at least two consoles this gen but then again the numbers are lagging behind gen 6 not just gen 7.

As for your last point with PS2 selling so much that actually goes against your agenda because no matter what happens no console is going to have the lasting power PS2 had because of libraray, extremely cheap price in the later life cycle for 3rd world countries. None of that will hold true for any gen 8 console, meaning it will cap at much lower numbers.

That's my last post on the topic. You don't want to accept the facts be my guest. The numbers have already proven my stand and will continue to do so in the coming years.

You are the only moron in the world who think lower revenues 1 year = a product is dying.

Fact > Opinion.

By November 2005 the generation was at 140 millions TOP that includes 100 million PS2 and 20/20 between xbox and GC.

5 years and 8 months after the PS2 launch.

In time frame into the 360 gen that would put us in July 2011.

The 360 was 50 millions the wii was at 86 millions i think and the PS3 like 48 millions.

Which bring the total in the same time frame as the PS2 to 184 million 44 million more than the gen before it in the same time frame.

We are 5 years and 4 months since the PS4 launched.

The switch has sell 32 millions as of December 31 last year,the PS4 94 millions and the xbox one like 40 millions.

So with 4 months to be on the same time frame this gen has sold 166 millions 18 less millions than last gen and 26 millions more than the PS2 gen,even that non of the machines had a catastrophic fail rate that sparked millions of re buy units like the 360 did.

So even if consoles end selling 10 million less in the same time frame that hardly mean they are dying not to mention the switch enter late into the race and doesn't have the same years of sales than the wii had in 2011.

Console are in way better position now than PC were 10 years ago and stats don't lie.

I'm completely unsurprised by this. PC fannies stop hating on consoles, it's not healthy.

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#89 Raining51
Member since 2016 • 1164 Posts

I still haven't seen or heard anything else about this... is it really for real?

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#90  Edited By ronvalencia
Member since 2008 • 29612 Posts


Google’s Project Stream cloud gaming will use AMD Radeon Graphics

Another design win for AMD. LOL

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#91 ocinom
Member since 2008 • 1398 Posts

All that power just to play mobile games in 4k lol

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#92 Raining51
Member since 2016 • 1164 Posts

I guess I'd chalk this up to I'm sure it's theoretically possible but how much more than that I can't really say.

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#93  Edited By ronvalencia
Member since 2008 • 29612 Posts

It would be LOL situation when Sony, Microsoft and Google has common embedded Zen v2 + NAVI stack.

For Sony and MS,

1. Super-IO chip is replaced by 256bit or 384 bit GDDR6 memory controllers. Remove additional PCI-lanes.

2. Die 2 and Super-IO space allocation for large NAVI GPU.

3. MS/Sony's game console chip budgets usually runs into 320 mm2 to 362 mm2 range.

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#94 Raining51
Member since 2016 • 1164 Posts

Something tells me Microsoft might hard counter this if it really is completely true and even though we literally have information in front of us I still just hesitate for some reason.