Ive found it horrible, I hear Bungie wanting to keep halo 3 as fun as Halo 2 online, I dont see the fun in halo 2 online, Ive just started to dabble into online gaming and have a decent collection of online shooter games, Geow, R6 Vegas, Cod 2 and Cod3, Fear, Graw and Rfom and a few others like Pdz. Prey, Quake 4.
For me Cod3 and Rfom are pure fun and trump all the other games, Easy to pick up and play but requires you have more skill to be above average, Both those games to me have very smooth controls and most importantly both have a sprint button.
Geow- I dont like the 3rd person view and i feel it restricts the map size which limits the player count so to me its a negative, Id rather have the option to play on bigger maps with maybe the wepons made a bit more accurate just so the bigger maps arnt at a dissavantage, But i admit it can be fun though but i think its lacking in modes, its a no brainer to buy and i think with time and effort you can slowly get better, I dont think its a game that if you have quick reflexes and good aming you will start pawning your opponents from the get go.
R6 Vegas- Its realistic and has great depth to it, Its close quaters action and some people like that but i dont although i havnt really touched the online, I havnt even finished the Sp yet either- almost, I havd had some lag which is why i havnt got into it but from what ive played i wouldnt call it easy fun.
Fear- Havnt played online
Prey- Couldnt find a game online
Quake 4- Havnt played online
Graw- Played one match, Didnt know what was going so quit
Pdz- Same as review as Halo 2 review
Halo 2 - The map is so sparse, You cant hide in anything properly and most importantly you cant sprint, The wepons are horrible imo for online, The energy shield just lasts to long when being shot or shooting, Id like to find a player and shoot him in the body for a max of 2-3 seconds with a medium entry gun and i dont see why you cant to do that, Headshots should be made as kills except for the sniper when you shoot them for a full second because of the armour helmet, Tossing of the granades feels horrible and it feels like a weak kid is throwing it, The modes should be named standard like deathmatch and team deathmatch and what not, I dont like the controls, Their to loose when aiming and you only can adjust how fast the aiming circle is moved in a circle- This was all imo and if anyone wants to give me a few pointers how to play better then do so.
Cod3- Now this is fun, The maps are great everything elese about it is also great, Its the total opposite of halo 2 imo, I can get my rifle and a few quick shots ive got a kill, Cod3 requires stop and pop shooting and once you find a few players you skill comes into how well you do, You find them first they will probaly die first depending hoe fast you can hit the trigger multi times and how fast you can aim and find the next enemy and take sevaral people out, In Cod3 you have trees to hide behind but in Halo 2 it has nothing to hide behind of, The vehicles a fun to drive and mass counter attacks is really fun, The modes are awsome and just the whole milatary theme with proper people is cool.
Rfom- Man i love this game, Its fast paced the controls are smooth and the maps are the some of the best ive seen, I love the rankings system, The shot time death is perfect, The modes are extensve and lots of options to boot, theirs no lag the graphics are of the same quality as the Sp, 40 player matches also, 2 diffrent species, Human or chimera which have their own strengths, I cant think of anymore but i am having a blast with it.
I love Cod3 and Rfom and i fail to see how Halo 2 is hailed as the best console shooter, Its one of the worst experiences i had with a video game, Although ill be getting Halo 3 for its single player ill still try the multi although if i dont like im sure their will be other top qualtiy online fps shooters on other consoles if not ill be buying a gaming pc.
Ill be taking back Halo 2 and getting my $15us back.
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