This will continue to sell for along time. I'm surprised everyone is worried >_>Grinning_DemonAs Tim Schafer said - gamers tend to worry too much about sales. We have a whole collective of people on this site who run "buy _________ game" campaigns for every damn Wii game, and y'know what? Not needed. The DS / Wii doom for adult-oriented games wasn't caused by lack of sales on the Wii. It was caused by the *plethora* of sales on the 360, PS3, and PC - which can all be developed for simultaneously. - But frankly, this game will continue to sell for far longer than a console game would. We forget sometimes, if we're talking about the DS audience, there are a lot of people on that platform who don't buy games at launch. They see a game they want and put it on their birthday or Christmas list, or they plan to pick it up next time they go on a business trip... it's not as much a system of "having the latest game", especially since there's not the same online community. - A big reason the PS3, 360, and PC can drive early adoption is because people's friends get the latest game, are playing online, and so to play with their friends they go pick it up as well.
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