For the people that says Graphics doesnt matter, and only gameplay is important.
Would you guys still play Gears2, Halo3, MGS4, Uncharted if it had PS1 or gameboy graphics?
gameplay is all that matters right?
For me, if we can have both good gameplay and good graphics, why not? we payed big bucks for this gaming machines and then we should be expecting advanced visuals.
what you guys think?
I think you are doing what countless other people here have done in the past...displayed a level of ignorance on this issue.
When people say graphics don't matter, they aren't saying nobody WANTS better graphics, or that nobody CARES about pretty graphics. They are saying that the most important thing in making or enjoying a game - the things that make a game GREAT - do not necessarily include graphics. This is absolutely PROVEN by the fact you can have the best looking game in the world, and it can suck due to poor story, weak characters, bad level design, horrible camera, boring missions, muddy controls, etc, etc, etc. On the flipside, you can have games that have poor graphics, but get all those other things right, and they will be great games for a long long time. As proof of this I will point you to the fact that games like Punch Out, Super Mario, Sonic, Tetris, etc. ALL still hold up and are just as good today as they were when they first came out.
Why is that? Because what made those games great and fun wasn't the graphics but the gameplay fundamentals and design. Graphics are purely the wrapper that everything else is presented in. Sure, in a perfect world, all games would be great inside and out...but in reality that isn't the case. And when peopel continually hype games, or judge them, based on little more than graphics or screen shots, they are showing their lack of knowledge about videogames. Pure and Simple.
THAT is what it means to say graphics don't matter. They are the cherry on the ice cream...a great addition, but it is the icecream you paid for and the ice cream you want to eat. If the ice cream sucks, the cherry isn't giong to do anything to help the situation. Meanwhile, if the icecream is great, you aren't going to care if there is a cherry or not.
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