The games are for adults? So adults like broken game controls because of a lack of a second analog stick? Or is it just the fact that there is TERRIBLY animated blood? So violence is soooo mature. Or maybe square, dilapidated side boobs are attractive to you?
The fact is you only play the PSP with it's "adult" games because you are to close minded to other games that are fun, and think they make you look "cool". The DS has more games, more higher rated games, and better support than the PSP has ever had.
And why? Well it is simple, Sony tries to put PS2 style games on a system that isn't ready to handle PS2 games. While Nintendo makes games to be played on the DS FOR the DS. It can't compare it is simple. Not saying the PSP doesn't have a few good games, but it is a few, while the DS has bucket loads of good games.
my friend using o, x, triangle and square are just as fun as using a second analog I find myself pleaying Metal of Honor Heroes with ease.
at least the psp has an analog what does ds have for those horrible looking fps a pen lol maybe on the 3ds they will bring some crayons.
yea I have fun with the games on psp and they are graphically superior it's not about looking cool.
I would look just as cool with my ds playing some cartooney games and drawing numbers
you can have more games as for meI prefer a regular number ofgames with focus on gamers then hundreds of shovelware and few quality adult games.
I am not interested in playing sudoku or penpal, or imaginehorsez or putting pampers on babies, walking dogs and cooking.
wrong ds has a bucket full of shovelware and few good games
go to gamestop and tell me what's on the shelves %90 of honna maontanna, nintendogs, imagine babiez and %5 of new super mario, castlevania etc.
those are facts
I am going to take down your argument one step at a time.
1) I played Coded Arms, using the face buttons is not an easy means of playing a first person shooter. The Touch pad being used as an analog stick works WORLDS better than this.
2) See number one about the analog stick. It could have 5 or more analog sticks if it wanted on the touch pad.
3) Everyone can tell they try to make games look "good" on the PSP. But they look like dated PS1 games and they have no depth 99% of the time.
4) Have you looked at the library for the DS? One of the release games was about trying to convince women to get in bed with you. Does this premise sound like it is for kids? EXAMPLE: "You where shot in the head by a stranger in an act of murder. You are then put in an alternate dimension where you are forced to fight gods of death while they attempt to kill you so they can feast on your soul and survive. You must live for one week or else you will be either dead or forced into servitude to help kill future players of the game." Yeah REAL immature and kiddy right? Because every game is for children.
5) There was a Hannah Montana special Edition PSP so you might want to know what you are talking about before you throw that into the mix of negative features.
6) New Super Mario Brothers is shovelware? Give me a break. You obviously have no idea what you are talking about. Your post history about Moder Warfare shows you have no idea what a good game is.
1 - well I played medal of honor heroes with the face buttons and they feel precise more precise then when I played that ugly call of duty MW on DSand had to point the pen at the bottom screen to move the aim which was unprecise and sometimes unresponsive.
2 - too bad the touch pad sucks for fps even if it were not to, the graphics are so bad they are unplayable.
3 - psp games look like first games on ps2 they definetely look better than ps1 games unlike the ds which looks like super nintendo and hasn't advance graphics for handheld it's basically a gba with a second screen and a pen.
4 - The ds is full of games that don't interest no one but kidsthey have a wide selection of imagine series, cooking, learning to fish, learn different languages games, gardening, training dogs and horsez, hannah Montana and a few good quality titles that's just facts go to gamestop or your local videogame store to see.
what's the name of that game you mentioned by the way.
5 - 1 shovelware compared to thousands on the ds
6 - I never said new super mario is shovelware I said it and the castlevanias and metroids are few compared to the amount of shovelware on the ds on a regular basis.
Whaqt's wrong with MW2 ?
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