Holy Crap!
I asked the system wars-ers which game to go pickup yesterday from GStop and everyone said Uncharted 2. Can't believe I tried to compare MW2 to that game. I was a bit reluctant and Skeptical at first and I kept PM-ing people on my PSN and asking which game to get. Every single one of them said UC2. I still remained skeptical. I watched about six reviews of the game from like G4, IGN, GS and many others on youtube and it was the G4 one that got me. Adam Sessler-if you know who this is you'd know he used to be the worst ps3 hater ever- said "Quote me on this, Uncharted 2 is the best single player experience I've ever gotten my hands upon." I didnt even play the first Uncharted but I feel like I've known Nate like you'd know a character that has been around since PS1. The game does indeed play like a freaking movie. LOL. What's funny was how when I'm in a situation I suddenly find Nate saying exactly what I was thinking... Like I remember on the train level when the chopper attacked and the henchmen continued to shoot and I was thinking "Don't you see there's a freaking choppper around?" And Guess what Nate said....YUP.
I played all day yesterday and went to sleep and woke up this morning to play again. Only reason I even went to sleep was because i didnt want my dad to say something dumb.
And yes, I am going to slap all my friends for telling me to get MW2 instead.
I ask myself if this is the most well made video game ever, and then Hideo Kojima stands on my left shoulder and whisperes MGS4. LOL It's between those two. But honestly, If Uncharted 2 isn't the closest gaming has come to excellence, please someone, tell me what is. I don't care what platform its on, I will grab my credit card and go buy it. Please if you don't think UC2 is the closest just let me know what is.
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