Wow another PS3 fanboy TC with the I didn't want to buy UC2 but I had to ask 100 people if I should buy a game I already wanted, or already owned thread. Then we continue with the I'm trying to act like I have never heard of this Uncharted 2 game but it is so much better than Halo, Gears, Modern Warfare, or anything on that evil Xbox 360 system. Seriously now I am really start to see why so many people say blog it..
It's your opinion....Dude Blog It....although you do get some points for at least coming up with an original title, for a very very unoriginal thread.
"WOW another PS3 fanboy TC with the I didn't want to buy UC2..." First of all, you know- the funniest thing about people who'd tell you to blog something is how they don't realize that threads are also forms of blogging. Except more accessible and opened to communication. "I'm trying to act like I've never heard of UC 2?" LOL, I'm pretty sure I stated that I didn't play the first Uncharted. My comparing this game to the MW2if you check out the thread I made yesterday when I was seeking suggestions- only even came because I was looking for something to get me through Winter break. All my PSN friends have MW2 and they won't shut up about it. I even stated how much I didn't want to buy MW2 but since the Multiplayer-I said and I quote- "Is the only reason MW2 is in the picture. AND YES, I'm not being a fanboy-yes I am- I'm being a PS3 gamer who's really pissed of how ignorant the people out there are and how they think the PS3 has no games. Scarface, too bad every 360 game does beat it in sales. But too bad almost every gamer fails to open their eyes and see what's really going on. I don't even want to get into this topic. This was supposed to be a feedback and response thread. LOL I guess that guy was right when he said prepare for the lemmings.I think the funniest thing about it is that you lemmings seem so shocked of how the ps3's library is coming up. And what saddens me is how you don't realize the evil MS is doing to gaming. I saw a topic here earlier that said something about MS dropping the price of the 360 and the guy said it would be over for the PS3. Honestly, if MS dropped the price of the 360 to 100$ it'll just prove my point. They're trying to play monopoly and they buying things out.
WHile I'm busy witnessing the 360 scratch brand new GeOW2 game discs and Three Different NBA games in a row(true story), you guys are seriously telling me that the 360 is better? It's better in sales and popularity and that's it. The 360 hasn't done crap. It's reputation came from the original xbox which got popular because of the innovation it brought to online console gaming. That bled over to the 360 and games like Halo 3 are just regular AAA exclusives that MS keeps milking for the 360. ANd Halo's reputation on the 360 came from the original xbox. Games like Geow and Mass effects or whatever other 360 exclusives you want to name are good and solid titles, but if you want to talk about something that interacts with the owner of a gaming system-looking the gamer in the eyes and telling them that I'm doing this exclusively for you and you're the only one that can handle this: SOmething that promises and stands for something. Something that pushes the envelope and brings you an experience that fulfills the name of SONY and their reputation of quality...
Dude, you can name every AAA exclusive titles on the 360, but honestly I feel like I could slap you with five PS3 exclusives and just walk away with the price.
Are you serious? I just freaking played Dante's inferno and Bayonetta demos for free and Dude, there was a period of time when I didn't have my PS3 controller cause I sold it for some quick cash, I had this plug and play PC controller that wasn't able to play games because it lacked analogs, but for that two months I used my freaking PS3 to the max. I was able to use the browser and everything else. I'd even go into HOme and just talk to people. THE PS3 smokes the 360 in all aspects except the XBL which isn't a solid factor due to the fact that the PSN hasnt had as much time to develop and the fact that its free.
Now some people would say I'd rather pay. OK, good. But if a company that's struggling like SONY could still care enough to provide a free Service, then what the hell is probably-if not-the largest and richest corporation in the world doing? And oh, if the whole PSN is still pretty good argument isn't working for ya...This is what I told this kid while we were arguing in class "You get what you paid for..." ANd what did you pay? Nothing. You thief!!!
What factor do you lemmings have? Popularity? Sales? LOL I could even use that against you. You mention Uncharted 2 to one of your friends they've probably never heard of it. Yet, those same friends will tell you the 360 has way better games and its better just because its popular.
For what it's worth, I'd rather play awesome KZ2 online and frag people than to get cursed out by some angry "My-parents-don't-love-me-enough" type of kid on XBL- who's racist and angry at the world just because he can't seem to understand why it's his third copy of the same game?
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