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First i dont think is going to happen,Kojima never lets its public down,Nintendo has this huge hype machine and they can pay sites like gamepro to shut them up if they have anything bad to say,also any Nintendo game is going to sell thanks to the hype bad or not.In the case of bungie well i dont think halo 3 is going to be better than gears,probably a little improve over halo 2 but in the worst case scenario Halo 3 will get a AA but i say is going to be a 8.8.Rarelly a sequel gets a AAA unlees it improved everything like Resident evil 4(Which i sort of like but i think it could be better.Especially the was like a friggin PSP game.)Â
But i have to say MGS4 because is the ps3 killer app and the ps3 itselft is not doing so well.If mgs4 flops which i doubt all hope in the Ps3 will be lost unless the system pulls 3 great AAA or a Badass AAAA that no one can bash ever and becomes one of the greatest game ever like zelda or better.
Halo 3 worst case scenario is AA and like super paper mario is going to sell but in the SW forums this event will be celebreated like crazy.
If SMB,Metroid or SSBB flops(I think SSBB is going to be low AAA or high AA) TSHBO,Especially if Metroid Fails.Not a big ownage thanks to the hype machine also those games are going to sell like pokemon in a...well i got nothing but those games are going to sell like crazy.
Mass i dont think this one will make it to AAA,More like high AA.
Crisis,The only people who care about this are PC gamers with Alienwares.A good game with good graphics that is going to be outsold by any Ds game with poor graphics,the irony just baffles me.Probably is going to be good like low AAA,really for what i've seen is a AAAA in graphics but im afraid of the framerate also i havent seen any gameplay.
Please ignore the grammar,im having a hard time editing this text.
[QUOTE="terrellpakeman"]How could you not put Killzone 2 in there?E_x_i_l_e
Killzone 2, I'm excited to see how it turns out, but the hype is still very underwhelming for this title, mainly because of how the first installment of the game turned out.
We don't really know a lot about Killzone 2, and even if we did, there's barely any hype for it. Killzone was a flop, everybody's assuming K2 will be a bigger flop. Who knows, it may surprise us all.Â
Everybody knows that if Halo 3 flops, the internet will explode.TDLlama
i'd have to agree with that, as a 360 owner i couldnt care less if ps3 titles flopped.but cows seem to be obsest with the ownage kinda thing.
[QUOTE="AgentVX"]Considering that the PS3 doesn't have "One" exclusive that is an AAA title, MGS flopping will only make things that more devestating. They will have nothing to fall back on except their pathetic favorite Sony quote "Wait until Next Year!"
Even if Halo or Mass Effect flops, the 360 already has a few AAA exclusive titles. Much more ammo for Lemmings already.Â
lmao, so you think only a proven franchise has the chance at AAA? So that means Mass Effect will flop? PS3 has PLENTY of promising games o_O
The problem with the PS3 is that the games are taking too long to come out, and even with new games coming out, none are really living up to the hype. Motorstorm and Reistance were good, but they weren't really great, not next-gen. Oblivion was good, but it was just as good on the 360.
The PS3 needs some quality titles. And maybe a price drop.Â
Everybody knows that if Halo 3 flops, the internet will explode.TDLlama
So no pressure on Bungie, right?Â
I just wanted to know what you people think on which game (that gets a less-than-desireable score) will create the biggest chaos for system wars. Personally, I like to wait for games before judging them, I hate how everyone is setting themselves up. If you put your expectations too high, you'll be dissapointed every time.
So which game will create the biggest ownage if it "flops".
Gamespot will never let Mass Effect and Halo 3 flops ! Thats impossible !Â
if halo 3 flops it will be worse than when TP "flopped".grapefruit21
I think the sheep were just setting themselfs up for a flop, I mean Zelda TP was AMAZING, but 10.0, come on. Gamespot doesn't give 10s anymore, not after Goldeneye and Ocarina of Time.Â
[QUOTE="Bluestorm-Kalas"]Crysis, because it won't get AAA, from what I've seen it's a mediocre shooter, with amazing graphics. That's about it. Mind you it will be high AA.jeffwulf
Hey, it worked for Gears.
This is why Halo 3's score is irrelevant (granted it would be the biggest ownage): no matter what it scores, Halo 3 will be considered overrated by everyone except lemmings. The same thing happens with every popular/acclaimed xbox title.Â
Halo 3, without a doubt. No Xbox fan will be able to show his face on this board until the next decade.Verge_6
The Halo franchise is not really a system seller anymore, it's more a killer-app. XBOX fans will still have many great games to look forward to, Mass Effect, Too Human Gears of War 2, etc.Â
Another Poll thats no doubt going to be dominated by Xbox users.
The rich ammount of Crysis hating comments are hilarious though "Medicore shooter" "only PC Gamers with Alienware care" "Crysis got no gamplay "Only good graphics nothing else" "I havnt seen any Gameplay vids therefore its crap (even though theres quite afew around)."
Jealousy because its on a seriously expensive system, thats all it is, I hope it steamroles the GOTY awards (Best FPS , Best Graphics ect), instead of yet another Halo sequal that has more enphasis on Viechle/Melee and sticky bomb kills than actual shooting :roll:.
 Why people find it so hard to except new franchises can be old ones is beyond me.Â
Halo 3, but I doubt it will flop though, Microsoft has deep pockets:wink:miss_kitt3n
Heh. GS being paid off by Microsoft. For some reason that doesn't seem that odd...Â
For me MGS cause it´s my favorite franchice ever, but seeing how halo will sell a lot more cause it´s much more important to xbox halo 3, halo is the father of the xbox it´s the reason it´s alive, mgs is just one more amazing game on the playstation.Eddie-Vedder
For Halo: CE this was true. But not for Halo 3, now the XBOX brand has great franchises like Gears, KOTOR, Ninja Gaiden, Mass Effect, Too Human, etc. But if MGS fails, they only exclusives cows will have to hype is... Lair?Â
Even though halo is an awsome game and probably what got me out of my RTS shell, it would be absolutly hilerious to se what would happen if Halo 3 gets below PDZ. redstormrisen
dude, you should get back to rts games, they are much better than console shootersÂ
If Halo 3 flops all hell will break lose. It would be hela-larious. :lol:Not-A-StalkerLol it would be pretty crazy!
[QUOTE="Not-A-Stalker"]If Halo 3 flops all hell will break lose. It would be hela-larious. :lol:chester706
Lol it would be pretty crazy!
Error: System Wars has been shut down for 10 years for massive amounts of threads about Halo 3.Â
[QUOTE="Eddie-Vedder"]For me MGS cause it´s my favorite franchice ever, but seeing how halo will sell a lot more cause it´s much more important to xbox halo 3, halo is the father of the xbox it´s the reason it´s alive, mgs is just one more amazing game on the playstation.FlamingFlamingo
For Halo: CE this was true. But not for Halo 3, now the XBOX brand has great franchises like Gears, KOTOR, Ninja Gaiden, Mass Effect, Too Human, etc. But if MGS fails, they only exclusives cows will have to hype is... Lair?
Another Poll thats no doubt going to be dominated by Xbox users.
The rich ammount of Crysis hating comments are hilarious though "Medicore shooter" "only PC Gamers with Alienware care" "Crysis got no gamplay "Only good graphics nothing else" "I havnt seen any Gameplay vids therefore its crap (even though theres quite afew around)."
Jealousy because its on a seriously expensive system, thats all it is, I hope it steamroles the GOTY awards (Best FPS , Best Graphics ect), instead of yet another Halo sequal that has more enphasis on Viechle/Melee and sticky bomb kills than actual shooting :roll:.
Why people find it so hard to except new franchises can be old ones is beyond me.
A few people decide that since Crysis looks amazing, it must of course have mediocre gameplay. These people of course, have probably seen no videos, done no independant research, or even looked at Baddog's threads which detail why Crysis' gameplay sounds dynamic and innovative.
One a few people begin saying it, it sort of gets caught in the SW canon. Monkey see, monkey do, despite how true it may or may not be.
That said, of that list, I've got to go Halo 3, simply because it's gotten so much darn hype, much more than any of these other titles mentioned. It also, much more than the Wii, PS3 or PC, acts a representative of it's console.Â
Halo 3 is the most anticipated game of the generation. It is crucial that it be recieved well. So, 360 owners would be owned if it flopped.
Mass Effect and Crysis are new, so the expectations are not as high as Halo 3.
Metriod is important to the Wii, but isn't nearly as big as MGS4 or Halo 3.
MGS4 is very important to the PS3, but my view is that it isn't as popular as Halo 3. It's a tough choice between MGS4 and Halo 3, however.
[QUOTE="FlamingFlamingo"][QUOTE="Eddie-Vedder"]For me MGS cause it´s my favorite franchice ever, but seeing how halo will sell a lot more cause it´s much more important to xbox halo 3, halo is the father of the xbox it´s the reason it´s alive, mgs is just one more amazing game on the playstation.Tiefster
For Halo: CE this was true. But not for Halo 3, now the XBOX brand has great franchises like Gears, KOTOR, Ninja Gaiden, Mass Effect, Too Human, etc. But if MGS fails, they only exclusives cows will have to hype is... Lair?
Yeah, you're right, but I have heard about a Dead Rising 2. The Banjo franchise is coming to the 360, along with other stuff, like Fable (not a great one, but a solid RPG nonetheless). The folks at Sony seriously need to bring thier old franchises into the new generation. Where is God of War, where is SOCOM, these are great games, why is it taking so long?Â
If halo 3 flopped not onyl would the whole internet crash, but Bill Gates head would exlode.
In all seriousness, Halo 3 flopping would be the worst by an order of magnitude. Sysytem wars would vaporise.
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