1. I am truely amazed at the Ignorance of this Blowhard. Pretty much to sum it up hes Trumpiting the hardware sales for the APRIL NPD, which was only a 800 unit Difference compared to PS3, which is really nothing to boast.
2. Hes also acting like the 360 version of GTA is selling WAAAAAAAY more tahn PS3, when its actually isnt really. its more like a 3 to 4 than a 2 to 1. Seriously, his smugness is to be admired.
You made two points. I fail to see either of them. Here's his answer to the first one. (Bold is the questioner)
It was quite close though. The difference was 900 or 1,000 units.
Very close last month, but it's still good to be the one on top.
You'll take it.
Yeah, why not? [Laughs] I'm sure they would if it was them. Isn't that how this works? It's like we're all battling for who's the top console in a month where nobody's really buying consoles.
But games are really what this business is built on ... and Xbox 360 continues to be the platform where people buy games. Xbox 360 sold more third party games at retail than the Wii and PS3 combined. We see that month in, month out.
While the Wii had a great month for hardware, and Mario Kart did well, the problem is that if you're a major third-party publisher, you're not making any money on that platform...
I fail to see how the foregoing is acting like a blowhard.
Point 2: The NPD numbers for GTAIV were 360 1.85 Million vs PS3 1.0 Million.
How is that not close to 2:1?
Me thinks your thread is epic fail. And if people actually read the interview it is pretty laidback and forthright.
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