I still hate how Sony always gets to go last and adjust bullshit and hype based off of what Microsoft just did.
Yeah, MS needs to change that Sony has had it much too easy in that respect.
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@Shewgenja: many good points, though isn't it the natural order of things to have an ebb and flow to all of this? Microsoft, if wishing to stay competitive has to move with the tide like everyone else...
A refocus on first party games is a GOOD thing for us as gamers. They know their last gen strategies/advantages are no longer there and that evolving is a must... Sony has been there, recovered and will most likely return at some point as again too... But that's just talk and the futures hard to predict.
In the end I wish Microsoft well in first party development, if that's what they're up to... If Microsoft treated the Xone like the rock star it treated it's older brothers, none of their scrambling and price cutting would be necessary... Gamers are simple... Make great games... I hand you money. Right?
Well, truth be told, I do think it is very much the right move to bolster your first party. I mean, right at first with the 360 I thought things were all good and bought into the whole concept of multiplats being just as important as exclusives. The truth is that by having exclusives, and a shit ton of them, the PS3 became a relevant system and then a must-have system last gen. All the while, the 360 was kind of handed early success and MS didn't lift a finger to build their first party in case of a rainy day.
I mean, sure, I'm being a negative nancy for the XBone. I have my reasons. I think this is more of a reaction than proaction, that is obvious as obvious could be. It is, however, the right thing to do. Better late than never?
You should update OP with this, E3 can't come soon enough for me. :D
Microsoft bringing gaming to consoles and PC's.
Developers creating Cross platform games you can buy once and play on Xbox or PC will win E3 alone. Why develop for one when you can release on both. People talk about developers skipping Xbox One because the PS4 sold more. But if Microsoft get this right the potential devices a developer could sell on with minimal development will far exceed the PS4 sales.
Like I said before the landscape is changing. Microsoft have big plans and anyone thinks Xbox One is in trouble will be in for a big surprise.
@darkangel115: haha maybe you just suck at it. It definitely has a learning curve. But it's the most strategic and tactical multiplayer on console right now. Never seen a game thrive on teamwork and communication as much as this game.
Every game has lag, btw
lol tactical and strategic? you mean butt hump each other and gather supplies to gain an advantage? slow sluggish movement, no hipfire, the best overall weapon (tactical shotgun) can only be used in 1 crappy default load out unless you buy the DLC (pay 2 win in a full price game) poor map design especially the night maps look like crap. It's about the bottom line of Mp games and actually I do quite well in it especially as someone who doesn't play too often. If you want a skill game, you play halo, Gears, titanfall. Those games you can take on 3 people and win if you better, TLOU with a low TTK, limited movement, poor hit detection, no hipfire just makes it not a competitive game.
and yes every game has some lag, but some are extremely minimal. the halo 5 beta ran like a dream, titanfall ran like a dream. sure the 360 gears and halo had some lag going on, but the high TTK in halo made it not a big deal. In gears it could be frustrating but since it was a lot of shotgun battles it wasn't as detrimental to the game as trying to precision aim with no ads and limited movement. TLOU is one of the laggiest online experiences.
@darkangel115: http://youtu.be/dXEe59111IM
There ya go.
Also, titanfall competitive LOL
exactly my experience you didn't encounter anyone until like 30 seconds in and 95% of your time is collecting supplies . All body shots too, not sure what your point is?
I still hate how Sony always gets to go last and adjust bullshit and hype based off of what Microsoft just did.
Yeah, MS needs to change that Sony has had it much too easy in that respect.
That's really what you guys think happens huh? They take all these demos and videos that takes weeks to prepare, then pool all these developers are are from everywhere between the US, Europe, Asia and sometimes Australia.. Then they all sit around in a room with a TV watching MSes conference then throw together an E3 gumbo before going on stage?
I mean.. For real? Now the next excuse is going to be that Sony has the later time slot? Oh man, you lems are a fucking riot this gen.
@darkangel115: that the game isn't meant to be a shoot out run around game. It's meant to be slower paced, tactical, methodical. It's not meant to be call of duty or battlefield or halo
I don't see what your problem with collecting supplies is; every player can do it and it gives more variety to the gameplay. Because there are so many different ways to play and approach combat, it keeps the game feeling fresh.
Edit: I was playing survivors, which is definitely the slowest pace mode of the game. One life for round. Not sure why anyone would be rushing out in the first 30 seconds of the match there.
What's with the body shots comment anyways? Kills a kill. Use the hunting rifle if you care about headshots.
I still hate how Sony always gets to go last and adjust bullshit and hype based off of what Microsoft just did.
Yeah, MS needs to change that Sony has had it much too easy in that respect.
That's really what you guys think happens huh? They take all these demos and videos that takes weeks to prepare, then pool all these developers are are from everywhere between the US, Europe, Asia and sometimes Australia.. Then they all sit around in a room with a TV watching MSes conference then throw together an E3 gumbo before going on stage?
I mean.. For real? Now the next excuse is going to be that Sony has the later time slot? Oh man, you lems are a fucking riot this gen.
Shut up and crawl back under your rock fanboy.
I still hate how Sony always gets to go last and adjust bullshit and hype based off of what Microsoft just did.
Yeah, MS needs to change that Sony has had it much too easy in that respect.
That's really what you guys think happens huh? They take all these demos and videos that takes weeks to prepare, then pool all these developers are are from everywhere between the US, Europe, Asia and sometimes Australia.. Then they all sit around in a room with a TV watching MSes conference then throw together an E3 gumbo before going on stage?
I mean.. For real? Now the next excuse is going to be that Sony has the later time slot? Oh man, you lems are a fucking riot this gen.
Shut up and crawl back under your rock fanboy.
It looks like MS threw in the towel for E3 2015.
im willing to bet you didn't read the article.
You got me, sir.
So, they are slowing killing dedicated xbox one support in favor of PC? That is exactly what it sounds like.
Are you that fucking stupid? Seriously, are you just trolling or are you actually that stupid? Do you actually think that MS would be that stupid? We're talking about intelligent, well educated and experienced people here not like the idiots around here. I'd be willing to bet that they know what they're doing and the people around here have zero fucking clue.
@FoxbatAlpha: they could always go on Tuesday, Wednesday, or thursday, but they want to go first.
Even so, I am assuming you are referring to the 2013 Sony reveal. You are still assuming that they changed policies at the last minute? Really? E3 is rehearsed million dollar plus show that can't just be change in a hour or two. Second a disecion to change policy needs to go through multiple groups before approval. Look how long it took ms to backtrack. One person doesn't make those descsions and it doesn't happen overnight.
A price point can be changed in seconds.
Seriously. It takes months to get your on stage talking head to quote your product $100 lower than the competition?
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