A brilliant comparison video between GT5 and Forza Motorsport 3.
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that comparison video just showed how amazing both games look... cant wait till both get released :)
both looks good cant even know if its still showing forza or GT and vice versa. but GT still look more realistic.
Are both video CGI or are they in game footage?
Both games look great but GT5 should be the better looking game even if they are not showing in game footage.
The big test will be gameplay. In my opinion the game with the better gameplay will be the game that i would vote the best.
If Forza looks even CLOSE to GT, then Sony loses.
MSwill haveput out FOUR racers this gen (PGR 3 & 4, Forza 2 & 3) while waiting on one GT (not including the prologue). Plus the cheaper console price, and a newere franchise. GT SHOULD be killing them...
you forgot that along GT5pSony put out also Motorstorm 1 & 2 along Wipeout HD which i know is not a car racing game but its still falls under the racing cathegory..
If Forza looks even CLOSE to GT, then Sony loses.
MSwill haveput out FOUR racers this gen (PGR 3 & 4, Forza 2 & 3) while waiting on one GT (not including the prologue). Plus the cheaper console price, and a newere franchise. GT SHOULD be killing them...
you forgot that along GT5pSony put out also Motorstorm 1 & 2 along Wipeout HD which i know is not a car racing game but its still falls under the racing cathegory..
Yeah, I remebered Motorstorm, but could not recall the name. Temporary brain freeze. But even if you count them, Wipeout HD, and prologue, the 360 is killing it for racers, imo.
A brilliant comparison video between GT5 and Forza Motorsport 3.
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its obvious gt5 ownes forza 3
8 cars is easy
actually they should compare forza with fight night cause they have the same number of things on screen:lol:
Im not going to comment on your ignorance but what i will say is you completely forgot that the footage is not gameplay so Forza > GT.[QUOTE="humado"]
A brilliant comparison video between GT5 and Forza Motorsport 3.
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its obvious gt5 ownes forza 3
8 cars is easy
actually they should compare forza with fight night cause they have the same number of things on screen:lol:
I remember these kind of post back in 2007 when sony fanboys were comparing Forza2 to GT5.
Forza2 came out, scored AAA everywhere and right now i have at least 250 hours on it. Now Forza3 is right on the corner and sony fanboys continue waiting....
Well....Forza3 looks as good as GT5 but GT5 should look like 10 times better considering its in development since 05?!
A brilliant comparison video between GT5 and Forza Motorsport 3.
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its obvious gt5 ownes forza 3
8 cars is easy
actually they should compare forza with fight night cause they have the same number of things on screen:lol:
I remember these kind of post back in 2007 when sony fanboys were comparing Forza2 to GT5.
Forza2 came out, scored AAA everywhere and right now i have at least 250 hours on it. Now Forza3 is right on the corner and sony fanboys continue waiting....
Well....Forza3 looks as good as GT5 but GT5 should look like 10 times better considering its in development since 05?!
i find comments such as these stupid (no offence PAL360), but if a game takes 2 yrs or 5yrs its still being released on the same hardware and considering both 360 / PS3 are close when it comes to hardware capabilites how the hell do you expect GT5 to look 10 times better just because it took 2+ more years in development ? (surely devs have more time to polish the visuals but thats it. the hardware limitations are still there)
Also lets say (examples here since not sure if the final content for both games has been officially released)Forza 3 has 400 cars & 40 tracks while GT5 has 800 cars + 80 tracks + Rally mode + Nascar Mode dont you expect it will take more time for devs to finish GT5 when compared to Forza3 ??
But anyway am not here to discuss which is the better game and try to argue with fan(boys) which flood these GT5 vs Forza3 threads since luckily i'll get to enjoy both titles unlike many in here..
Coming from a PC gamers point of view, based on that video, there isn't really much in it at all.
Is it true that the Forzafootagewas in-game while the GT footage was replay?
Edit: They showed the Nascar and WRC for GT, they should have also shown some of the footage of Le Mans from Forza.
its obvious gt5 ownes forza 3
8 cars is easy
actually they should compare forza with fight night cause they have the same number of things on screen:lol:
I remember these kind of post back in 2007 when sony fanboys were comparing Forza2 to GT5.
Forza2 came out, scored AAA everywhere and right now i have at least 250 hours on it. Now Forza3 is right on the corner and sony fanboys continue waiting....
Well....Forza3 looks as good as GT5 but GT5 should look like 10 times better considering its in development since 05?!
i find comments such as these stupid (no offence PAL360), but if a game takes 2 yrs or 5yrs its still being released on the same hardware and considering both 360 / PS3 are close when it comes to hardware capabilites how the hell do you expect GT5 to look 10 times better just because it took 2+ more years in development ? (surely devs have more time to polish the visuals but thats it. the hardware limitations are still there)
Also lets say (examples here since not sure if the final content for both games has been officially released)Forza 3 has 400 cars & 40 tracks while GT5 has 800 cars + 80 tracks + Rally mode + Nascar Mode dont you expect it will take more time for devs to finish GT5 when compared to Forza3 ??
But anyway am not here to discuss which is the better game and try to argue with fan(boys) which flood these GT5 vs Forza3 threads since luckily i'll get to enjoy both titles unlike many in here..
Well...of course the "10 times better" was an exageration. My point was how in 2 years we get a Forza game completly renovated I find funny how ppl bashed Forza2 and compared it to GT5 and now Forza3 is almost here and the bash threads/posts are like copy/past of the 2 years old ones.
Well...of course the "10 times better" was an exageration. My point was how in 2 years we get a Forza game completly renovated I find funny how ppl bashed Forza2 and compared it to GT5 and now Forza3 is almost here and the bash threads/posts are like copy/past of the 2 years old ones.
its SW people will bash every exclusive out on a system they dont own...
I didnt play Forza2 but am going to pick it up this week and spend sometime playing the game to get familiar with the series until Forza3 comes out..
Well...of course the "10 times better" was an exageration. My point was how in 2 years we get a Forza game completly renovated I find funny how ppl bashed Forza2 and compared it to GT5 and now Forza3 is almost here and the bash threads/posts are like copy/past of the 2 years old ones.
its SW people will bash every exclusive out on a system they dont own...
I didnt play Forza2 but am going to pick it up this week and spend sometime playing the game to get familiar with the series until Forza3 comes out..
Im sure you will love it. Not because its graphics but the gameplay and costumization are incredibly deep :)
A brilliant comparison video between GT5 and Forza Motorsport 3.
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its obvious gt5 ownes forza 3
8 cars is easy
actually they should compare forza with fight night cause they have the same number of things on screen:lol:
Possibly one of the most fanboyish things i've ever heard. Though hardly surprising considering how cows have been acting since Forza 3 was shown. If GT5 owns Forza 3 so badly why do cows feel the need to reasure themselves every day? The fact Forza 3 is even comparable to GT5 is halarious considering the previous installments.You got to be kidding, this is a briliant forparison for you :lol:
This is not even a bit a fair comparison, you cant be serious, FM3 scenes are ingame and replay and GT5 it's the very old intro video and the new from E3 which looks the same as the GT5P intro, miles better then ingame, are you for real.
I have GT5P and i know how it looks nothing like this it looks like poo ingame compared to the intro shown before the main menu and the E3 trailer.
Right now FM3 looks better and if GT5 wont have updated graphics over GT5P then FM3 will still win, it has more even graphics, while GT5P varys too much, awesome cars, bad environments.
This guy who made this video can maybe fool 360 owners but not me, i have both consoles and know exactly how does GT5P look and GT5 will look more or less the same.
It looks so average and dissapointing, i was expecting graphics like the intro video or the E3 trailer before i bought GT5P but when i started playing i was like wtf, thats it, looks like crap compared to what i expected, but at least it drives beautiful, imo it's more realistic then FM2 and also harder to drive, i event tried to compare same cars on Suzuka without any assistance of course and i could get way faster laps with FM2 from 2-4sec.
I can't wait for both games, but **** like this really pisses me off when someone is claiming that GT5 will look like in this video, GT5P looks nothing like this, it looks really unimpressive ingame and GT5 probably wont looks any better..
I agree with this statement, I too own both and think the exact same as you. It annoys me when people get these 'comaprison' videos when they all feature the ingame replay feature of Forza from E3...which is still not even near completion. Then have the stupidity to put it up against a completed GT trailer...ITS OBVIOUS it's going to look better!
It should be why people are comparing real ingame footage to a concept reel. Was about to ask the same, we haven't even seen in-game footage for GT5 so why are people believing this "comparison"?[QUOTE="II_Seraphim_II"]So basically this thread is which fanboys can make the most noise, right?heretrix
A brilliant comparison video between GT5 and Forza Motorsport 3.
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its obvious gt5 ownes forza 3
8 cars is easy
actually they should compare forza with fight night cause they have the same number of things on screen:lol:
Yeah so by your logic Halo 3 >>>>> KZ2 in graphics because killzone 2 only have 4 and 5 enemys at the same time...[QUOTE="heretrix"]It should be why people are comparing real ingame footage to a concept reel. Was about to ask the same, we haven't even seen in-game footage for GT5 so why are people believing this "comparison"?Because fantasy is always better than a harsh reality.[QUOTE="II_Seraphim_II"]So basically this thread is which fanboys can make the most noise, right?DeadMagazines
Forza 3's background looks like barf. I'm not seeing much of a difference between 2 and 3 on that part, at least from what I have seen.Forza 3's car models have improved though but they're still not as pretty as GT5.
LOL! Havn't seen GT5P's backgrounds? 2d trees FTW!!!
Forza 3's backgrounds are beautiful.
Forza 3's background looks like barf. I'm not seeing much of a difference between 2 and 3 on that part, at least from what I have seen.Forza 3's car models have improved though but they're still not as pretty as GT5.
LOL! Havn't seen GT5P's backgrounds? 2d trees FTW!!!
Forza 3's backgrounds are beautiful.
You sure? They look 2d just like GT5[QUOTE="che5ter666"]
Forza 3's background looks like barf. I'm not seeing much of a difference between 2 and 3 on that part, at least from what I have seen.Forza 3's car models have improved though but they're still not as pretty as GT5.
LOL! Havn't seen GT5P's backgrounds? 2d trees FTW!!!
Forza 3's backgrounds are beautiful.
You sure? They look 2d just like GT5You sure? They look 2d just like GT5[QUOTE="f50p90"]
LOL! Havn't seen GT5P's backgrounds? 2d trees FTW!!!
Forza 3's backgrounds are beautiful.
Hey fp, we've already seen in-game footage of the backgrounds, and they look fantastic. But thank you for posting a screenshot of a background miles in the distance from the cars, please zoom out further next time. DeadMagazinesWere looking at environments, not cars
Forza 3's background looks like barf. I'm not seeing much of a difference between 2 and 3 on that part, at least from what I have seen.Forza 3's car models have improved though but they're still not as pretty as GT5.
LOL! Havn't seen GT5P's backgrounds? 2d trees FTW!!!
Forza 3's backgrounds are beautiful.
Sorry, I was drawing my conclusion from Prologue which looks better than Forza 2 and from what I have seen Forza3. Sims suck anyways.
London looks phenomenal. Especially the lighting on the buildings and glare when you come around the corners.. It's too bad only ONE race in event mode is on this trackThe track they showed at e3 looked great, but Suzuka looks pretty weak.. No track in FM3 will look as good as LONDON from GT5/Prologue Mark My Words
The key thing is Forza 3 pumps out graphics like that while still providing for insane customization with the paint editor and fully modeled geometry warping through damage, complete with pieces breaking off and cars rolling over. And all of it looks just stunning.
To date, we have not see a single screenshot of a damaged car in GT5. Show me how good GT5 looks with a damaged car.
I posted that video on N4G yesterday and it seems to have caused quitea stir lol.
I thought everyone had seen it already...
But yeah watching that everyone i show it too goes "wow look at forza 3!!" but then when GT5 shows they instantly decide that GT5 just looks more realistic.
Its the shading and colours, bith are better, and the pit crew animations, 2x the cars, and all in 1080p
A brilliant comparison video between GT5 and Forza Motorsport 3.
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its obvious gt5 ownes forza 3
8 cars is easy
actually they should compare forza with fight night cause they have the same number of things on screen:lol:
Yeah so by your logic Halo 3 >>>>> KZ2 in graphics because killzone 2 only have 4 and 5 enemys at the same time... fine up until the fact KZ2 has tons of enemies at once in some parts... play the dam game first... Also it matters hugely. forza 3 only needs to have 8 cars running at once, GT5 has to have 16 going at once, twice the polygons, twice the physics, and if theres a big plie up, much more to deal with.So you are basically admitting to owning yourself, because you are comparing game footage to a concept video.I posted that video on N4G yesterday and it seems to have caused quitea stir lol.
I thought everyone had seen it already...
But yeah watching that everyone i show it too goes "wow look at forza 3!!" but then when GT5 shows they instantly decide that GT5 just looks more realistic.
Its the shading and colours, bith are better, and the pit crew animations, 2x the cars, and all in 1080p
So you are basically admitting to owning yourself, because you are comparing game footage to a concept video. So you have nothing to say about the 2d trees? FM3 wont look any better than GT5[QUOTE="NinjaMunkey01"]
I posted that video on N4G yesterday and it seems to have caused quitea stir lol.
I thought everyone had seen it already...
But yeah watching that everyone i show it too goes "wow look at forza 3!!" but then when GT5 shows they instantly decide that GT5 just looks more realistic.
Its the shading and colours, bith are better, and the pit crew animations, 2x the cars, and all in 1080p
Forza 3's background looks like barf. I'm not seeing much of a difference between 2 and 3 on that part, at least from what I have seen.Forza 3's car models have improved though but they're still not as pretty as GT5.
LOL! Havn't seen GT5P's backgrounds? 2d trees FTW!!!
Forza 3's backgrounds are beautiful.
You sure? They look 2d just like GT5Please Log In to post.
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