They were both very hyped Sandbox style games that spent more time building up the size that they forget about the gameplay.
Maybe I sound jaded but I am very dissappointed in the sandbox genre as a whole. I mean it sounds like a great idea in theory, you have a wide open area to explore and do anything. A living breathing city to interact with that reacts to your actions. But in execution it always mostly ends up dissappointing and repetitive.
I am a person that likes a fluid story in my single player games and I am a fan of cutscenes. However I hear alot of complaints that cutscenes slow down the gameplay and story and kind of takes the gamer out of the game. I can respect that opinion, but I have noticed that with sandbox games devs feel the need to fill it with fetch quests, assasination quests, and other trivial missions that just fluff up the gameplay time. Not to mention that they like to force you to drive, fly , web or ride from one side of the map to the other just to finish or start your next mission to once again fluff up the time. IMO when I have a freakin commute from one mission to the other that very much slows down the gameplay and for me and takes me out of the game. I know linear games can get annoying but heck, I am honestly preferring them over commute, fetch quest driven sandbox games.
So what do you guys think? What are your opinions on sandbox games and how they are being used?
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