I've posted this before, so I'll post it again as there seems to always be these new but done threads popping up again and again....
"I really don't understand how anyone can see GTA IV as the superior game. Mostly everything is improved upon in RDR. The cover and targeting systems, while still a bit touchy, are smoother and more refined and the gunfights are brutal. The world is alive with its own eco-system and random events (and weather), and there's more weapons and items. The characters are better written and voice acted and are far more interesting, the horses are a hell of a lot more fun to ride than GTA's cars were to drive, and the framerate is smoother and more consistent. The world doesn't have mindless drones roaming the streets as everyone in RDR has a schedule that they follow. Because of this, it doesn't cater to the gamer's demands (sometimes there will be nobody at the poker table or behind the counter at a store) which helps the game feel more alive, not so centered on the player, hence more immersive.
On top of that, it's varied in its environments, and the economy is better balanced as money is harder to come by (at least until way later in the game), which gives incentive to hunt, gather, and go out and explore....which is very enjoyable and leads to a variety of dynamic encounters. The Dead Eye mechanic is a brilliant idea which is well implemented. The story, while still not the main draw for me as is the freedom, is much better and actually has me curious as to what's going to happen unlike GTA. I find John interesting, whereas with Niko I couldn't care less about what happened to him. And finally, there's NO PHONE- the best thing of all. I can't comment on the multiplayer as I played neither.
RDR is far and away a better game than GTA IV ever was. The only thing GTA has going for it is that it is more polished and less glitchy, the novelty of the new engine and the physics it afforded, and the setting, if that's your preference. RDR is what GTA IV should've been, and has fully restored my faith that R* still knows how to create the best open world sandbox games out there."
For fun ill reply because right now im bored and I do respect your opinion a bit. For one, in GTA4, the pedestrians do not walk around as mindless drones. The world is alive and kicking with a flow of traffic and the people you see changes throughout the day. One will notice this if they were to stop running and gunning. I disagree on the voice acting and story being better. GTA4 was far superior on this level with its dialog and story telling. The characters were believable and "well acted", and the episodes really connected well to explain all the question marks left in GTA4. The characters really felt true to their environment as well.
In GTA4, you will notice that not everything was about Niko. As mentioned already, the world isnt filled with mindless drones. Peds would start fights, cops would chase suspects, taxi drivers will pick up peds, mail man would come at a certain time of day doing his business, garbage collectors, and the list goes on. Also, the radio and internet would mention other characters you may or may not have interacted with in the GTA world. You can turn OFF the phone and the multiplayer is better than in RDR. Also, an Infernus > Horse :P
I could've sworn GTA's citizens, while they did have random acts that gave the illusion of having a set schedule were in actuality simply emergent encounters stemming from randomized set paths that would occasionaly clash with another. Now I'm not a designer so I can't say if this is truly how it was, but that's sure how it felt. I remember following around people in GTA IV and it never really led anywhere. In RDR I've followed around a few people and have found that they have an actual routine. Almost too much so, as at one point while playing I was unable to progress because the person that was required to be at the letter to trigger the mission was far too busy sweeping the porch, cleaning the windows, and shooting the crows. I don't remember any of that in GTA IV, but admittedly it's been a while since I've played, so I'd have to go back to be 100% sure.
As for the characters and story....we'll just have to agree to disagree on this one. Many of the characters in GTA felt underdeveloped and overwritten, forgettable cookie cutter stereotypes, and were certainly overacted. IMO, poor writing is one of R*'s biggest weaknesses when it comes to their open world games, and while RDR is not that far removed from GTA in this aspect, it is nevertheless much better. John is a man in the midst of not only a changing landscape and his trying to find identity in it, he's also at conflict with his past and his attempt at reconciliation. Niko's story didn't nearly have this amount of depth nor said anything noteworthy about his past aside that he was an immigrant heading to a new land. He felt like Gordon Freeman from HL-a shell of a protagonist. The side characters in RDR are more memorable and less irritating as well, although they still maintain the intensely annoying tendency to blabber on forever without actually saying anything at all. But again, much improved from its predecessor.
I didn't realize you could turn off the phone in IV, but why should/would you want to? That's a fairly large part of what brings the game world alive, but the execution was simply mediocre. It wouldn't have nearly been as bad if the activities weren't so repetitive or if being allowed to ignore the incessant calls did not end up affecting Niko's relationships with said person, but that wasn't the case. So it felt forced if you wanted to truly experience GTA the way it was designed to be played. As for the cars vs. horses....again-all down to preference. I like the horses better because there's a huge, vast expanse to be able to use them in. GTA had some cool cars, but I never felt like I was able to stretch my legs with them. RDR gives me freedom. I love the ability to wander off the beaten path at any time to explore the unknown. Finally, as I said, I can't comment on the multi but from what I gather the general consensus at this point seems to favor GTA due to stability issues.
But yea, an Infernus DOES beat a horse. :P
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