Yep,I said it.
The reason crysis(1) has held the crown till now is because of mods.Otherwise,Metro 2033 would be the graphics king.
As mods are fair,I present to you...MODDED GTA IV AKA GRAPHICS KING.
EDIT0:The game looks much better in motion.PROOF [Not my video but the same config]
EDIT1:I know there is a lot of aliasing,but that is because I have a LOW END pc.As everyone knows,the gta4 engine does not support AA.ENB overcomes this problem by doubling your resolution.It is an effective method,but kills performance.If you have a mid range PC you can turn on AA and the framerate will still be playable.AND EVEN WITHOUT AA the jagged lines are barely visible in motion due to blur.The car in the first screenshot has many jagged edges but it is the only car with a lot of aliasing.
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