Well, there's one reason to laugh...as the person that chalked the TS as, "cowws these days". What makes me laugh is what passes for reasonable debate on Gamespot. "Oh, the PS3 won't sell because it's expensive." "Oh, the PS3 has no good exclusives." "Oh, this system will do this for this reason." None of it really makes any sense. The reason? Because we've got a bunch of kids on Gamespot saying things like it's truth. Kids with no notion of how the business or marketing world works. You think the PS3 is expensive when people are buying up ever 400 and $500 iPhone they can find? And $500 is too expensive for a video game / multi media center? Give me a freakin' break! These folks on here have no concept of how important Brand loyalty and trust is in the consumer world.
As a casual gamer (you know, the bulk of the video gamer population), here is how I see this generation of gaming. Keep in mind, out of boredom at work, I spend time on gaming sites to kill time and to entertain. I also enjoy video games, so it gives me a way to keep up on new games, etc.
Xbox 360: I did my research online before buying a system, much like any parent will when researching a purchase for their kids. Okay, the reasonably intelligent parents, at least. What's the first thing you find out when you put Xbox 360 into ANY search engine? The hardware is crap. Casual gamers don't know about the Falcon chip. They aren't going to put THAT much research into it. They're going to see 'Hardware Failure' on Google (or Amazon too...Xbox has lousy reviews there)and they'll stop there. I'm not buying something for myself, or my kids, that is likely to break down in a relatively short period of time. Why do you guys think Toyota overtook Ford and GM in North American auto sales? Let's not forget to mention that most adults like myself, working in the real world, have plenty of experience with Microsoft products. Let's just say that doesn't often paint them in the most flattering light.
Wii: Man, I can't find one of these things ANYWHERE. If I find one, I'm scooping it up because as rare as they are, there must be something to it!
PS3: Well, it's pretty expensive, but man does it have some neat bells and whistles. I've got an HD-TV...this blu-ray stuff sounds alright. I've already / my kid already has a PS2, so my/their old games will still play, I/they'll get the new version of the games they already love to play, the conroller is the same...everyone leaves happy. Yeah, we might just wait until the price is lower. The kid's / my PS2 can last a little longer.
Is it any wonder PS2 outsells Xbox 360 and PS3? Yeah, it's cheaper. Yeah, it's got one heck of an established library. It's the gem of the video game console world, quite frankly. When those folks (us casuals) get ready to make the leap to next gen (and when the price is right), the PS3 is going to fly off the shelves.
You sheltered Hardcore gamers only see things through the narrow world perspective of the Hardcore gamer. You guys live in this Gamespot vaccuum, talking to other Hardcores. You guys see gaming through this weird prism that most of us do not see. We don't care about Bioshock, Mass Effect, Lair, Heavenly Sword, or any of those other arcane games that the Hardcores scoop up. Until I started researching Video games at work, I had never heard of Metal Gear Solid or God of War, or Elder Scrolls, or any of the other hyped big name games. My point is, you guys have NO concept of what really sells systems. Hell, most of you have never attended a college course (let alone hold a degree), so you have very little concept of business and marketing practices that work in the real world. You have very little concept of consumer trends. Basically what I'm saying is that I have very little respect for anything that is said on these forums because I don't believe many of you have the requisite real-world knowledge to back up any of your half-cocked assertions.
Thanks for listening to my rant.
For someone who "brags" about having better business sense then these so called kids, you should did yourself a favor by comparing the iPhone to a PS3 for basic economic spending. In fact you couldn't be more wrong sir, there is a huge, fundamental difference between the two items set price versus value.
And I can answer it in one word: competition. If you can't figure it out, well you shouldn't have posted.
Now that your arrogant yet flawed statement has been debunked, please continue as I doubt you will apologize to everyone here.
That is all, please resume folks.
For someone that 'debunked' my thesis, you sure included very little information that contradicts anything in my post. Please, educate me as to the fundamental differences between the iPhone / PS3 analogy. Care to put a little bit of effort into that, or would you like to just make a statement, claim it as fact, and produce nothing whatsoever in the means of a supporting argument?
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