The PC version is actually really well ported. It's nicely optimised, has tons of options, and the FOV mod makes playing in first-person an absolute blast.
Why is it that someone always brings in the "But I want to play on my couch with a controller!" argument when it's quite possible to do that on a PC? "But I don't want a PC in my living room!" is not a valid argument either, because that's a limitation you place on yourself, rather than a limitation of the platform. It's quite possible to build a decent PC that can fit in alongside a set top box. Whether you don't want to do that or you can't afford that is your own issue.
That said, any of the current gen versions of the game look pretty damn good, so if playing on PC is not an option, you can't really go wrong with the PS4 or Xbox One versions. Just stay away from the last gen versions.
unless you have a monster rig, you are limited to basically ps4 level graphics if you want any hope of 60 fps, and thats on a 980 level gpu. if you have something slower, pick your poison. locked 30 just like ps4, a tear/judder fest with a variable 30 to 60 framerate, a locked 60 at sub ps4 settings.
If you have the option then PC is the better version, it's almost a different game
How is it a different game to my ps4 version? Both have 1st person controll switching. What you get a higher res (only if you have a larger than 1080p monitor and the card to pump that out, my monitor is 1080p and my gfx == the same in the PS4).. or what some added AA? at 1080p AA is not as important. I was playing games back when there was only 4 colors on the screen a few small jaggies is nothing (although it was so cool to see AA in action back when 3dfx made it mainstream).
Really though, how is it a different game? PS4/xb1 versions are fine. There is no reason to get it again if you already have it. (if you don't have the game then sure) . I have a freind who bought the game 3 times ps3 --> PS4 -- > pc and I think that is stupid. The guy is the opposite type of gamer than i am though (he only plays multiplayer games... which to me is INSANE!_)
The game is better in every single way over the console versions regardless if it's on last gen or this gen machines, sure the story and the characters are the same but that's where it ends.. Now you can claim it's the same all you want but you have play it, not watch a video or look at screen shots, running at 2k (my monitor is 1440p) or even 4k with frames rates in excess of 60 (I average 70+fps with a GTX 780ti) I do turn AA right down for that but with the higher resolution the jaggies aren't that bad. As for when I started playing video games, well that was when my Dad brought a TV game machine home in 1975, I was 5 at the time. So I'm kind of hard to impress at the best of times.
I played GTA V on Xbox 360, I borrowed a friends copy and the difference between the last gen version and PC version is beyond compare. Even if I had paid for it then though, I'd probably would have bought the PC version once the price dropped a bit, as it stands I didn't pay full price for it, shopping around can net good results. I wouldn't have bought it on the gens consoles for a half way version.
unless you have a monster rig, you are limited to basically ps4 level graphics if you want any hope of 60 fps, and thats on a 980 level gpu. if you have something slower, pick your poison. locked 30 just like ps4, a tear/judder fest with a variable 30 to 60 framerate, a locked 60 at sub ps4 settings.
That's a load of bullshit and you know it.
unless you have a monster rig, you are limited to basically ps4 level graphics if you want any hope of 60 fps, and thats on a 980 level gpu. if you have something slower, pick your poison. locked 30 just like ps4, a tear/judder fest with a variable 30 to 60 framerate, a locked 60 at sub ps4 settings.
That's a load of bullshit and you know it.
no its really not
@m3dude1: I get 50fps-60fps with my 7850 crossfire in high settings.
That's better than ps4
all high settings is lower than ps4. i cant even imagine how horrible the judder and microstutter is on that crossfire setup. every gta v performance review has indicated how awful it is in gta v.
Don't want to butt in on your conversation but I just want to point out that a PC that is equivilent to or more powerful than a console today will still be equivilent to or more powerful than the same console in 7 years time.
What makes you think a multi-plat game that can run on PS4 hardware at the end of the console lifecycle will not run on a PC, that is just as powerful as the PS4, from today?
Because it's a fact that this has happened before. Take, for example, AC IV, which has an FPS in the 20s on an AMD Athlon II x2 240/Geforce 8800 GTS even with all settings put on low and the resolution switched to 1024x768 (below the 360/PS3 native resolution) [text]. That's a setup that blows away the 360 and PS3's hardware, yet it's borderline unplayable on PC. I would hate to see how it runs on a 7800 GTX.
Developers will attempt to make the most out of fixed low-end hardware when they have no choice. On PC, developers can ignore low end hardware because there's enough people with more powerful hardware out there that they don't need to optimize the game to run on it.
Poor choice of games. Even if they were compatible you couldn't run the Xbox One version of the Xbox 360 either. Why choose a game that was built, poorly, with more modern PC hardware in mind? The AMD x 2 and Geforce 8800 are far below the minimum PC requirements.
Take a game like Battlefield 4, released at the end of the last console generation with the minimum specs being an Athlon x 2 and a Geforce 8800 and the performs better than the game did on Xbox 360.
unless you have a monster rig, you are limited to basically ps4 level graphics if you want any hope of 60 fps, and thats on a 980 level gpu. if you have something slower, pick your poison. locked 30 just like ps4, a tear/judder fest with a variable 30 to 60 framerate, a locked 60 at sub ps4 settings.
That's a load of bullshit and you know it.
Yes he's talking absolute garbage, as usual. I run GTA V at 2560 x 1440 with everything maxed out, apart from AA which is tuned down and is not important at higher resolutions, with those setting I average 70+ frames per second.
My rig is an i7 4770k, GTX 780ti, 16Gb Ram. Not exactly a monster by today's standards.
unless you have a monster rig, you are limited to basically ps4 level graphics if you want any hope of 60 fps, and thats on a 980 level gpu. if you have something slower, pick your poison. locked 30 just like ps4, a tear/judder fest with a variable 30 to 60 framerate, a locked 60 at sub ps4 settings.
That's a load of bullshit and you know it.
Yes he's talking absolute garbage, as usual. I run GTA V at 2560 x 1440 with everything maxed out, apart from AA which is tuned down and is not important at higher resolutions, with those setting I average 70+ frames per second.
My rig is an i7 4770k, GTX 780ti, 16Gb Ram. Not exactly a monster by today's standards.
AHA! and im full of shit. you get nowhere NEAR that level of perf and this game has absolutely horrendous IQ without aa if you arent using 4x downsample.
and this is from the benchmark option in the settings menu. your framerates will absolutely fucking drown when you get to any area with grass.
heres another one for you clown
lol @ your bullshit claim.
Yes he's talking absolute garbage, as usual. I run GTA V at 2560 x 1440 with everything maxed out, apart from AA which is tuned down and is not important at higher resolutions, with those setting I average 70+ frames per second.
My rig is an i7 4770k, GTX 780ti, 16Gb Ram. Not exactly a monster by today's standards.
Have the same rig as you, except run it at 1080p.
Ez 70+ FPS with x4 TXAA.
AHA! and im full of shit. you get nowhere NEAR that level of perf and this game has absolutely horrendous IQ without aa if you arent using 4x downsample.
4x downsample?
Son, you've no fucking idea what you're talking 'bout.
Tone down your desperation.
@FastRobby: Once you set it up for the first time, it is not much hassle at all. I have my PC setup in my bedroom and have a long HDMI cable and USB hub running to my living room. If you want quality, you got to go PC. It is worth the initial setup.
I prefer gameplay over gfx, and I don't want a 20m HDMI cable running through my house
you prefer gameplay over gfx? you think GTAV has different gameplay on consoles? you get both on PC, you dummy.
you can also set up the cable invisibly with a minimal effort. if you can build a gaming PC, you can propably set up one fucking HDMI cable too, right?
but on topic, PC. wireless controller + 50" TV + couch + PC graphics = definitive GTAV experience.
I don't need some benchmark test chart to show me what my own hand built PC is capable of
I normally run it without AA because frame rates are far more important to me than a few jaggies, that I don't notice when I'm playing
With Nvidia TXAA switched on I'm still way over a crappy 30 frames per second so please just go troll else where
Before you come back with any more your bullshit lies open the pictures in a new window and expand. The reason you have to scroll the picture to fit on your screen is because the images are in 2k
My i7 3770k, 16 gb ram, geforce 680 gtx 2gb card runs it with everything maxed (AA off, grass down one level to High) and running at 1080p over 30fps no slow downs or anything, and the settings say im using 1gb over my 2gb vram limit and still no slow downs below 30 fps.
Only thing I wish is that I could up the res to 4k since i'm playing it on my couch with a controller and that extra res would give it a lot more pop.
@GarGx1: It's an excellent choice of game, because it directly addresses the question of whether or not you would need to upgrade your Xbox 360 level PC to play Assassin's Creed IV, a game released over 7 years into a console lifecycle. Now, there are certainly games that could be dismissed by saying "the 360 game looks worse than the PC game on the lowest settings", but that's besides the point. The point is that developers often do not offer a version for our 360 level PC, but they do offer a version for our 9 year old console.
ACIV also launched first on 360/PS3, so it's not like those versions were afterthoughts either. They were the initial versions that everyone saw and reviewed.
What if someone just wants to play GTAV, and doesn't care about graphics or first person mode? They could play it on their 10 year old console, they're not going to play it on a 10 year old PC.
PCs need upgrading. You can't just buy a system and keep it there for 9 years like a PS3 and still expect it to play all the modern games. Everyone knows that that's how it works, yet the argument that a GTX 660 is all we'll ever need to play PS4 multiplats for the rest of its existence still continues even in the face of common knowledge that developers ignore low level hardware on PC late into most console lifespans. Some games may still run well on low level hardware, like Battlefield 4, but it's entirely dependent on the whims of the developer and how much they care about low level performance.
@highking_kallor: then tell me why console version has better gameplay. If anything is equal to PC, but PC as the added bonus of having 1st person.
How does the same game have better gameplay on a different platform? It's the same game...
@GarGx1: It's an excellent choice of game, because it directly addresses the question of whether or not you would need to upgrade your Xbox 360 level PC to play Assassin's Creed IV, a game released over 7 years into a console lifecycle. Now, there are certainly games that could be dismissed by saying "the 360 game looks worse than the PC game on the lowest settings", but that's besides the point. The point is that developers often do not offer a version for our 360 level PC, but they do offer a version for our 9 year old console.
ACIV also launched first on 360/PS3, so it's not like those versions were afterthoughts either. They were the initial versions that everyone saw and reviewed.
What if someone just wants to play GTAV, and doesn't care about graphics or first person mode? They could play it on their 10 year old console, they're not going to play it on a 10 year old PC.
PCs need upgrading. You can't just buy a system and keep it there for 9 years like a PS3 and still expect it to play all the modern games. Everyone knows that that's how it works, yet the argument that a GTX 660 is all we'll ever need to play PS4 multiplats for the rest of its existence still continues even in the face of common knowledge that developers ignore low level hardware on PC late into most console lifespans. Some games may still run well on low level hardware, like Battlefield 4, but it's entirely dependent on the whims of the developer and how much they care about low level performance.
My apologies I misread your post, where you said AC IV (i.e. Black Flag) I read AC V (i.e. Unity). Black flag's minimum spec is an AMD x 4 and a GTX 260 so it's a game written for later hardware due to the small amount of people running weaker 2006 hardware. It still doesn't refute the point that there are plenty of games released towards the end of the last console generation that could run on equivalent hardware from the start of the life cycle with a higher performance. As shown with my Battlefield 4 example.
GTA V wasn't released for 10 year old PC hardware and it certainly wouldn't run on an Xbox or PS2 (10 year old consoles). Plus have you seen, first hand, the difference between GTA V on Xbox 360 and a high end PC? It's a hell of lot more than 'graphics', the same has to be said for the new gen consoles compared to the last, although the performance levels are not quite as massive. The OP did ask which version to go for after all.
My personal point of view would be upgrade as often as you can afford to but I'm a performance whore and want the best that I can afford. That doesn't mean you have to upgrade every couple of years. Without going to extremes you can easily last 5 years (a normal console generation lifespan) without upgrades and still play every modern game. This generation even more so where an entry level gaming PC far exceeds the power inside the PS4, which in turn exceeds the other consoles.
@GarGx1: you should so sli your rig, max gta at 4k then
Getting second 780ti is a temptation but not for 4k, I only just got my Asus Swift monitor a few months ago :)
its still worth it if you find one at a good price, x2 780ti would be an amazing set up. More powerful than a 980
I don't need some benchmark test chart to show me what my own hand built PC is capable of
I normally run it without AA because frame rates are far more important to me than a few jaggies, that I don't notice when I'm playing
With Nvidia TXAA switched on I'm still way over a crappy 30 frames per second so please just go troll else where
Before you come back with any more your bullshit lies open the pictures in a new window and expand. The reason you have to scroll the picture to fit on your screen is because the images are in 2k
dont give a **** about your retarded screens that show nothing. if you want to prove your hardware is magic, shadowplay a video with a frame counter showing your settings. until then, ill take the word of every gta benchmark in existence over the claims of a prepubescent fanboy with a sub 20 iq who doesnt even know how antialiasing works.
read their faceoff. that performance preview video was running at sub ps4 settings. also the framerate on ps4 is locked at 30.
From the video's description : "the PC in test here runs with equivalent to PS4 settings"
@highking_kallor: then tell me why console version has better gameplay. If anything is equal to PC, but PC as the added bonus of having 1st person.
You thick?
I don't need some benchmark test chart to show me what my own hand built PC is capable of
I normally run it without AA because frame rates are far more important to me than a few jaggies, that I don't notice when I'm playing
With Nvidia TXAA switched on I'm still way over a crappy 30 frames per second so please just go troll else where
Before you come back with any more your bullshit lies open the pictures in a new window and expand. The reason you have to scroll the picture to fit on your screen is because the images are in 2k
dont give a **** about your retarded screens that show nothing. if you want to prove your hardware is magic, shadowplay a video with a frame counter showing your settings. until then, ill take the word of every gta benchmark in existence over the claims of a prepubescent fanboy with a sub 20 iq who doesnt even know how antialiasing works.
So sad to see a troll run so completely out of coherent argument (well most of your points are lies anyway) that they have to delve into denial and insults in the face of solid evidence.
I don't need some benchmark test chart to show me what my own hand built PC is capable of
I normally run it without AA because frame rates are far more important to me than a few jaggies, that I don't notice when I'm playing
With Nvidia TXAA switched on I'm still way over a crappy 30 frames per second so please just go troll else where
Before you come back with any more your bullshit lies open the pictures in a new window and expand. The reason you have to scroll the picture to fit on your screen is because the images are in 2k
dont give a **** about your retarded screens that show nothing. if you want to prove your hardware is magic, shadowplay a video with a frame counter showing your settings. until then, ill take the word of every gta benchmark in existence over the claims of a prepubescent fanboy with a sub 20 iq who doesnt even know how antialiasing works.
So sad to see a troll run so completely out of coherent argument (well most of your points are lies anyway) that they have to delve into denial and insults in the face of solid evidence.
ill be waiting on that shadowplay video. wont take more than 5 minutes of your time.
I've played the 360 and PC versions, and needless to say the PC version is a different beast altogether. I paid full price for both and I don't regret it.
I don't know nor particularly care how the PC and PS4 versions compare, but I do know that I love me some M+K controls for all the gunfights.
the game looks much better on PC. and when it is running good, it runs much better. but there are still issues including crashing bugs caused by ingame actions.
GTA IV was a little buggy when it first hit PC but over a couple months it was running perfect.
I've played the 360 and PC versions, and needless to say the PC version is a different beast altogether. I paid full price for both and I don't regret it.
I don't know nor particularly care how the PC and PS4 versions compare, but I do know that I love me some M+K controls for all the gunfights.
PS4 settings:
Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Refresh Rate: 30Hz
Vsync: Half
Population Density: 87%
Population Variety: 50%
Distance Scaling: 100%
Texture Quality: Very High
Shader Quality: High
Shadow Quality: High
Reflection Quality: Very High
Reflection MSAA: Disabled
Water Quality: High
Particles Quality: High
Grass Quality: Very High
Soft Shadows: Softest
Post FX: Ultra
Motion Blur Strength: ????
In-Game Depth of Field Effects: On
Anisotropic Filtering: x4
Ambient Occlusion: High
Tessellation: High
Advanced Graphics
Long Shadows: Off
High Resolution Shadows: Off
High Detail Streaming While Flying: Off
Extended Detail Streaming: 0%
Extended Shadow Detail: 0%
unless you have a monster rig, you are limited to basically ps4 level graphics if you want any hope of 60 fps, and thats on a 980 level gpu. if you have something slower, pick your poison. locked 30 just like ps4, a tear/judder fest with a variable 30 to 60 framerate, a locked 60 at sub ps4 settings.
this is just garbage.
just set it up on a friend's 3570K & 2GB 7870 system and he tested in a minimum of 45fps @1080p. FXAA on, MSAA 2x, texture and shadow settings all maxed, blur and DoF off.
my 4790K & 8GB 290X stays ~75fps @1440p with everything maxed. 980 would do at the very least the same. and the only stutter i've seen through 40hrs has been a fraction of a second a couple times when flying through crowded intersections.
@m3dude1: i don't see any personal tests where you've proved anything. all i've seen is shit links. and all it proves for them is they can't setup a system properly for gaming.
Even with a mediocre rig you're running graphics slightly better than PS4, but with the rather insane benefit of 60+ fps (LMAO PS4 30 and below dips). This is huge. This alone warrants the PC version.
Then once you factor in a great rig, pff lol consoles.
unless you have a monster rig, you are limited to basically ps4 level graphics if you want any hope of 60 fps, and thats on a 980 level gpu. if you have something slower, pick your poison. locked 30 just like ps4, a tear/judder fest with a variable 30 to 60 framerate, a locked 60 at sub ps4 settings.
this is just garbage.
just set it up on a friend's 3570K & 2GB 7870 system and he tested in a minimum of 45fps @1080p. FXAA on, MSAA 2x, texture and shadow settings all maxed, blur and DoF off.
my 4790K & 8GB 290X stays ~75fps @1440p with everything maxed. 980 would do at the very least the same. and the only stutter i've seen through 40hrs has been a fraction of a second a couple times when flying through crowded intersections.
He is a known fakeboy/troller. For years even said is plasma tv increased is xbox360/ps3 graphics over that of a PC near the end of last gen, even though consoles only had a 1-2 year lead. Not long ago he stated Driveclub was the GFX KING outside of photomode, lol.
@m3dude1: PS4 runs worse than this weak ass PC...
Ouch, video he can't refute THAT with any facts. Lmao ps4.
PS4 can only play games as good as a HD7850(low-end gpu) on PC, get over it, because more brutal years are ahead for consoles.
@PonchoTaco: considering it has a 1st person perpective, which is considered a layer of gameplay, it might potencialy enchance some people experience gameplay wise.
XBone and PS4 offer first person as well.
PC. And you'll get the chance to do this:
Now, it's time for you to die for my sins, motherf*ckers!
@m3dude1: PS4 runs worse than this weak ass PC...
I'm not sure that's what the video demonstrates... the PS4 version is locked at 30 fps, whereas the game fluctuates between the 30s and 40s on a 750 Ti. That doesn't mean the PS4 version is "weaker" than a 750 Ti; the locked fps is done intentionally. Devs try to avoid a fluctuating framerate because some frames stay on-screen for longer than others, resulting in judder. 30fps means frames persist for two screen refreshes and avoids screen tearing.
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