@lostrib: yup its like i watched a great movie on 720p while others wait for 1-2 years for the 1080p version
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What is the point of the comparison. This is like comparing psx/N64 games to their Dreamcast ports that came out 2 to 3 years later.
What is the point of the comparison. This is like comparing psx/N64 games to their Dreamcast ports that came out 2 to 3 years later.
You know that these comparisons are making the consolites cry, surely that's reason enough?. Look at poor tomatoes in this very thread, poor lil fella.
What is the point of the comparison. This is like comparing psx/N64 games to their Dreamcast ports that came out 2 to 3 years later.
You know that these comparisons are making the consolites cry, surely that's reason enough?. Look at poor tomatoes in this very thread, poor lil fella.
Na this is one of the exceptions, really. What's done is done. Played Ocarina of Time on N64 and it didn't bother me one bit that some newcomers got to play it on 3ds with a better framerate.
What is the point of the comparison. This is like comparing psx/N64 games to their Dreamcast ports that came out 2 to 3 years later.
You know that these comparisons are making the consolites cry, surely that's reason enough?. Look at poor tomatoes in this very thread, poor lil fella.
Na this is one of the exceptions, really. What's done is done. Played Ocarina of Time on N64 and it didn't bother me one bit that some newcomers got to play it on 3ds with a better framerate.
You're point would be better made if you didn't use a 17 year old game as your example.
What is the point of the comparison. This is like comparing psx/N64 games to their Dreamcast ports that came out 2 to 3 years later.
You know that these comparisons are making the consolites cry, surely that's reason enough?. Look at poor tomatoes in this very thread, poor lil fella.
Na this is one of the exceptions, really. What's done is done. Played Ocarina of Time on N64 and it didn't bother me one bit that some newcomers got to play it on 3ds with a better framerate.
You're point would be better made if you didn't use a 17 year old game as your example.
I did the first time, and then I exaggerated.
What is the point of the comparison. This is like comparing psx/N64 games to their Dreamcast ports that came out 2 to 3 years later.
You know that these comparisons are making the consolites cry, surely that's reason enough?. Look at poor tomatoes in this very thread, poor lil fella.
Na this is one of the exceptions, really. What's done is done. Played Ocarina of Time on N64 and it didn't bother me one bit that some newcomers got to play it on 3ds with a better framerate.
You're point would be better made if you didn't use a 17 year old game as your example.
I did the first time, and then I exaggerated.
Even then you're talking about a game that's still very much in the average joe public's consciousness. This is especially true for GTAV now because of the recent heists update and the very poor console line-ups for this year so far.
What is the point of the comparison. This is like comparing psx/N64 games to their Dreamcast ports that came out 2 to 3 years later.
You know that these comparisons are making the consolites cry, surely that's reason enough?. Look at poor tomatoes in this very thread, poor lil fella.
Na this is one of the exceptions, really. What's done is done. Played Ocarina of Time on N64 and it didn't bother me one bit that some newcomers got to play it on 3ds with a better framerate.
You're point would be better made if you didn't use a 17 year old game as your example.
I did the first time, and then I exaggerated.
Even then you're talking about a game that's still very much in the average joe public's consciousness. This is especially true for GTAV now because of the recent heists update and the very poor console line-ups for this year so far.
Nobody cares, really. In cases where console image quality AND framerate suffers to where it affects the experience vs the higher fidelity smoother pc version, at release, I can understand. Here though? This game has been out for awhile now.
Even then you're talking about a game that's still very much in the average joe public's consciousness. This is especially true for GTAV now because of the recent heists update and the very poor console line-ups for this year so far.
Nobody cares, really. In cases where console image quality AND framerate suffers to where it affects the experience vs the higher fidelity smoother pc version, at release, I can understand. Here though? This game has been out for awhile now.
Ofc people care, don't be so naive. If no-one cared we wouldn't have sites like DF nor would we have the bajillion comparison channels on youtube.
It doesn't matter that it's been out a while, the PC version is significantly superior and not only with textures/resolution/effects but with control methods, mods and free online. And, when you're subjected to constant comparisons between shit console version A vs. shit console version B on this site, a comparison with significant differences (like this one) is actually refreshing.
This is pertaining to the grass density on Xbox One and PlayStation 4, this is something I posted shortly after the game came out.
I think I have figured out what is going on, the Xbox One does not have less vegetation than the PlayStation 4 from what I can tell, it's just dense in different places. It appears that the games both ran individual procedural generation. What this means is aside from manual placement for certain things like big plants, trees and so on; the grass density is different in different locations on both systems.
I went to several of these locations after painstakingly searching the map (and being mauled to death countless times) and came to find that in these specific locations shown the grass density on the Xbox One is low, but in many, many others it's JUST AS dense as on the PlayStation 4. This leads me back to my procedural generation line, I think when it comes to grass that each game was given its own independent grass generation.
Procedural generation is automatic placement of assets, the system runs on an algorithm and places objects (in this case grass) in locations which are suiting for it based upon the initial coding parameters. This video leads me to believe they did not properly check everywhere to confirm something like the above or intentionally went to the dry places on the Xbox One to start a controversy.
Here is an image from another comparison video, me going to the same location, and then going 50 feet to the left of it where the foliage is extremely thick just as it is on the PlayStation 4.
Sorry about the quality of the pictures, I have no capture device so a camera phone is the best I could do. If I can I'll rent the PlayStation 4 version and compare them directly, I own both systems, just got it on Xbox due to the network stability for GTA Online.
We wouldn't have people trying to make money off of popular trends? Nothing will change that. Graphics comparisons are front and center right now so of course we will see that. In this case nobody cares though. Nobody is thinking, "geez I shouldn't have bought that game two years ago."
GTA has always been better on pc. I've never personally cared for the console releases. They were unplayable until GTA4--but by that time the formula was getting tired, period.
We wouldn't have people trying to make money off of popular trends? Nothing will change that. Graphics comparisons are front and center right now so of course we will see that. In this case nobody cares though. Nobody is thinking, "geez I shouldn't have bought that game two years ago."
GTA has always been better on pc. I've never personally cared for the console releases. They were unplayable until GTA4--but by that time the formula was getting tired, period.
They wouldn't be popular trends that people are making money off of if they weren't popular, surely popularity would suggest that people care, correct?.
So you know what everyone's thinking, wow, that's one amazing gift you have there...
We wouldn't have people trying to make money off of popular trends? Nothing will change that. Graphics comparisons are front and center right now so of course we will see that. In this case nobody cares though. Nobody is thinking, "geez I shouldn't have bought that game two years ago."
GTA has always been better on pc. I've never personally cared for the console releases. They were unplayable until GTA4--but by that time the formula was getting tired, period.
They wouldn't be popular trends that people are making money off of if they weren't popular, surely popularity would suggest that people care, correct?.
So you know what everyone's thinking, wow, that's one amazing gift you have there...
And so people will take as much as they can. I'd agree under most circumstances. The game is just so old though. Really, nobody cares.
GTA5 is a beautiful game on every platform, even on PS3 and 360!
Here a vid i made a few days ago:
The transitions could be better if my laptop wasn't so terrible! It can't even handle movie maker properly :p
They really have improved the AA a lot since the last game. As I said in another thread, I'm currently replaying IV in 4K DSR and, archaic character models aside, it looks incredible. I can't wait to play this for the first time because it's easily my most anticipated game this year, just ahead of the new Batman. What a time to be a PC gamer. I've still yet to purchase Ori and the Blind Forest too.
@GhoX: Hahahaha. A ps4 only costs 400$ and its 4k compatible! Don't add tv costs it ain't fair. Everyone has a 4k tv monitor in every room anyways.
Yeah I even have one in my bathroom just in case.
Meh, mods will do far better.
Oh, and look, more grass. I'm sure PS4 owners will quickly notice it like they did with the ps4 version.
No we will do like lemming did deny any difference...
And since YOU don't care about resolution the PS4 is the version to get either way who want to keep waiting...lol
I remember that tactic you did it often last generation when the 360 trounced the ps3 often in games.
games so stale all there is to be done is argue gfx.
This is such an imbecilic and pathetic point - the fact that it's been out on consoles for quite a long time. As a PC only gamer, it was a little frustrating at the time of release that I wasn't able to play it without blowing money on a console. However, I got over it pretty damn quickly and, knowing it would be released on PC eventually, put it to the back of my mind and got on with life.
And now, I'm in a position to experience a superior version for the first time ever. If you loved this game when you first played it, your only only thought should be jealousy. I wish I could watch The Wire or Breaking Bad again, from a position of never having seen them before. You should feel the same way about GTA V, unless you're incredibly stupid or just genuinely don't like the game.
Wow PC gamers are such shills. Having to pay 10,000$ a year on a PC to get games to show a couple more blades of grass or some more branches on a tree? lol
Yup. First I had my 4 GTX 980's Gold Plated, then instead of a PC case, I purchased a refrigerator to build my PC in for maximum cooling.
In reality, I have spend 200 bucks on my i7 3930k (intel retail edge deal), 120 on my Corsair H100i cooler, 350 on my Asus Rampage IV Formula Mobo, 150 on my Thermaltake Chaser Case, about 150 for 32 GB of 1600mhz ram (got 16gb free with my mobo as a newegg deal). and 1000 on my 2 GTX 980's (employee discount brought them to 500 bucks each) the gpu's. The PSU was a 950 watt Corsair left over from my previous build, plus I sold my old CPU, Mobo, Ram and GPU for about 500 bucks. So lets do MATH. 200 + 120 + 350 + 150 + 150 + 1000 - 500. In the end I paid around 1320 for my current rig. So while yes do to some deals I got this rig cheaper than some people could, but this is what I personally paid. In the end, this PC still wouldn't have cost more than 2k with me selling my past parts or maybe just a smidge above 2k if building from complete scratch.
Also keep in mind, only Gamers won't need a 3930k CPU. I'm doing Graphics Rendering currently and when I worked retail I took advantage of the deal knowing I would be using it soon. Any decent i7 would do fine.
So no, your figure it completely incorrect. But also to add, I'm just a Gamer, I play on my PC, PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, Xbox 1, Xbox 360, Xbox, Wii-U, Wii, Gamecube, N64, SNES, NES, Vita, PSP, 3DS, DS, GBA and GB. I play games and all games. Currently I have been really getting into retro gaming and collecting some older games I missed out on while getting my must haves of this gen.
Some of us naturally spend money on our hobby because its our passion. Maybe I have spent 10k on gaming over the years, but not on a single PC.
EDIT: Also note, my plans for the future are to track down a couple Sega Consoles and the top games since I actually have never had a Sega System in my life.
played the game 2.5 years ago
Nice dude! So did I! I don't understand how that takes away from GTA V PC being vastly better though.
Wow PC gamers are such shills. Having to pay 10,000$ a year on a PC to get games to show a couple more blades of grass or some more branches on a tree? lol
Yup. First I had my 4 GTX 980's Gold Plated, then instead of a PC case, I purchased a refrigerator to build my PC in for maximum cooling.
In reality, I have spend 200 bucks on my i7 3930k (intel retail edge deal), 120 on my Corsair H100i cooler, 350 on my Asus Rampage IV Formula Mobo, 150 on my Thermaltake Chaser Case, about 150 for 32 GB of 1600mhz ram (got 16gb free with my mobo as a newegg deal). and 1000 on my 2 GTX 980's (employee discount brought them to 500 bucks each) the gpu's. The PSU was a 950 watt Corsair left over from my previous build, plus I sold my old CPU, Mobo, Ram and GPU for about 500 bucks. So lets do MATH. 200 + 120 + 350 + 150 + 150 + 1000 - 500. In the end I paid around 1320 for my current rig. So while yes do to some deals I got this rig cheaper than some people could, but this is what I personally paid. In the end, this PC still wouldn't have cost more than 2k with me selling my past parts or maybe just a smidge above 2k if building from complete scratch.
Also keep in mind, only Gamers won't need a 3930k CPU. I'm doing Graphics Rendering currently and when I worked retail I took advantage of the deal knowing I would be using it soon. Any decent i7 would do fine.
So no, your figure it completely incorrect. But also to add, I'm just a Gamer, I play on my PC, PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, Xbox 1, Xbox 360, Xbox, Wii-U, Wii, Gamecube, N64, SNES, NES, Vita, PSP, 3DS, DS, GBA and GB. I play games and all games. Currently I have been really getting into retro gaming and collecting some older games I missed out on while getting my must haves of this gen.
Some of us naturally spend money on our hobby because its our passion. Maybe I have spent 10k on gaming over the years, but not on a single PC.
EDIT: Also note, my plans for the future are to track down a couple Sega Consoles and the top games since I actually have never had a Sega System in my life.
Wow PC gamers are such shills. Having to pay 10,000$ a year on a PC to get games to show a couple more blades of grass or some more branches on a tree? lol
Yup. First I had my 4 GTX 980's Gold Plated, then instead of a PC case, I purchased a refrigerator to build my PC in for maximum cooling.
In reality, I have spend 200 bucks on my i7 3930k (intel retail edge deal), 120 on my Corsair H100i cooler, 350 on my Asus Rampage IV Formula Mobo, 150 on my Thermaltake Chaser Case, about 150 for 32 GB of 1600mhz ram (got 16gb free with my mobo as a newegg deal). and 1000 on my 2 GTX 980's (employee discount brought them to 500 bucks each) the gpu's. The PSU was a 950 watt Corsair left over from my previous build, plus I sold my old CPU, Mobo, Ram and GPU for about 500 bucks. So lets do MATH. 200 + 120 + 350 + 150 + 150 + 1000 - 500. In the end I paid around 1320 for my current rig. So while yes do to some deals I got this rig cheaper than some people could, but this is what I personally paid. In the end, this PC still wouldn't have cost more than 2k with me selling my past parts or maybe just a smidge above 2k if building from complete scratch.
Also keep in mind, only Gamers won't need a 3930k CPU. I'm doing Graphics Rendering currently and when I worked retail I took advantage of the deal knowing I would be using it soon. Any decent i7 would do fine.
So no, your figure it completely incorrect. But also to add, I'm just a Gamer, I play on my PC, PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, Xbox 1, Xbox 360, Xbox, Wii-U, Wii, Gamecube, N64, SNES, NES, Vita, PSP, 3DS, DS, GBA and GB. I play games and all games. Currently I have been really getting into retro gaming and collecting some older games I missed out on while getting my must haves of this gen.
Some of us naturally spend money on our hobby because its our passion. Maybe I have spent 10k on gaming over the years, but not on a single PC.
EDIT: Also note, my plans for the future are to track down a couple Sega Consoles and the top games since I actually have never had a Sega System in my life.
Wow, don't need to be such an asshat about it.
From reading this forum, most people actually seem to think the super expensive PC is true. How am I to know you were being sarcastic off your remark. You sound like 99% of the Xboys and PScows with that statement. Maybe lengthen your post to show that you were being sarcastic to seperate it from a cow or lemming remark.
I just hope the game is a solid port and another GTA4.. Though based on the good job they did with Max Payne 3, I am pretty hopeful.
I refuse to buy any Rockstar game on PC. After the grief I rent through with IV, from a company with so many resources, they're not getting my money anymore.
I also don't like playing open world games on PC. It's a lot easier to notice distant texture pop-in on a monitor than a TV.
the ps3 looks better on some screen shots than the ps4. If I was a ps4 owner I'd be feeling ripped off. The ladder on the storage silo is clearly more defined on the ps3 screen shot.
Lemme guess.....the PC version looks better.
Am shocked. Much surprise.
only by a little bit though. Although there's the obligatory higher frame-rate one can't see on pictures.
until the modders get a hold of it..then its GTA4 all over agian
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