Man, so many people missing out on the 360's lineup. (I'm looking at you the-very-best.) The game lineup doesn't interest you because you don't have any experience with them, where as, you are quite accustomed to Sony's catalog of games. It's the familiarity that appeals to you. I know this because experience it too. I hesitate to consider a PS3 because I don't have a huge desire to play games and/or franchises I have never experienced on a console I have never owned. But I remind myself, that these games are good even if I have that inate desire to play them. Because, well people wouldn't enjoy them if they weren't any good, and expanding one's spectrum of choices can only benefit oneself in the end.
You've been waiting to get a PS3 and yet you've been all this time without trying any next-gen game? You owe it to yourself to try something. What have you been discussing on SW this whole time? Others experiences? What good is that? It's yours that counts.
Well, you shouldn't just assume things.
I never said I don't play 360 regularly (how do you think I know so much about Halo, Gears and Bioshock?)...I said I don't own one. 360 and Wii are the only next gen consoles I've played since a few of my friends own them, and I play the 360 a lot. I've yet to even touch a PS3.
And the game lineup does interest me, just nowhere near as much as I'm interested in the PS3 lineup. I would like to own Halo, Alan Wake, Banjo and Forza but that's basically it. I'm not interested in Bioshock after playing it, and watching people playing it for ages. I don't care about Too Human or Mass Effect. Gears is OK but I'm not buying it when I buy a 360. On the other hand, there's lots of titles I know I'm gonna love for the PS3.
Different gaming tastes. :o
I hope there are significant gamepaly changes, because at it stands, it really needs to deliver in that department if it can't deliver graphically. Anyway, we shall see what happens when the time comes. I have no doubt that GTA is capable of better graphics, but whether or not it can realize its potential graphically is all up to the hardware and how much work on optimization Rockstar is willing to put into the game. The story looks be pretty good, I'm not worried about that.
GTA has never been about the graphics and it always delivers an extraordinary experience. I trust Rockstar when they say that the leap from GTA:SA to GTAIV is gonna be huge. They've yet to fail to deliver in my view. In fact, they've constantly exceeded my expectations and I've been expecting big things from each entry considering GTA is my favourite series of all time.
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