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At least Halo 3 looked like all it's ads.
cows sure do love the wait word
bungie said that the cgi ad was not ingame and that was clear, all the shots andvidocs look like the game, the game even looks better than some. unlike this company that cant stop releasig false media
This is just freaking sad. This is the second time they've done this crap. You'd think this would be the last game out there that would risk putting out touched up shots. To be quite honest. At this stage of the game nobody is hyping Killzone 2 for anything but graphics. Why? Because there isn't anything else that we know. So now all the people hyping the graphics were just hyping lies.
Heh, its embarrassing I know but lets hope Guerilla pulls it out in the end. They can't let this game not succeed. They have to make it good.
The doctoring was very minor supposedly, just some AA and slight colour correction.
Also, every dev touches up their screenshots. That's part of the reason why looking at screenshots of a game pre release is so insane.
The screenshots needs to be doctored right now cause once the full game comes out, it will be sick! 8)
[QUOTE="BZSIN"]He didn't touch children. End of story.Now if only Michael Jackson would admit to touching up children.
Nobody disputes he touched them, just where :P
Cows still dismissing it as if it doesn't matter :roll:
How many times do they need to be lied to by the object of their affection, Sony, before they've had enough ?!
Even if they doctored the screens they can't still hide the LAST GEN textures. BovinesOnPaska
TeH pOwAr!!11!
Even if they doctored the screens they can't still hide the LAST GEN textures. BovinesOnPaska
Amen! If only KZ2 had more power it could render shiny bricks!
Sad to see so many cows in such a rabid fanboy state as to actually excuse the actions of the companies that openly lie to them.
[QUOTE="De_Bears"]At least Halo 3 looked like all it's ads.
You beat me to it lol, Lems forget a while back when they showed Halo 3 footage and it was "In game footage".
They never said the CGI ad was real footage, and the stuff shown at E306 was in-engine, not gameplay. So naturally it was less impressive in a playable state, when everything had to be downgraded for various reasons.Guerilla and Sony needs to stop worrying about only graphics, they need to focus on game play. All I know with the suxaxis it will take the game play score down a notch, you'll see. Just wait.
[QUOTE="Mordred19"]did they doctor better graphics into the shots? no. so what does it matter?Wasdie
They gave it more color. It had a very washed out look before they did anything with it.
that still doesn't affect the graphics. textures and polygons are the same between both shots.
playing a shooter with a gamepad is like watching a retard try and figure out how a wheel chair works for the first time.whocares9overexaggeration much? It's really not that bad once you get used to it, plus a gamepad has its advantages, just like the keyboard and mouse. But I guess I can understand how frustrated you must be with the a controllerwhen youare probably finding it hard to keep up with other console gamers who are experts at controlling FPS with a gamepad. Auto-aim is annoying but you get over it, just like you get over having about ten different functions mapped to a keyboard, when you have barely enough time to deal with four. And aside from the mouse, a keyboard was really never designed for gaming. It is pretty evident when you have to tryreach over to other buttons, strafe and shoot at the same time. You can't do it period. You have to sacrifice one for the other.
Nah, who cares, it's still only FPS for dumbass consoles. Controls will suck, therefore gameplay will suck.
And Crysis looks better anyway.
The doctored shot actually looks very appealing when put next to the original. If you bother to actually click the link, you'll see the original really does look washed out and plain. The doctored image has a sort of style to it that really makes it jump out more.
Why can't people just admit when something is wrong. "Big deal!" This reminds me of the frog in boiling water analogy. If they pulled all of the crap they've done in one week, people would be all over them. Do it over the course of two years, and people shrug it off
wow both sides have been taking this way too doctored screen shots who knew a developer had the gauls to docotor thier screen shots by having higher contrast colors....whooohoo or boohoo (depeneding on if you really care or not)
its not the first time this has happened and its not the worst that has happened...atleast it SHOWS improvement...whereas when they kept releaseing halo 3 screens it gradually looked worse and worse...and im sure some of you really do think bungie and MS are bull******'s
but it doesnt matter what ever anyone says its automatically wrong here so w/e
The doctoring was very minor supposedly, just some AA and slight colour correction.
Also, every dev touches up their screenshots. That's part of the reason why looking at screenshots of a game pre release is so insane.
Yeah cuz I noticed jaggies in the video but not in the screenshots. So they Anti-Aliased the screens to make it look better.
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