It's the common developer refrain whenever a new PlayStation launches: "damnit, this is too hard!" But some designers are saying it really isn't that bad, including one studio who just produced one of the most impressive video games in history.
According to, Guerilla Games have said that the PlayStation 3 is actually "easier" to develop for than the PS2. This may come as a surprise to many, and they're obviously not implying that the PS2 is more "complicated" (at least, we don't think they are), but... Well, let's allow Guerilla Managing Director Hermen Hulst explain:
"If you are native to PlayStation, our tech director doesn't say it's particularly difficult. It's specific, but it's not difficult like PS2 was difficult - PS2 was difficult to crack, but PS3 didn't take us a long time to get up and running."
Added Development Director Arjan Brussee:
"I actually think PS3 is a simpler architecture than some of the other consoles; you just have to have a certain mindset on how to address it. I think the Cell-based processor with the SPUs and the super high speed DSPs that you can throw all your calculation tasks at gives us a model that's way easier to program for, even for junior programmers, than the general purpose multi-core type of architecture, which the PC and Xbox 360 have."
It's always interesting to see how developers respond to the PS3. We're starting to notice a trend, though: the devs that have really taken the time to focus on designing a piece of software for Sony's machine seem to have concluded two things: 1. the PS3 is one hell of a capable console, and 2. it's not quite as difficult as other devs would have you believe. Heck, he just got finished saying that it may not be as complex as either the PS3 or 360! This bodes well for the future, as we expect more designers to become more and more comfortable with the PS3 as time goes on.
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