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Am I suppose to be jealous of console games with games like this, Diablo III, DoTA 2 ect on the way? I think not :DPC360WiiJealous of console gamers.. because they don't have the game? What you talking about? It's PC exclusive, if anything console gamers should be jealous of anyone with a decent gaming PC.
[QUOTE="PC360Wii"]Am I suppose to be jealous of console games with games like this, Diablo III, DoTA 2 ect on the way? I think not :DJohnF111Jealous of console gamers.. because they don't have the game? What you talking about? It's PC exclusive, if anything console gamers should be jealous of anyone with a decent gaming PC.
That's not at all what he meant. You read it wrong. Read it again, but slowly this time. He says nothing about being jealous of console gamers because of their great games, especially since he lists well known upcoming PC games. How did everyone in this thread so far read that wrong?
Either my sentance is that bad or people's reading comprehension is off. Im asking why should i be jealous of console only games when I got stuff like this coming? "Am I suppose to be jealous of console gamers* with games like this coming"... 1 minor error shouldnt throw so many people off lol.PC360Wii
I understood it the second time. Dunno why it threw off people so much.
[QUOTE="PC360Wii"]Either my sentance is that bad or people's reading comprehension is off. Im asking why should i be jealous of console only games when I got stuff like this coming? "Am I suppose to be jealous of console gamers* with games like this coming"... 1 minor error shouldnt throw so many people off lol.Jabby250
I understood it the second time. Dunno why it threw off people so much.
I understood it the first time...
WTH people...
Anyways, as a console gamer I am excited at that rumor that this was coming to consoles as well!
An MMO is probably the LAST thing I need in my life right now though, lol. :P
[QUOTE="SaltyMeatballs"]I'll wait for Cynical Brit's breakdown, but it's looking good. I read this wasn't subscription based, you just pay for the game and that's it??Heil68I hope so, I don't play subscription based games. No subscription at all, just pay for the game once and you have it forever. However, there will likely be an item shop for cosmetic stuff, kind of similar to Guild Wars 1's store. Total Biscuit's (aka Cynical Brit's) wife posted a gameplay video with the Mesmer:
Get it on your GameBoy color and use your PS3 as a stool to get up to your toiletMesmer looks F boring. So should i get this on my PS3 or PC?
there's no PS3 version :| the mesmer looks quite interesting, it's just that people have been using illusions as "let's just spam them and hope they do damage", which is not what they're for.Mesmer looks F boring. So should i get this on my PS3 or PC?
[QUOTE="Heil68"][QUOTE="SaltyMeatballs"]I'll wait for Cynical Brit's breakdown, but it's looking good. I read this wasn't subscription based, you just pay for the game and that's it??princeofshapeirI hope so, I don't play subscription based games. No subscription at all, just pay for the game once and you have it forever. However, there will likely be an item shop for cosmetic stuff, kind of similar to Guild Wars 1's store. Total Biscuit's (aka Cynical Brit's) wife posted a gameplay video with the Mesmer: that was incredibly informative. makes the mesmer look so cool.
[QUOTE="SaltyMeatballs"]I'll wait for Cynical Brit's breakdown, but it's looking good. I read this wasn't subscription based, you just pay for the game and that's it??Heil68I hope so, I don't play subscription based games. its the same model as guild wars as far as i know. you buy the game and play away. no subs. however if you want more concent then you need to pay for it (though in fairness Anet have been pretty generous with the free content on guild wars). the plan for GW1 was that a new expansion would be released every 6 months. these would also be huge (basically as big as the first game). that didnt quite work out though so i suspect we will see smaller and cheaper expansions come on a more regular basis for GW2 (though if anet have said otherwise then please correct me). anywho i didnt watch the vid as i have gone off GW2... ....ah who am i kidding :P. i just dont want to know anything about the game until i get my mitts on it :D.
This game is going to revolutionize MMOs. Not a single negative preview so far from those who participated in the beta and everyone is essentially saying this game is something different from all other MMOs. As a former WoW player I am so excite.Found another video, 45 minutes of WvW here.
Looks awesome.
2 more videos. Video 1. Video 2
[QUOTE="Maroxad"]This game is going to revolutionize MMOs. Not a single negative preview so far from those who participated in the beta and everyone is essentially saying this game is something different from all other MMOs. As a former WoW player I am so excite.Found another video, 45 minutes of WvW here.
Looks awesome.
I certainly hope it will. Getting tired of WoW clones who ultimately only end up being a poor man's WoW.
This game is going to revolutionize MMOs. Not a single negative preview so far from those who participated in the beta and everyone is essentially saying this game is something different from all other MMOs. As a former WoW player I am so excite.2 more videos. Video 1. Video 2
Found another video, 45 minutes of WvW here.
Looks awesome.
I certainly hope it will. Getting tired of WoW clones who ultimately only end up being a poor man's WoW.
Not saying I'm following you or anything, but you said this a hundred times already. I'm getting tired of it! :)
Holy crap, look at this:
"Let me explain what an overflow server is and what it does. It is a technology we also use as our version of a queuing system. When a map or a world you want to log into is at capacity limit, the game will ask you if you want to play on an overflow server - so you can actually play while you are in a queue. Once space opens on your world, the game will ask you if you want to join your friends on your world. And you keep all the progress you made while you were playing on the overflow server."
Keep in mind this game has no subscription fee...
Holy crap, look at this:
"Let me explain what an overflow server is and what it does. It is a technology we also use as our version of a queuing system. When a map or a world you want to log into is at capacity limit, the game will ask you if you want to play on an overflow server - so you can actually play while you are in a queue. Once space opens on your world, the game will ask you if you want to join your friends on your world. And you keep all the progress you made while you were playing on the overflow server."
Keep in mind this game has no subscription fee...
Now, that I have never seen before. This game just keeps sounding better and better. I am expecting it to be my favorite game of 2012 :)
so wait, if the server gets to the point where you have to be in queue (never saw that in GW1, but whatever), you're thrown into single player? WHAT THE HELL THIS IS SO COOL.Holy crap, look at this:
"Let me explain what an overflow server is and what it does. It is a technology we also use as our version of a queuing system. When a map or a world you want to log into is at capacity limit, the game will ask you if you want to play on an overflow server - so you can actually play while you are in a queue. Once space opens on your world, the game will ask you if you want to join your friends on your world. And you keep all the progress you made while you were playing on the overflow server."
Keep in mind this game has no subscription fee...
[QUOTE="princeofshapeir"]so wait, if the server gets to the point where you have to be in queue (never saw that in GW1, but whatever), you're thrown into single player? WHAT THE HELL THIS IS SO COOL. I imagine the overflow server has other people on it too so it's not just single-player, but this is a great way to ensure you're not just sitting around somewhere waiting to queue into WvWvW or another server your friends are on. There is no server transfer fee, too.Holy crap, look at this:
"Let me explain what an overflow server is and what it does. It is a technology we also use as our version of a queuing system. When a map or a world you want to log into is at capacity limit, the game will ask you if you want to play on an overflow server - so you can actually play while you are in a queue. Once space opens on your world, the game will ask you if you want to join your friends on your world. And you keep all the progress you made while you were playing on the overflow server."
Keep in mind this game has no subscription fee...
Last week I actually reinstalled Guild Wars and made a new character to get some of those points. Boy, I strongly advice against doing that.
Guild Wars had great ideas but it's not a great game to play-forget about-and then play again, because you'll remember all the good parts and all the bad parts make it feel very dated now (which of course it is). The lack of jumping, the lack of a rebuy button, the trial and error involved in missions and knowing that they don't use disenchants in this area, the extremely awkward cutscenes/storytelling and basically everything but the well thought-out skills annoyed me to no end.
Also the game has this freaking tendency of making you believe that you are close to a goal, and then hitting you in your face with a brick with a note attached that says you only got the easy bit out of the way and now your struggle really begins. I had that with campaign progress, with getting a skill that turned out to require faction, with hunting for a unique or whatever miniature etc.
If I can somehow manage to get my HoM complete I may have gathered about 15 points by now. But man I don't know how much longer I can last.
For a while this even took away my anticipation for GW2.
Gladly (Praise the Lord) they basically fixed or removed all the things that really hurt Guild Wars today(!) in GW2. So knowing that gives me some peace of mind.
Last week I actually reinstalled guild wars and made a new character to get some of those points. Boy, I strongly advice against doing that. Guild Wars had great ideas but it's not a great game to play, forget about, and then play again, because you'll remember all the good parts and all the bad parts make it feel very dated now (which of course it is).
Also the game has this tendency of making you believe that you are close to a goal, and then hitting you in your face with a brick with a note attached that says you only got the easy bit out of the way and now your struggle really begins.
If I can somehow manage to get my HoM complete I may have gathered about 15 points now. But man I don't know how much longer I can last.KungfuKitten
I never liked the original Guild Wars as it wasn't much of an MMO. Everything was instanced and the game world was overly restrictive and linear.
PvP was where the game was decent, but even then it's a circlejerk of mesmers and necros spamming debuffs and interrupts.
should have gone with an existing character. i started playing in early 2011, i have like 9 points so far (granted most of the time was spent actually playing the game rather than achievement hunting).Last week I actually reinstalled Guild Wars and made a new character to get some of those points. Boy, I strongly advice against doing that.
Guild Wars had great ideas but it's not a great game to play-forget about-and then play again, because you'll remember all the good parts and all the bad parts make it feel very dated now (which of course it is). The lack of jumping, the lack of a rebuy button, the trial and error involved in missions and knowing that they don't use disenchants in this area, the extremely awkward cutscenes/storytelling and basically everything but the well thought-out skills annoyed me to no end.
Also the game has this freaking tendency of making you believe that you are close to a goal, and then hitting you in your face with a brick with a note attached that says you only got the easy bit out of the way and now your struggle really begins. I had that with campaign progress, with getting a skill that turned out to require faction, with hunting for a unique or whatever miniature etc.
If I can somehow manage to get my HoM complete I may have gathered about 15 points by now. But man I don't know how much longer I can last.
For a while this even took away my anticipation for GW2.
Gladly (Praise the Lord) they basically fixed or removed all the things that really hurt Guild Wars today(!) in GW2. So knowing that gives me some peace of mind.KungfuKitten
should have gone with an existing character. i started playing in early 2011, i have like 9 points so far (granted most of the time was spent actually playing the game rather than achievement hunting).[QUOTE="KungfuKitten"]
Last week I actually reinstalled Guild Wars and made a new character to get some of those points. Boy, I strongly advice against doing that.
Guild Wars had great ideas but it's not a great game to play-forget about-and then play again, because you'll remember all the good parts and all the bad parts make it feel very dated now (which of course it is). The lack of jumping, the lack of a rebuy button, the trial and error involved in missions and knowing that they don't use disenchants in this area, the extremely awkward cutscenes/storytelling and basically everything but the well thought-out skills annoyed me to no end.
Also the game has this freaking tendency of making you believe that you are close to a goal, and then hitting you in your face with a brick with a note attached that says you only got the easy bit out of the way and now your struggle really begins. I had that with campaign progress, with getting a skill that turned out to require faction, with hunting for a unique or whatever miniature etc.
If I can somehow manage to get my HoM complete I may have gathered about 15 points by now. But man I don't know how much longer I can last.
For a while this even took away my anticipation for GW2.
Gladly (Praise the Lord) they basically fixed or removed all the things that really hurt Guild Wars today(!) in GW2. So knowing that gives me some peace of mind.BrunoBRS
Same here, I just play GW1 to enjoy the game. The HoM stuff are just extras :)
Kungfukitten, if you dont enjoy playing GW1, then dont bother, it isnt worth it. Besides, you will probably find so many cool stuff in GW2, you might not end up using any of the HoM stuff anyway except for maybe early on.
i hope my laptop can run this game atleats on medium or lowish, i has a 2007-2008 laptop and im not buying a new rig so dont bother with telling me that.
this is gonna be my first mmorpg that i ever buy. no montly fees = winz.
should have gone with an existing character. i started playing in early 2011, i have like 9 points so far (granted most of the time was spent actually playing the game rather than achievement hunting).[QUOTE="BrunoBRS"]
Last week I actually reinstalled Guild Wars and made a new character to get some of those points. Boy, I strongly advice against doing that.
Guild Wars had great ideas but it's not a great game to play-forget about-and then play again, because you'll remember all the good parts and all the bad parts make it feel very dated now (which of course it is). The lack of jumping, the lack of a rebuy button, the trial and error involved in missions and knowing that they don't use disenchants in this area, the extremely awkward cutscenes/storytelling and basically everything but the well thought-out skills annoyed me to no end.
Also the game has this freaking tendency of making you believe that you are close to a goal, and then hitting you in your face with a brick with a note attached that says you only got the easy bit out of the way and now your struggle really begins. I had that with campaign progress, with getting a skill that turned out to require faction, with hunting for a unique or whatever miniature etc.
If I can somehow manage to get my HoM complete I may have gathered about 15 points by now. But man I don't know how much longer I can last.
For a while this even took away my anticipation for GW2.
Gladly (Praise the Lord) they basically fixed or removed all the things that really hurt Guild Wars today(!) in GW2. So knowing that gives me some peace of mind.Maroxad
Same here, I just play GW1 to enjoy the game. The HoM stuff are just extras :)
Kungfukitten, if you dont enjoy playing GW1, then dont bother, it isnt worth it. Besides, you will probably find so many cool stuff in GW2, you might not end up using any of the HoM stuff anyway except for maybe early on.
Yeah I learned. I'm just warning others to not do it just for the points.Jealous of console gamers.. because they don't have the game? What you talking about? It's PC exclusive, if anything console gamers should be jealous of anyone with a decent gaming PC.[QUOTE="JohnF111"][QUOTE="PC360Wii"]Am I suppose to be jealous of console games with games like this, Diablo III, DoTA 2 ect on the way? I think not :DAssassin_87
That's not at all what he meant. You read it wrong. Read it again, but slowly this time. He says nothing about being jealous of console gamers because of their great games, especially since he lists well known upcoming PC games. How did everyone in this thread so far read that wrong?
I was just going to ask the same question. Everyone read this wrong besides you and me. :PHoly hell...Holy crap, look at this:
"Let me explain what an overflow server is and what it does. It is a technology we also use as our version of a queuing system. When a map or a world you want to log into is at capacity limit, the game will ask you if you want to play on an overflow server - so you can actually play while you are in a queue. Once space opens on your world, the game will ask you if you want to join your friends on your world. And you keep all the progress you made while you were playing on the overflow server."
Keep in mind this game has no subscription fee...
Jealous of console gamers.. because they don't have the game? What you talking about? It's PC exclusive, if anything console gamers should be jealous of anyone with a decent gaming PC.[QUOTE="JohnF111"][QUOTE="PC360Wii"]Am I suppose to be jealous of console games with games like this, Diablo III, DoTA 2 ect on the way? I think not :DAssassin_87
That's not at all what he meant. You read it wrong. Read it again, but slowly this time. He says nothing about being jealous of console gamers because of their great games, especially since he lists well known upcoming PC games. How did everyone in this thread so far read that wrong?
Oh i understand it now: The problem was the "console games" i read it as "gamers" as why would you be jealous of a console game? What does a piece of software have that PC360Wii doesn't? Just my brain doing that "I was aeamzd taht i you cuold udnretsnad tihs", thing that brains do.[QUOTE="princeofshapeir"]Holy hell... That is fing awesome.Holy crap, look at this:
"Let me explain what an overflow server is and what it does. It is a technology we also use as our version of a queuing system. When a map or a world you want to log into is at capacity limit, the game will ask you if you want to play on an overflow server - so you can actually play while you are in a queue. Once space opens on your world, the game will ask you if you want to join your friends on your world. And you keep all the progress you made while you were playing on the overflow server."
Keep in mind this game has no subscription fee...
[QUOTE="princeofshapeir"]Holy hell...Oh that is sweet, i definitely want this game.Holy crap, look at this:
"Let me explain what an overflow server is and what it does. It is a technology we also use as our version of a queuing system. When a map or a world you want to log into is at capacity limit, the game will ask you if you want to play on an overflow server - so you can actually play while you are in a queue. Once space opens on your world, the game will ask you if you want to join your friends on your world. And you keep all the progress you made while you were playing on the overflow server."
Keep in mind this game has no subscription fee...
Here is another article on This one explaining their experience with the Ascalon Catacombs dungeon.
In fact, the entire dungeon promoted heavy teamwork. We would have died several more times if we had not done so. When a player was downed, we had to make lightning fast decisions on who was going to work on reviving, and who was going to try and keep the enemies attention, and how to keep it long enough to revive the player.article
So much for the Zerging I heard people mention over and over because of the lack of a holy trinity.
Also, like that they are trying to make the dungeons feel like actual dungeons with traps and puzzles. This game needs to come out ASAP.
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