That's right, I'm make this bold claim for everyone to see. I believe GH3 will be best on the Wii.
After reading IGN's hands on and explaining the exclusive Wii features I just don't see how this won't be better than the 360 and PS3 version. And for a game like this Wii doesn't have to worry about losing out in graphics since the only thing that's graphically comparable would be the band members playing in the background the entire time.
Wii: The only version with rumble. Speaker built into guitar for even more feedback (go figure, this works great for a music game).
And online sounds like it's going to be equal to PS3 and 360 for play. The only weakness I see is Wii not being able to download more new songs.
Anyways, let's see which copy sells more in the first ... 3 or 6 months? You decide!
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