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Have you made your decision?smack_masta
YES! I don't wanna make anyone mad but I'm going with the 360! The way u guy's described the online play made me go for it! Maybe next year I'll get the PS3 but 4 now 360 here I come. THANX Alot Guyys!!!!
360, go with the 360. You won't regret it.
Ps3 does have some good games coming out next year (FF, MGS, etc), but I think there's more overall quality titles on the 360 then on the PS.
Achievements are a blast too
edit: You already decided.. LOL. My bad!
If your dad isnt willing to, or you can't pay $50 a year to play against other people, than ps3 is your choice. With the ps3 you have a game library that is just starting to come together. With the 360 you get a great game library now (depending on what type of games you like. 360 is loaded with FPS). The ps3 has a better exclusive list in the FUTURE, but not now. Both have their ups and downs. A big down for the 360 is a chance it might crap out on you. I have been through 3 of them, and many others have been through way more. If you get a 360, get an elite. If you get the PS3 get the 60 gig or the 80 gig so you can play your ps2 games if you want to. The ps3 has wifi built in, the 360 does not. The ps3 has a hi def blu ray movie player built in... the 360 does not. The 360 comes with two games right now (marvel ultimate alliance and forza 2) and the ps3 80 gig comes with one game (motorstorm).
Hopefully that helps some.
looks at exclusives yes 360 is better now but if your a hard core gamer you want the future and PS3 has a brighter future 360 might be dead in another year or 2.Ragashahs
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH ROFLMAO!!!!!!! What are you playin at? "360 will be dead in another year or 2" lol more like the cows will be saying "WAIT UNTIL 2010, THATS PS3'S YEAR!!!"
[QUOTE="smack_masta"]Have you made your decision?Tech-Man08
YES! I don't wanna make anyone mad but I'm going with the 360! The way u guy's described the online play made me go for it! Maybe next year I'll get the PS3 but 4 now 360 here I come. THANX Alot Guyys!!!!
Yeah if online is your thing 360 is the way to go. If you play online a lot the cost is worth it for just how wonderfully integrated Live is in every facet of the 360 experience. I'm usually using it even when I'm not using it (if that makes any sense, lol). Sites like Bungies (for Halo 3) and Turn10's (for Forza 2) are great examples of extending Live functionality beyond the 360 in to web pages where you can log in with your gamertag, download new map/game varients (Halo), check the auction house (Forza 2) and keep up on your friends stats and online activity.
[QUOTE="-Renegade"][QUOTE="shoeman12"][QUOTE="-Renegade"]Well considering that you can't even buy your own console I suggest going with PS3 as you have to pay for Xbox Live every year.smack_masta
thats the only thing you can come up with, psn is free? is there anything about psn thats better than xbl besides the cost?
I'll give you the biggest one right here DEDICATED SERVERS.
But how long will they keep them up?
foreever... I CAN SEE FOR MILES!!! P2p still can get switch off,so your point fails. You still have to connect to the Master Server -.-
360, seriously, why is this even a debate anymore? shouldnt this be an obvious choice to everybody?VendettaRed07
online wise live is better than PSN but MSN is free and live you pay around $50 per year.
so ill say they are equal online wise
online- 360=PS3
games- PS3=360
hardware reliablity PS3>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>360
the future gamewise PS3>>>360
backward copatibility PS3>360
Price wise- It doesn't matter for you since you have achoice of whatever.
I say PS3. Also do a little research what kind of games you like because for me i prefer the PS3 line up over the 360 line up
Please no biased answers! My dad is so proud of my grades that's he's gonna give me a choice btween X360 or PS3? I really, really, really like online play though... Which sysytem has the best online... X360 or PS3. Which ever one that's the one I'm getting TONIGHT! I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Tech-Man08
X360... DUDE WAIT! To get 1 free month of online, no scam do this if you get 360. When creating your xbox account, say you want gold, and it will ask you if you are sure... Say yes again, and it will offer you gold30 free days of Xbox live!!!!
[QUOTE="Tech-Man08"]Please no biased answers! My dad is so proud of my grades that's he's gonna give me a choice btween X360 or PS3? I really, really, really like online play though... Which sysytem has the best online... X360 or PS3. Which ever one that's the one I'm getting TONIGHT! I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hellfire9988
X360... DUDE WAIT! To get 1 free month of online, no scam do this if you get 360. When creating your xbox account, say you want gold, and it will ask you if you are sure... Say yes again, and it will offer you gold30 free days of Xbox live!!!!
MY BAD!... Say that you want SILVER... NOT GOLD... SAY YES TO SILVER!!!
360, seriously, why is this even a debate anymore? shouldnt this be an obvious choice to everybody?VendettaRed07
:roll: Maybe to people who like the other system. TC take my advice, make up your own mind.
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