[QUOTE="Zaibach"]yup funny how its always the same guys,
remember the Apocalyps3? oh teh dommed!!! the ps3 has been doomed so many times now I think sony hasnt scrapped it because it has developed an immunity
yeah. I just hate how people listenend to these hackers talk about how its hopeless for SONy to combat this, they believe these fools, and never once consider that SONY COULD fix the situation. you wanna know how they can maybe not fix the situation, but help it greatly? Crack down on people distributing the codes, ship new PS3s with a new Encrypted syestem, and ensure that new models cant get hacked this way, and ensure that as few people aspossible can get the existing code for the 40 million plus PS3 out now. they have to contain it, and I think they will.
You clearly don't fully grasp what has actually happened. The security keys have been released onto the internet, there isn't a thing Sony can do about the hacking. Sony released an update and the hacker community shugged it off and carried on. A new encrypted PS3? It's not going to happen. Considering how much red ink Sony has bled with the PS3, they're not going to drop another few hundred million into a new model.
Why the hell would it cost that much to add in a new thing to existing hardware? Why do they need a whole new syestem? Just change the encryption code. -Can you explain to me why that isnt as simple as it sounds? Also, that Update slowed them down. It got alot of people banned off black Ops.
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