[QUOTE="BIOWAREISKING"][QUOTE="treelog82"][QUOTE="BIOWAREISKING"][QUOTE="zomgwtfbbqlol1"][QUOTE="BIOWAREISKING"][QUOTE="zomgwtfbbqlol1"] [QUOTE="Erik_Lensherr"]Hello pot , Kettle, nice to meet you yah noone notices you trolling :roll: wan't I just in your ZOmg How can you hate KZ2 :cry: thread. Did I not say it would be a great game.....PWNDtreelog82
lol, so u agree MGS4 is 10/10 and is better than any 360 game?, and u think KZ2 will do well despite the bashing in all the KZ2 vs Gears 2 threads u trolled...okay...:P
kind of hard to compare a good 5 hour sp gamevs. 2 great sp/mp games that can/will give player dozens of hours to play.
dont you think?
6 hours now 5?... lol....and again "passing opinion off as fact is laughable"so your telling the pic of the guy who beat mgs4 on one of its hardect difficulties with a low number of enemies killed in 5 hours and so many mins. is fake,
lol cows living in the dream world.
"bubu is i safe to come out"

nope guess not
Any MGS game can be beaten in under 5 hours. Actually its one of the requirements for the Big Boss Emblem. Doesnt mean you will be able to do it. Do you know what a speed run is? Do realize how many times you have to save and restart to get that low of a time?
You have to know the game inside out and it takes skill. Most peoples first play through is about 20-30 hours depending on how much you explore. Even if you explore every area to its fullest there is absolutely no way to see everything the game has to offer in one playthrough. MGS games arent designed that way.
Not only is MGS4 longer than just about every non RPG title this gen, but if you were a fan, you would know that MGS games are built for replay value. The sandbox ****gameplay opens up so many options for replay value its ridiculous. MGS games are like a toy to be played with and manipulated, not just some scripted one time playthrough game.
lol what a pointless post.mgs4 can and will be beatin in 5 hours by some people and others might take 30. not everyone tries to get 100 percent completion or see every nook n cranny of a game.
Ok and and just about every non RPG title can be broken down into a speed run as well so whats your point? I didnt say you have to get 100% completion on everything in the game for it to be longer than 5 hours. Actually that would take about 100 hours or more.
People who complete MGS4 in 5 hours have already played the game at least a few times, just as how all speed runs are done by experienced players.
Take off your fanboy goggles man, its really not that hard.
fanboy googles lol the game can be beatin in 5 hours get over it.
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