Seriously, most of us knew Xbox One would face a real challenger (not PS4) soon, but who would have thought it would be a sweet little $35 HDMI stick?
Good job, Google. You just sent all Xbox media apps down the toilet in one move.
This topic is locked from further discussion.
Edit: so what your trying to say is this only competes with the xbox dOne it doesn't compete with the ps4, or the other media players out there like appletv, roku, sony media players?
You almost have to feel bad for Microsoft at this point, it seems like their console strategy was set back in 2007 and wasn't updated to account for changing trends. All of the stuff they're doing would have been seen as awesome back in 2007, now they're just played out and look a lot more like 'me too!' efforts than anything new or compelling.
Damn, $35? That's pretty awesome. If I didn't already own a Roku I would definitely buy one of these
same here i keep my laptop hooked up to the TV with an HDMI cable, but for 35 bucks im definitely getting one of these.
You almost have to feel bad for Microsoft at this point, it seems like their console strategy was set back in 2007 and wasn't updated to account for changing trends. All of the stuff they're doing would have been seen as awesome back in 2007, now they're just played out and look a lot more like 'me too!' efforts than anything new or compelling.
Almost. But not quite. Perhaps they where Nintendo empathy would exist.
this won't be a threat to MS, just as Chrome OS wasn't a threat if Google really wants to make a dent in the home entertainment front then they need to spread Google Fiber to more cities quicker, once that happens the telecom monopoly that overcharges for crappy internet and overpriced television will be over, competitively priced IPTV services will flourish and consumers will have more optionslamprey263
""Failed attempts Chromecast is Google's latest attempt to gain ground in the television industry.
In 2012, Google faltered in its attempts to make a move into the living room, considered by many experts to be ripe ground for making large profits through advertising.
Google's partnership with Sony, with which it released a £200 set-top box, was poorly received.
That attempt followed an even earlier false start in 2010 when it launched Google TV, a service that was blocked by several TV networks, and suffered greatly from requiring consumers to buy expensive hardware.
More recently, the orb-shaped Nexus Q device, announced last year, fell flat almost immediately - Google pulled it from sale in response to "feedback".""
Just wanted to point that out.
[QUOTE="lamprey263"]this won't be a threat to MS, just as Chrome OS wasn't a threat if Google really wants to make a dent in the home entertainment front then they need to spread Google Fiber to more cities quicker, once that happens the telecom monopoly that overcharges for crappy internet and overpriced television will be over, competitively priced IPTV services will flourish and consumers will have more optionsWilliamRLBaker
""Failed attempts Chromecast is Google's latest attempt to gain ground in the television industry.
In 2012, Google faltered in its attempts to make a move into the living room, considered by many experts to be ripe ground for making large profits through advertising.
Google's partnership with Sony, with which it released a £200 set-top box, was poorly received.
That attempt followed an even earlier false start in 2010 when it launched Google TV, a service that was blocked by several TV networks, and suffered greatly from requiring consumers to buy expensive hardware.
More recently, the orb-shaped Nexus Q device, announced last year, fell flat almost immediately - Google pulled it from sale in response to "feedback".""
Just wanted to point that out.
well, Google doesn't have to provide the set top box IPTV service, it just has to provide the bandwidth, 1 gigabit/sec bandwidth for $70 or $120 for internet and IPTV service, or free internet which would be the equivalent of what most telecoms make you pay up the ass for as far as the set top boxes and IPTV services go, I imagine those will be provided by numerous groups outside Google, if Google wants to promote it's own though they need to do it through Google Fiber, otherwise people don't have the bandwidth to utilize such set top boxes, not for an entire household at least as an alternative to cable[QUOTE="lamprey263"]this won't be a threat to MS, just as Chrome OS wasn't a threat if Google really wants to make a dent in the home entertainment front then they need to spread Google Fiber to more cities quicker, once that happens the telecom monopoly that overcharges for crappy internet and overpriced television will be over, competitively priced IPTV services will flourish and consumers will have more optionsWilliamRLBaker
""Failed attempts Chromecast is Google's latest attempt to gain ground in the television industry.
In 2012, Google faltered in its attempts to make a move into the living room, considered by many experts to be ripe ground for making large profits through advertising.
Google's partnership with Sony, with which it released a £200 set-top box, was poorly received.
That attempt followed an even earlier false start in 2010 when it launched Google TV, a service that was blocked by several TV networks, and suffered greatly from requiring consumers to buy expensive hardware.
More recently, the orb-shaped Nexus Q device, announced last year, fell flat almost immediately - Google pulled it from sale in response to "feedback".""
Just wanted to point that out.
I fail to see how it's even really relevant to the topic at hand. Even fans of Sony as a company overall (of which there aren't that many these days) would generally acknowledge they've spread themselves too thin over the years.
You can't be this clueless....Can you? (I hope you are trying to make a funny)Do people still pay for cable tv? That's like paying bills through the postal service instead of online. :lol:
lol the ps4 has no media capabilities it is strictly a game machine right? sony has no interest in the TV or streaming plans for such abilities on the ps4 so obviously the chromecast wont be competing with it, only the xbox dOne.
Sheens are truely morons.
35$ and no paywall to access netflix... lol...
MS is so done right now!
Cant compete with specs, cant compete with media apps, cant compete with exclusives, what to they have left? Kinect?? lol
lol the ps4 has no media capabilities it is strictly a game machine right? sony has no interest in the TV or streaming plans for such abilities on the ps4 so obviously the chromecast wont be competing with it, only the xbox dOne.
Sheens are truely morons.
At what point has Sony made TV or media streaming (aside from games) a focus of the system in any of its press conferences or other events? It hasn't. Microsoft did though from the outset, if they're getting grief about this now they have no one but themselves to blame.
You don't try to sell a toaster oven by trying to tell people that it can be used as a charcoal grill too, so why did Microsoft try to sell a game console by telling people how great it is as a cable box? It's stupid.
lol the ps4 has no media capabilities it is strictly a game machine right? sony has no interest in the TV or streaming plans for such abilities on the ps4 so obviously the chromecast wont be competing with it, only the xbox dOne.
Sheens are truely morons.
At what point has Sony made TV or media streaming (aside from games) a focus of the system in any of its press conferences or other events? It hasn't. Microsoft did though from the outset, if they're getting grief about this now they have no one but themselves to blame.
You don't try to sell a toaster oven by trying to tell people that it can be used as a charcoal grill too, so why did Microsoft try to sell a game console by telling people how great it is as a cable box? It's stupid.
Its far more than stupid... its actually sad...
Seeing a huge company like MS sinking itself everytime they open their mouths is plain sad.
What the hell is going on there since Bill Gates left?
We had a discussion at the studio today about whether the Chromecast poses a threat to the Xbox One, and we ultimately decided that it absolutely does, yet doesn't threaten the PS4 (Yet).
The first thing to understand is that in the world of sales psychology, there is no greater force than perceived value. Perceived value is the reason people will line up to buy an Apple product, yet there is probably a strong competitor out there at half the cost. Companies and their PR/marketting are the ones who define what the sales pitches are to create the perceived value. Here is where the X1 reaches a problem - The announcement and most of the major focus of the product was on its multimedia capability. It was until after E3 that we started seeing actual gaming coverage on the box (meaning we're seeing an emphasize on software being developed for it). So many other things have dominated the conversation about the Xbox One, whether it was DRM, the reversal, its bad reception at both major events, etc.
Now, if one of the core pillars of your perceived value is this multimedia suite, and a competitor comes along and a pennies-to-the-dollar price ratio, yet fulfilling the majority of your core multimedia wants (a 'smartglass'-like device that turns your TV into a smart tv without having to upgrade!) or needs that you were trying to sell cnosumers on.
Basically, its gonna be hard for MS's pitch to gain traction on any of its main pillars of perceived value.
Grasping at straws like ever.
Unless this google thing can run decent games as well, it's not in direct competition. X1 is primarily a gaming console with a lot of media functions.
"Murdered", not even close, there are so many sub £100 media players, that this is a non story.
MS never said, this is a TV thing first and a gaming machine second and it's really important to make that distinction. MS aren't charging all that just for a TV box, especially since right now it has more exclusives if i'm correct than the PS4.
This thread is the same as if I made a thread saying Steam MURDERS PSN+. And then you all cry apples and oranges.
And Chromecast only offers Youtube and Netflix from what I can see. X1 is supposed to offer more including MSs own channel.
Grasping at straws like ever.
Unless this google thing can run decent games as well, it's not in direct competition. X1 is primarily a gaming console with a lot of media functions.
"Murdered", not even close, there are so many sub £100 media players, that this is a non story.
MS never said, this is a TV thing first and a gaming machine second and it's really important to make that distinction. MS aren't charging all that just for a TV box, especially since right now it has more exclusives if i'm correct than the PS4.
This thread is the same as if I made a thread saying Steam MURDERS PSN+. And then you all cry apples and oranges.
But steam does murder PSN. Since digital distruction is the future, steam will win. Since steam is the bestest.
Actually, Sony has more exclusives for the PS4. 30 > 15. Just saying.Grasping at straws like ever.
Unless this google thing can run decent games as well, it's not in direct competition. X1 is primarily a gaming console with a lot of media functions.
"Murdered", not even close, there are so many sub £100 media players, that this is a non story.
MS never said, this is a TV thing first and a gaming machine second and it's really important to make that distinction. MS aren't charging all that just for a TV box, especially since right now it has more exclusives if i'm correct than the PS4.
This thread is the same as if I made a thread saying Steam MURDERS PSN+. And then you all cry apples and oranges.
And Chromecast only offers Youtube and Netflix from what I can see. X1 is supposed to offer more including MSs own channel.
Its interesting on two fronts:
1. Allows ANY device to connect in a simialr way to Smart Glass
2. Is lower than the gold subscription alone
This service will expand over time.
Chromecast + PS4 is cheaper than X1.. ?i already own an apple tv so this is irrelevant to me. now exactly how the hell is this supposed to compete with an x1?
lol only sheens would be so stupid as to cheer on a device that will directly compete with the ps4. This is much like when they treated nvidia like god when they said the xbox dOne was weak....yet didn't notice they said the ps4 was weak as well.
I really dont get what the chromecast thing does exactly but I dont see how it only kills the x1 and not ps4 , apple tv or roku or any of those other media player. After reading up on chromecast it basically jus lets you watch everything thats already on your tablet, phone or laptop and does the same thing as a hdmi cord from my laptop or phone to my tv would do. I get that its a cheap way to watch netflix or youtube on your tv but can someone tell what this has to do specifically with the xbox 1
Chromecast + PS4 is cheaper than X1.. ?[QUOTE="AD216"]
i already own an apple tv so this is irrelevant to me. now exactly how the hell is this supposed to compete with an x1?
the article said you have to pay $35 to watch youtube.
why would i do that?
youtube is already on my console, my tv and my phone.
"It's a big departure from the Nexus Q," she told the BBC. "What it boils down to is a focus around YouTube - and getting people back into that ecosystem.
also, it has a battery and it has to conserve the battery life? what?
[QUOTE="Bigboi500"]You can't be this clueless....Can you? (I hope you are trying to make a funny) Why pay $100's a month to a cable company when I can pay Netflix $7 a month.Do people still pay for cable tv? That's like paying bills through the postal service instead of online. :lol:
Yeah I doubt the Chromecast will hurt MS very much. Smart TVs and Rokus are probably more of a threat to the XBone than the Chomecast.
MS focusing on so many different things instead of just making a gaming console wasn't a very smart idea either. Hell the slightly slower APU and memory could have been compensated for it there weren't 3 different OS sucking up system resources.
lol the ps4 has no media capabilities it is strictly a game machine right? sony has no interest in the TV or streaming plans for such abilities on the ps4 so obviously the chromecast wont be competing with it, only the xbox dOne.
Sheens are truely morons.
The PS4 will have tons of streaming apps liek Netflix and hulu,it will just not have HDMI pass trough for cable tv tv tv which i don't need since i already own a sat box.
the article said you have to pay $35 to watch youtube.
why would i do that?
youtube is already on my console, my tv and my phone.
"It's a big departure from the Nexus Q," she told the BBC. "What it boils down to is a focus around YouTube - and getting people back into that ecosystem.
also, it has a battery and it has to conserve the battery life? what?
You have to pay $60 to watch netflix on xbox 360 why would any one do that.? Or to play online...
Some times stupid people will do stupid things.
I'm more excited about the fact that they are opening the api to devs, i fact the api is now available (I'm gonna playa roudn with it some tonight).
I'm hoping the likes of Nvidia and AMD or if not them some third party, cna make an app that taps the hardware vidoe encoder in modern GPU's and streams the video of games over to this thing.
Nvidia is already planning to do this soon, to support recording, it should eb easy enough to have the thing stream out the video to this instead.
If they do this, I won't need a steam box, and PC gaming on the couch wirelessly becomes an incredibly easy, cheap possibility for many people!
the article said you have to pay $35 to watch youtube.
why would i do that?
youtube is already on my console, my tv and my phone.
"It's a big departure from the Nexus Q," she told the BBC. "What it boils down to is a focus around YouTube - and getting people back into that ecosystem.
also, it has a battery and it has to conserve the battery life? what?
You have to pay $60 to watch netflix on xbox 360 why would any one do that.? Or to play online...
Some times stupid people will do stupid things.
i just think it is wierd they are marketing a product that does what 5 other things i already own this for like grandparents that don't have a pc, cablebox, console, smartphone or a tv made within the last 3 years or something?
because all those things in my house already stream everything.
Eh--although I relish any chance to put down the X1, I don't see how this would affect sales whatsoever. It does not seem like anything currently out.
[QUOTE="KungfuKitten"]Chromecast + PS4 is cheaper than X1.. ?[QUOTE="AD216"]
i already own an apple tv so this is irrelevant to me. now exactly how the hell is this supposed to compete with an x1?
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