So because the media features function differently between the Xbox One, and PS4 how does that make the Chromecast compete more heavily against the One than the PS4?
They both play games, and they both play media. The only difference is that the Xbox One has a more attractive setup for the additional media.
If the Chromecast hurts the Xbox One then it will most certainly hurt the PS4 as well, and for the same reason. If someone wants media more than they want gaming, so they'll opt for a Chromecast over both the PS4 and Xbox One. If they want gaming and media they'll go for either the PS4 or Xbox One, and if they want gaming + an awesome media player all-in-one then chances are they'll choose the Xbox One.
The question I would ask you is how many people are consciously aware of or interested in the media features for the PS4 compared to the XBONE? Meaning specifically, how many people are interested in buying a PS4 in part or mostly because of the media features compared to XBONE?
I'd venture not many, so if it does hurt the PS4 there it is to a far less great extent than the XBONE which was announced and pushed in many ways using the media features.
So if nobody thinks the PS4 offers anything as far as media then that already hurts them in the space for competition amongst media players.
You have people looking at both the Chromecast, and Xbox One comparing them to see which they'd prefer, but you have nobody even considering the PS4 for media, so on the side of things it's not even going to sell regardless. It'll only be sold as a gaming machine.
However, people still understand the Xbox One has games. The buzz for Titanfall alone is enough to prove that. I don't know a single person (who plays games) who hasn't brought up that game. Many of them are even long-time Playstation fans who have never owned an Xbox, and they are contemplating getting an Xbox One for that game alone.
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