Here are games that basically were hailed at the time, have left negative legacies that have hurt either the genre, the company, and the industry itself in the long run.
Gamespot selected.
Final Fantasy VII - Definitely, but not the reasons why Gamespot stated, but SquareEnix's inability to see the flaws while they whore the game has lead to the downfall of the quality of the series and their games.
Resident Evil 4- definitely almost killed the survival horror genre and took the series in a horrible direction. RE4 has lead to the disaster that was RE6.
My picks
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - well duh, its success led to the "annualization" of a shallow shooter franchise. and dumbing down the game industry.
Assassin's Creed II - basically became the formula for all Ubi Soft's big open world games, driving the series to the ground with annual releases, while killing the uniqueness of other titles with formula. UbiSoft is now about Far Creed: Watch Crew.
Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion - its a challenge what Bethesda game to pick, but the dumbing down started here. I give Morrowind a pass due to Daggerfall being plainly bloated, but Oblivion is the beginning of the downward slide for Bethesda. Skyrim may be more damaging though.
The Walking Dead Season One - overpraised and overawarded, Telltale basically stuck to the formula, never fixing the flaws, their engine, or expanding their gameplay. Result, they nearly choked to death their own rebirth of the adventure genre, while their games decline in sales.
Battlefield 3 - the chopping of content for DLC really started here, and lead to travesties such as Star Wars Battlefront.
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