Wow, big words, you say. And people are going to come here and argue with me. Well, let me just clear things up first:
1) I love Half Life. I'm a huge fan of it. What I think most of you will be mistaken for a good story is good story telling. That, I can say, Half Life is exceptional at. Half Life and its sequel are by far the most well told stories in all of FPS land. I'm not denying that. However, that doesn't necessarily make the story amazing or sensational (in fact, most beloved stories in any case are not always entirely original, but are just well told like the game I'm talking about).
2) I am not the only one who has figured this out. GameSpot, back in 1998, said this in their review:
"The plot of the game is typical (in fact, it's little more than an elaborate version of Doom)... Suffice it to say that Half-Life isn't a great game because of its story; it's a great game because of how it presents that story."
Didn't need a literary critic to figure that out.
Now, what makes Half Life so cliche, when you take a step back from the marvellous presentation and look at it from a different point of view (no pun intended)?
I'll read off the list of Grand List of Overused Sci Fi cliches and show you which ones Half Life 2 hits. In no particular order:
-Rag tag rebel army struggles valiantly to overthrow an Evil Empire.
(What I think is the reason the Combine are on Earth) - Aliens travel a zillion miles to loot the earth of resources which exist in far greater and much more easily exploitable quantities on the many uninhabited bodies they pass on the way to earth.
(Or) -Aliens with completely incomprehensible motivations make war on the human race/invade earth.
We don't know anything of the Combine's motivations, yet, but looking at what Valve has done, it could be likely.
- A human discovers that the human race is being controlled by aliens.
- The government bans music, painting, dancing, or some other art form; only the hero seems to care enough to do anything about it. (Extrapolating from the setting of City 17).
- Cities of future are depicted as though sanitation workers have been on strike from now until then.
- The incredibly competent man-of-action with more skills/degrees than you can shake a blaster at. (GORDON I'M LOOKING AT YOU)
- Any character with a perpetual two-day growth of beard. (Wonder who could that be...)
- Beginning warriors who hit everything they shoot at. (GORDON AGAIN)
-A smart, courageous, gorgeously attractive woman who is rarely if ever asked out. (Extrapolate and know that Alyx has a thing for Gordon. Where's her Bf?)
- The untrained, average Joe who can take on and defeat highly trained and well-equipped operatives.(100% GORDON)
- In the future, everyone either supports their government fully, or is engaged in a terrorist campaign to overthrow it.
- Aliens who are vastly more intelligent and advanced than we are, but we beat them anyway by "ingenuity," plain guts, or exploiting an Achilles Heel.
- A Big Surprise awaits the reader/viewer at the end of the tale: The head of government is a disguised Bad Guy or is under direct control of the Bad Guys.
- So-called elite forces get their butts kicked by a smaller, less well-armed force.
- Someone gets healed by contact with aliens (often by a laying on of hands).
- Any weapon can be picked up and used by anyone, no matter how lacking they are in training and/or upper-body strength. (HEV suit is not strength augmenting)
I didn't move onto the "Silly Science" section because to my knowledge Half Life doesn't have that. I know Halo does though.
Now as you can see, Half Life has hit quite a few cliches. Look, it doesn't matter how specific you are, it doesn't have a fairly significant twist to it, then its nul. Like Gordon actually causing the accident, that's an acceptable motif for an alien break out.
Don't worry, Halo has its fair share of cliches too. Some which were done to cater to 12 year olds (retarded Elite English FTL).
I've kept that in notepad for any fool who tried to argue against that.
There's the link to see for yourself. Bet those of you who did try to challenge me never saw that in your entire life. Oh, and also, try find how many Halo hits upon for all you Halo haters.
I tell you, a forumite I hold in highest regard tried to argue against this, and he failed miserably. I don't blame him though, and most of you know him for being intelligent in his posts.
I'll put this in a blog as well because some teenage fools think they have a one up on me in this one, quoting me in their sig thinking they scored another idiotic quote. Safe to say, they'll be the one being laughed upon instead.
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