cept Halo was a very medicore game for an FPS title. It may have been good on consoles but thats because consoles only played Perfect Dark and Golden eye.
Explain the 9.7 on both gamespot and IGN. Was this just a fluke that it has a 95% ranking overall and is known as one of the best FPS's of all time?
Please, those ratings mean nothing, Halo is so run-of-the-mill its not even funny, and its people like you (who have probably only played a handful of FPS games in your life), that start throwing around ratings and "Best FPS of all time" like its second nature.
PC games have STANDARDS, Dating back to Half life 1 which as GS put it "the closest thing to a revolutionary step the genre has ever taken", Halo is nothing new to this genre, and as Jango put it, was only Scored high because there was nothing to compare it to besides goldeneye and PD, and remember that PC games don't have generations, meaning that any PC game up to today has to be compared with some of the best games on its platform, which is why most modern FPS online games fail because CS/Quake 3/Battlefield/Unreal and countless others set the bar SO high that they fail to live up to them.
Get some history before you start throwing rating out like its nothing.
Halo may be run-of-the-mill now because of the mass FPS boom that followed Halo, but back in 2001, this game was revolutionary, and I don't understand why no one can admit that Halo: Combat Evolved is a superb game. Halo changed the whole genre, even for PC's. Games like Timesplitters 2, Jedi Knight 2, Far Cry, and a handful of other FPS's followed after Halo came out WITH THE SAME CONTROL SCHEME AS HALO. No other console FPS before Halo had double thumb stick to look around, it was unheard of. My point is that in 2001 Halo was recognized as one of the best FPS's of all time, and it might not seem that way now because the genre is SO crowded now. Halo 1 is still amazing in my book.
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