Here's why Cod4 isn't as pretty as Halo 3:
Effects (water, explosions, motion blur, real-time reflections) goes to Halo 3 hands down. If you say otherwise, you haven't played Halo 3.
Textures (environmental) also goes to Halo 3 hands down. Have no doubt that being behind cover in Halo 3 is far from an ugly experience. Again, if you differ then you are denying the very obvious.
Draw Distance (how far the game renders terrain without fog) also goes to Halo 3 hands down. You are sometimes seeing miles and miles away into the distance, always with atmospheric effects included.
Player Models (every moving character) is a tie. There are some truly jaw-dropping models in both games, but neither without their fair share of ugly counterparts (i.e. Humans in Halo 3 and the sleeveless Marine in CoD4 - both are fugly).
Lighting (evironmental and player models) is undoubtedly better in CoD4, with stunning moments where a flare will illuminate the battlefield with a dull red. It is time like these where I find myself begging for a more evenly distributed graphical experience. By no means is Halo bad here though.
Overall: Halo 3 wins. Its movielike presentation and brilliant use of effects, draw distance, texturing andplayer models makes it generally a prettier game than Halo 3.
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