Since andthere are way too many innacurate and/or false threads about the new game, and people who couldn't tell a bus line froma PCI slot or a public void froma public boolean, I'ma try and set a few things straight...seing no one else really is. That, and I'm slightly bored.
Recon has nothing to do with the Mythic Map Pack. 01/06/09, which appeared in the subroutine boot code, (the flashing blue text) in both the teaser and the trailer, is a speculated date for the map pack release. No, the Legendary map pack will not be made free.
Okay. Recon was originally implied as an expansion, which would use Halo 3's game engine and disc files. Apparantly, Microsoft has stated otherwise.
Don't speculate, or state "facts" that a Bungie source has not. MTV does not count as a reliable source, I'm sorry. I am only guessing that the expansionw ill function as I theorized, but regardless, it -IS- an expansion.
No new armor. Bungie would have to make a a title update, a downloaded file to the 360 hard drive, and a file to the disk which is impossible. They can not write to the Halo 3 discs. Al
This is not Halo 4. Bungie will not be making Halo 4. Someone somewhere got screwed in the back and now Microsoft owns the title, so go talk to them about it. This is also not 3.5. It takes place between Halos 2 and 3.
He is holding an SMG. It just isn't the model from Hlao 2 or 3.
See? I told you, I think Shishka told you, but ti may have been lukems or Yoozel. I forget which one.
Any questions, lemme know. My train of thought has been proven to be far off from "normal," whatever the hell that is, so what I stated here may seem convoluted. Just ask, I'll answer.
This was a forum post from a member on They're legit lol.
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