The series should have been rated Teen from the beginning.
Never have and most likely never will get excited over a pre-rendered CGI trailer. It was cool I suppose, but I doubt it accurately portrays how the game will look and play.
lol lems are like 'you jelly bro'. jelly of what? that looked like an atrociously cheesy trailer. This is a real Halo trailer. You don't see chief kong fu punching shit while falling from the sky rofl. Even though the Halo 5 trailer looked like shit, lems have no choice but to praise it, its their first game worth talking about since 2013 afterall.
So if you're a lem you better be hyped, your next half decent exclusive may take three additional years to come out.
lol lems are like 'you jelly bro'. jelly of what? that looked like an atrociously cheesy trailer. This is a real Halo trailer. You don't see chief kong fu punching shit while falling from the sky rofl. Even though the Halo 5 trailer looked like shit, lems have no choice but to praise it, its their first game worth talking about since 2013 afterall.
So if you're a lem you better be hyped, your next half decent exclusive may take three additional years to come out.
Comparing Halo 3's announcement trailer to Halo 5's opening cinematic.
Thats self ownage right there
lol lems are like 'you jelly bro'. jelly of what? that looked like an atrociously cheesy trailer. This is a real Halo trailer. You don't see chief kong fu punching shit while falling from the sky rofl. Even though the Halo 5 trailer looked like shit, lems have no choice but to praise it, its their first game worth talking about since 2013 afterall.
So if you're a lem you better be hyped, your next half decent exclusive may take three additional years to come out.
Comparing Halo 3's announcement trailer to Halo 5's opening cinematic.
Thats self ownage right there
One excellent trailer against a shitty cgi aimed at dudebros. Thanks for delivering the dudebro merchandise 343i.
lol lems are like 'you jelly bro'. jelly of what? that looked like an atrociously cheesy trailer. This is a real Halo trailer. You don't see chief kong fu punching shit while falling from the sky rofl. Even though the Halo 5 trailer looked like shit, lems have no choice but to praise it, its their first game worth talking about since 2013 afterall.
So if you're a lem you better be hyped, your next half decent exclusive may take three additional years to come out.
lol lems are like 'you jelly bro'. jelly of what? that looked like an atrociously cheesy trailer. This is a real Halo trailer. You don't see chief kong fu punching shit while falling from the sky rofl. Even though the Halo 5 trailer looked like shit, lems have no choice but to praise it, its their first game worth talking about since 2013 afterall.
So if you're a lem you better be hyped, your next half decent exclusive may take three additional years to come out.
can you please give a link where to post those pics at? thanks.
Meh. It's CGI trailer and a little too flashy for my tastes. The story doesn't have me very excited at this point, not like the original trilogy.
I am glad to see Buck/Nathan Fillion play a prominent role though.
lol lems are like 'you jelly bro'. jelly of what? that looked like an atrociously cheesy trailer. This is a real Halo trailer. You don't see chief kong fu punching shit while falling from the sky rofl. Even though the Halo 5 trailer looked like shit, lems have no choice but to praise it, its their first game worth talking about since 2013 afterall.
So if you're a lem you better be hyped, your next half decent exclusive may take three additional years to come out.
LMAO. Cows are the most Emotional bunch.
@KingsofQueens: And lems are the Dumb bunch. What's better? Chicks love emotional dudes. No one likes dumb peeps. Emotional>dumb. The end.
@KingsofQueens: And lems are the Dumb bunch. What's better? Chicks love emotional dudes. No one likes dumb peeps. Emotional>dumb. The end.
LOL, your insecurity CLEARLY shows.
@KingsofQueens: And lems are the Dumb bunch. What's better? Chicks love emotional dudes. No one likes dumb peeps. Emotional>dumb. The end.
LOL, your insecurity CLEARLY shows.
lol love this forum
Stupid trailer that looks great with Halo stuff going on. I'm okay with that.
Just deliver on the game guys. It's Halo 5 so therefore it's day one. Don't let us down!
Dude no one is jelly about an exploited
Pray it doesn't flop like last
Your opinion is blindness to me. The Halo 3 is more of a teaser then anything. The Halo 5 really isn't a trailer as it's the opening for the game. It's far, far from being bland and cheesy. Horizon: Zero Dawn is basically Turok for the next generation. It's been done before. Turok was a great game and Horizon should be as well.
Turok is a FPS and is not about robots Horizon is an open world RPG like games like Witcher,so you see dinosaurs and you all of the sudden claim is Turok,see NyaDC this is why you can't have alt accounts,you make such pathetic arguments that it give you away, 20 + years gaming,so call have it all gamer,false claims of being unbiased,hate for Drive Club in all 3 accounts B4X,Blackace and NyaDC,same gift attacks,same tom cruise attack,same meltdowns same meltdowns...hahahahaa
It's the opening to the beginning of the game dumbass. The models are in game. Stay salty stupid troll. LOL!!
I could care what part it is,is a CG which is as boring as it could be,i am sorry that i am not like you who get excited about any crap on xbox
Yeah that is not how they look like on the online portion of the game i saw.
Now considering that i have you quoted saying Horizon is Turok for next gen i say no wonder you post now under NyaDC your arguments are getting stupider by the day.
see NyaDC this is why you can't have alt accounts,you make such pathetic arguments that it give you away, 20 + years gaming,so call have it all gamer,false claims of being unbiased,hate for Drive Club in all 3 accounts B4X,Blackace and NyaDC,same gift attacks,same tom cruise attack,same meltdowns same meltdowns...hahahahaa
None of those people are me, I do have 25+ years gaming, I do pretty much have it all and I don't hate Driveclub.
Get your head out of the sand.
Maybe you missed this during your idiotic rant...
"While I think the game itself is going to be excellent, I don't see that cinematic as a positive reflection of and for the game. It was unrealistic in the context of Halo, it was like watching the Sunset Overdrive trailer with a Halo mask on it, for that game it was great but for Halo this bothers me."
lol lems are like 'you jelly bro'. jelly of what? that looked like an atrociously cheesy trailer. This is a real Halo trailer. You don't see chief kong fu punching shit while falling from the sky rofl. Even though the Halo 5 trailer looked like shit, lems have no choice but to praise it, its their first game worth talking about since 2013 afterall.
So if you're a lem you better be hyped, your next half decent exclusive may take three additional years to come out.
Comparing Halo 3's announcement trailer to Halo 5's opening cinematic.
Thats self ownage right there
One excellent trailer against a shitty cgi aimed at dudebros. Thanks for delivering the dudebro merchandise 343i.
Another jelly Cow. lol!! What else is new. Keep those tears flowing. That so called CGI is in game. Not actually a trailer.
El Tormo and SilverSix_ are having meltdowns. Pretty much what we expected.
lol lems are like 'you jelly bro'. jelly of what? that looked like an atrociously cheesy trailer. This is a real Halo trailer. You don't see chief kong fu punching shit while falling from the sky rofl. Even though the Halo 5 trailer looked like shit, lems have no choice but to praise it, its their first game worth talking about since 2013 afterall.
So if you're a lem you better be hyped, your next half decent exclusive may take three additional years to come out.
Comparing Halo 3's announcement trailer to Halo 5's opening cinematic.
Thats self ownage right there
One excellent trailer against a shitty cgi aimed at dudebros. Thanks for delivering the dudebro merchandise 343i.
Another jelly Cow. lol!! What else is new. Keep those tears flowing. That so called CGI is in game. Not actually a trailer.
El Tormo and SilverSix_ are having meltdowns. Pretty much what we expected.
The only thing melting is lems eyes while playing this 810p masterpiece.
I love how Master Chief makes Sony fans so insecure. Every Halo game they try their hardest to discredit it.
That was an incredibly boring trailer. The way it spiraled into pure stupidity at the end was just... lol.
The cow is strong in this one...
You honestly thought it was "good"?
None of those people are me, I do have 25+ years gaming, I do pretty much have it all and I don't hate Driveclub.
Get your head out of the sand.
Maybe you missed this during your idiotic rant...
"While I think the game itself is going to be excellent, I don't see that cinematic as a positive reflection of and for the game. It was unrealistic in the context of Halo, it was like watching the Sunset Overdrive trailer with a Halo mask on it, for that game it was great but for Halo this bothers me."
Well maybe you added 5 more just recently last time it was over 20 now over 25,in 3 months over 30...haha
And i never say you owned Drive club,i say same hate for Driveclub which you showed in several thread the Driveclub came out in the topic.
Yes is a change in your argument to patheticly try to stir away from your usual posting on the other 2 accounts.
From what i have seen of Horizon zero dawn, it appears to be a rip off of James Camerons Avatar.
Fighting robot dinosaurs with a bow and arrow? can't wait.
Yeah to you who probably have mental problems,in what the fu** Avatar which is based on humans invading another world,has shit to do with a game based on this world after civilization has collapsed and robot like dinosaurs have taken over.?
Yeah if only we all were like you and had that incredible taste you have in games,oh wait you enjoyed and defended fu**ing Ryse which was a piece of shit game.
You taste in gaming suck ass so anything about Horizon you say means nothing. :)
I love how Master Chief makes Sony fans so insecure. Every Halo game they try their hardest to discredit it.
Yeah we are trembling in fear in our rooms.Halo will save the xbox
Lol, calling it now, it will be a story about suppressed people defending their home from a much more technologically advanced civilisation = Avatar.
you are the one with mental problems as anyone here can attest.
I enjoy lots of different games Eltormo, i dont let review scores tell me what i should or shouldn't like.
presently playing Rocksmith and Elite dangerous on My X1. still playing a bit of batman on the PS4.
meanwhile, all you do is play system wars.....what was the last game you actually enjoyed, or even just spoke about on here?
Nothing in common what so ever...
One Avatar take place on another planet,and they are repelling and attack from outside who came to their planet.
In Horizon take place on a post apocalyptic world were few humans humans survive,is not even close to avatar in any way shape or form.
You enjoy crap like Ryse enough
No meanwhile i am playing on PC The witcher 3 ,Project Cars and Mortal Kombat X while i make fun of fanboys like
you are so totally blind that you can't see the parallel between horizon and avatar. whilst it may be set on on the human home planet, its still sticks and stones against steel and bullets. dont be such a clown.
Yes I enjoyed Ryse, i recently visited Rome once again and was keen to play Ryse another time, though I am holding off doing so for now as i am busy enjoying Elite Dangerous.
Hiding behind the PC eh? lol
Witcher 3 = great at first but too long and a very boring after a whileIMO, Project cars = lol,. Forza will be a much better game. and mortal kombat was fun for about 2 hours.
I have yet to see you make fun of anyone on here. 12 years and you are still the number one joke of the forum.
Did humans in avatar evolve from aliens on a post apocalyptic world in that same planet.?
Is Avatar story based on dinosaur robots vs human on a post civilization world.?
You are a true blind fanboy and yes you have mental problems if you think avatar resembles Horizon in any fu**ing way.
Yes i know you like shitty games enough say..
NO i am not hiding behind PC i also own a PS4,i just don't buy multiplatforms any more for PS4 because i don't really like paying for online play,and games perform better on my setup to.
From metacritics Project Cars has a higher score than Forza 5 and it is a great looking game more son than forza will ever be.
So you enjoy MKX for 2 hours when it has 83 on meta,yet you still play crappy Ryse which has 60...hahahaa
Go figure...hahahaaaaaaaaaaaa
That was an incredibly boring trailer. The way it spiraled into pure stupidity at the end was just... lol.
The cow is strong in this one...
You honestly thought it was "good"?
Me, any everyone who isn't a rabid cow fanboy.
Dude no one is jelly about an exploited
Pray it doesn't flop like last
Your opinion is blindness to me. The Halo 3 is more of a teaser then anything. The Halo 5 really isn't a trailer as it's the opening for the game. It's far, far from being bland and cheesy. Horizon: Zero Dawn is basically Turok for the next generation. It's been done before. Turok was a great game and Horizon should be as well.
Turok is a FPS and is not about robots Horizon is an open world RPG like games like Witcher,so you see dinosaurs and you all of the sudden claim is Turok,see NyaDC this is why you can't have alt accounts,you make such pathetic arguments that it give you away, 20 + years gaming,so call have it all gamer,false claims of being unbiased,hate for Drive Club in all 3 accounts B4X,Blackace and NyaDC,same gift attacks,same tom cruise attack,same meltdowns same meltdowns...hahahahaa
It's the opening to the beginning of the game dumbass. The models are in game. Stay salty stupid troll. LOL!!
I could care what part it is,is a CG which is as boring as it could be,i am sorry that i am not like you who get excited about any crap on xbox
Yeah that is not how they look like on the online portion of the game i saw.
Now considering that i have you quoted saying Horizon is Turok for next gen i say no wonder you post now under NyaDC your arguments are getting stupider by the day.
Really? Because I seem to remember someone named "Tormentos" as well as other cow fanboys doing a collective circle-jerk to at an Uncharted 4 CGI trailer a while back.
Really? Because I seem to remember someone named "Tormentos" as well as other cow fanboys doing a collective circle-jerk to at an Uncharted 4 CGI trailer a while back.
What uncharted 4 CGI trailer.?
All i have seen of uncharted 4 has been gameplay or in engine,not CGI at all in fact Uncharted 4 i don't think has those..hahahaha
Really? Because I seem to remember someone named "Tormentos" as well as other cow fanboys doing a collective circle-jerk to at an Uncharted 4 CGI trailer a while back.
What uncharted 4 CGI trailer.?
All i have seen of uncharted 4 has been gameplay or in engine,not CGI at all in fact Uncharted 4 i don't think has those..hahahaha
IDK, this?
IDK, this?
That wasn't a CGI it was in engine and capture from a PS4...hahahahaaa
They (Naughty Dog’s Studio Coordinator Rodney Reece and Lead FX Artist Keith Guerrette) confirmed to us that the Uncharted 4 trailer showcased during Sony’s E3 2014 press conference was a part of an actual level in game. Secondly, they also confirmed that the entire trailer was running in real time on the PlayStation 4 and it was all in-engine.
So no it wasn't a CGI at all.
That was an incredibly boring trailer. The way it spiraled into pure stupidity at the end was just... lol.
The cow is strong in this one...
You honestly thought it was "good"?
Me, any everyone who isn't a rabid cow fanboy.
Sorry to hear that. Wouldn't want to know what you find bad then.
I don't know man, I don't think Halo 5 will do very well. I wasn't impressed from what I played and seen so far. Maybe once everything comes together, I'll get a better experience. But right now I'm just not getting hype for this.
shut up. Its the only X1 exclusive worth mentioning in a very long time. it must be good, has to be good.
Me, any everyone who isn't a rabid cow fanboy.
Sorry to hear that. Wouldn't want to know what you find bad then.
They have such a bad year that they find anything exiting and good,no matter if it is a boring CG with lots of moves that you will never pull in game and on a tempo far faster than the game will be as well.
Me, any everyone who isn't a rabid cow fanboy.
Sorry to hear that. Wouldn't want to know what you find bad then.
They have such a bad year that they find anything exiting and good,no matter if it is a boring CG with lots of moves that you will never pull in game and on a tempo far faster than the game will be as well.
There is no need to be upset Tomato. Save your butthurt for when Halo 5 actually releases
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